

【作者】 邱智

【导师】 袁远福;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,以Internet 为核心的信息技术革命正在到来,计算机技术也从“客户机/服务器”时代,发展到如今以网络应用为核心的“网络无所不在的时代”,信息技术的发展不单纯是技术上的进步,它必将带来整个社会行为模式的转变。处于信息技术发展浪潮中的银行业同样将经受不断的挑战,从而使自身功能不断创新。在这种情况下,银行开展网上银行业务是必然的选择,未来的数年内也将迎来网上银行业务发展的黄金时期。在国际上,伴随着互联网技术的诞生,网上银行率先在美国应运而生。尽管网上银行诞生至今只有短短6年时间,但在数目、资产和客户规模方面都取得了爆炸性增长。据美国联邦存款保险公司统计,93年至99年间,美国传统银行的资产年增长率为8%,而同期美国网上银行的资产年递增率达53%。美国目前资产最大的网上银行Telebanc的资产总值由93年的2.2亿美元发展到99年的32亿美元,存款增长了14倍。从上述情况看来,国外网上银行业务已进入相对稳定的发展阶段;而在国内网上银行业务才刚刚起步,在这种情况下,研究西方商业银行网上银行业务的相关问题,分析西方商业银行网上银行业务的技术解决方案,以及采用的网上银行发展模式,可以为我国商业银行开展网上银行业务提供有益的参考和借鉴,对于探讨我国商业银行的网上银行业务的发展策略有着不同寻常的意义,这也正是本文的出发点及主要目的。文章在对西方商业银行开展网上银行业务的动因、现状及发展模式进行分析的基础上,针对我国商业银行开展网上银行业务的现状和存在的问题,提出了我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的技术、网上营销、客户关系管理和安全等方面的有关策略。在研究方法上,文章在论述过程中主要运用了市场营销、经济学以及管理学上的一些理论工具。全文共分六章:第一章为“西方商业银行网上银行业务的发展”,主要介绍了西方商业银行开展网上银行业务的动因及现状,总结出西方商业银行网上银行的发展对我国的启示。第二章为“我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的紧迫性,现状和问<WP=3>题”,文章首先论述了我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的紧迫性;其次对我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的现状进行了调查研究;最后对我国商业银行发展网上银行业务进行了SWOT 分析。第三章为“我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的技术策略”,文章在对我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的面临的主要技术问题进行分析的基础上,提出了我国商业银行实现网上银行业务的技术方案对策:在技术标准上应具有战略性眼光,不仅要建成全国统一的支付网关和安全认证中心,而且要努力和国际标准接轨;现有系统要充分利用;要注重系统增加新应用、新功能的扩展能力;注重系统处理能力的可扩展性以及系统实时可用性。第四章为“我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的网上营销策略”,文章在介绍网上银行网上营销特征的基础上,提出了网上银行网上营销的应侧重于树立银行形象、提高知名度和提供周到的网上服务;网上银行定制服务策略;网上银行网上营销应强调银行与客户的互动性;网上银行虚拟社区营造等策略。第五章为“我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的客户关系管理策略”,文章论述了网上银行进行客户关系管理(CRM)的重要意义,建议网上银行客户关系管理(CRM)分四个阶段实施:识别客户;对客户进行差异分析;与客户保持良好接触;定制化服务以满足每个客户的需要。 第六章为“我国商业银行发展网上银行业务的安全策略”文章在分析商业银行网上银行业务主要风险的基础上,提出可以从技术和金融监管两方面来防范网上银行业务的风险。技术上,可采用身份鉴别机制;访问控制机制;数据加密机制;数据完整性机制;数字签名机制;防重发机制;审计机制。金融监管上,应将网上银行业务正式列入金融机构管理序列,建立专门的网上银行准入制度;完善现行法律,补充对网上银行业务适用的法律条文;结合网上银行业务的特点,完善现行金融监管办法;加强国际间的网上银行监管合作;加强金融监管人员的计算机培训,提高监管人员的计算机管理水平。

【Abstract】 Information technical innovation centering on Internet is coming today. From Client/Server Age to today’s Network in Anywhere Age centering on network application, computer technology has developed. The information technical development results in not only the technical advance but also the change of social behavior mode. Bank industry faces many challenges. It is necessary to get bank service going on Internet. Golden age of Internet bank service will come in recent years.Following the Internet technical nuisance, Internet bank emerged first in America. Although it is only 6 years, the explosive increase has appeared in amount, asset and customer scale. According to the statistic data from American Federal Deposit Insurance Company, tradition banks in America had 8% annual growth rate in asset, and Internet banks reached 53% from 1993 to 1999. The total asset of Telebanc, the Internet bank with biggest asset in America, had increased from 220 $ millions in 93 to 3.2 $ billions in 99, and its deposit had increased 14 times. From above mentioned, Internet bank services have entered constant development phase abroad but just madea start in China. In this paper, Internet bank services of the West commercial banks are researched and analyzed on its relative problems, technical solution, online marketing strategy and development mode. It can use for reference to make out development strategy of our Internet bank service.Based on analysis of development reason, state, mode and strategy of Internet bank services in the West nations, the strategies of technology, customer relationship management and safety are proposed to develop Internet bank service in China aiming at our state and problems. Examples are analyzed using some theoretical analysis tools in marketing, economics and management science to make analysis results incorporated with our practical situation and suitable for application.This paper includes 6 chapters:Chapter 1 "Development of Internet bank Services in West commercial banks ": introduces the development reason and state of Internet bank service in commercial banks of the West nations, and sum up the inspiration that their development has given us.Chapter 2 "Necessity, state and problems in developing Internet bank service in China": The necessary of developing Internet bank service in China is discussed at first. Then the investigation and research are performed on our development state. At last, <WP=5>SWOT analysis is performed on how to get Internet bank service going in Chinese commercial bank.Chapter 3 "Technical Option": technical option on how to develop Internet bank service in Chinese commercial bank is concluded. Strategic consideration shall be given to technical standards to set up unified payment gateway and safety authentication center and try to close together with international standards. Existing system shall be used adequately. Pay attention to system expandable capability increasing new applications and new functions, system process function expandability and system real time availability.Chapter 4 "Online Marketing Strategy": based on introduction of online marketing features, holds up the online marketing strategy emphasized on bank appearance, popularity and satisfactory service. Internet bank shall make up service strategy, marketing strategy emphasized on interaction between bank and customer, community building strategy and so on.Chapter 5 "Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Strategy": discusses the important meaning of Internet bank CRM and advise to divide CRM implementation into 4 phases: customer identification, customer variation analysis, keeping contact with customer, customization service to meet every customer group requirement. Chapter 6 "Safety Strategy ": based on analysis some possible risks in developing Internet bank service in commercial bank, technologies and financial monitor and management can be used to keep risks away. Some technical mechanisms can be used such as identity distinguishing, access control, data encryption, dat

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1301

