

Designing and Accomplishment of Antenna Monitoring and Controlling Unit in Spaceborne SAR

【作者】 王爱明

【导师】 潘建寿; 杨玉林;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 无线电电子学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合我国正在研制的首颗高分辨率星载L波2段合成孔径雷达(SAR,Synthetic Aperture Radar),针对SAR天线波束指向的监测和控制,首先阐述了SAR基本原理、相控阵列天线原理、T/R(Transmit/Receive)组件移相器和电调衰减器的工作原理,然后给出了天线监测控制单元的高可靠性设计实现方法,接着讲述了监控计算机硬件和软件设计,最后对两个关键电路进行了仿真分析。在星载SAR天线监控单元的设计中,充分体现了航天产品的高可靠性要求。采用的双机冷备份冗余技术、长线采用差分驱动、半导体器件选用抗辐射加固产品、软件的容错设计、可靠性分配与计算、电磁兼容性设计等设计方案都有效地提高了整个系统的可靠性。星载SAR是多种电子设备所构成的一个整体,每个单元和模块的功能都应相对单一,应尽量减少各模块间的互连线,减轻重量,减小体积,降低功耗;在进行系统功能设计的同时进行可靠性预测、计算和分配,避免薄弱环节;进行电磁兼容性设计使系统能够在两年时间内可靠地运行。

【Abstract】 With the first high resolution spaceborne SAR( Synthetic Aperture Radar) being explored in China,this paper focuses on the monitoring and controlling of SAR antenna’s beam-steering.First,the paper expounds the working principle of a SAR、a phased array antenna and phase shifters of T/R modules.Then,it presents the method of designing and accomplishment of Antenna Monitor and Control Unit(AMCU) with high reliability.Next,the designing of hardware and software <WP=4>used in Monitor and Control Computer(MCC) are being discussed.Last,the paper presents the simulating and analyzing of two key circuits .High reliability is deadly request in the designing of products used in space environment.When we design AMCU of spaceborne SAR,we employ certain techniques to provide increased reliability and stability.Such as inactive double redundant reserve technique,differential line driver been used in long line transmission,radiation hardened semiconductors been selected,the software used in Monitor and Control Computer (MCU) have a capacity of false toleration,distributing and calculating of reliability,and design of electromagnetism compatibility.Spaceborne SAR is a integer system of many electronic equipment.The function of units and modules should been simplified.The cable between modules should be the least.The weight should be the lightest.The cubage should be the smallest.And the power dissipation should be the lowest.In order to avoid weakness points,we should forecast,calculate,and distribute the reliability at the same time when designing functions of the system.To design the system with thinking of electromagnetism compatibility. All these should be done to ensure the system running reliably within two years.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TN958
  • 【下载频次】213

