

【作者】 周丽华

【导师】 何干强;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要探索当代大学生思想政治教育中的思维方法导向。思维方法导向是尊重教育对象自身认识活动规律,引导和培养教育对象进行科学思维的一种基本的思想政治教育实践方法。对具备一定理论思维能力、主体性日益凸现的当代大学生进行思想政治教育,一定要重视思维方法导向。尤其是在现阶段,社会主义市场经济处在逐步建立和完善的过程中,社会经济管理体制尚未完善,现代西方思潮趁中国经济国际化的机会汹涌而来,如不引导大学生确立自觉的科学辨证的思维方法,就难以使当代大学生树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,成为社会主义现代化建设的接班人和建设者。本文共分为四个部分。第一部分通过对思维方法、思维方法导向的涵义以及思维方法导向在思想政治教育史上地位的阐述,揭示思维方法导向的基本特征和重要意义;指出思维方法导向是深层次的思想政治教育。第二部分论述社会发展的新情况对大学生思维方法的影响,着重分析社会主义市场经济和现代西方资产阶级思潮对大学生思维方法的影响。第三部分针对社会发展的新情况,论述重视大学生思维方法导向的迫切性和必要性。第四部分阐明如何把思维方法导向贯彻到对大学生的思想政治教育实践中去。

【Abstract】 This paper explores the guidance of thinking methods in the ideological and political education to the university students of present age.Valuing the law of the cognition course of the education objective, the guidance of thinking methods is a kind of basic practical method in the ideological and political education,which guides and trains the education objective to think scientifically.The guidance of thinking methods must be emphasized in the ideological and political education to the university students of present age who have reached a definite level in rational thinking and projects their subjectivity day by day.Especially in present period,when the socialist market economy is setting up and the management system of the social economy hasn’t been very well equipped,the modern west thoughts rush to China by the chance of our economic internationalizing.If the university students aren’t guided to set up conscious,scietifical and dialectical thinking,they’ll have more difficult in building their right outlook on life,value and the world,which impedes them to be qualified successors and workers for the socialist modernizing.This paper has four parts.The first part reveals the basic features and important sense of the guidance of thinking methods by narrating the meaning of thinking methods,guidance of thinking methods and the guidance of thinking methods’ important status in our party’s history of ideological and political education.This part points out that the guidance of thinking methods is a deeper ideological and political education method than others.Then the second part discusses the effects that the new situation of social development affects the university students’ thinking methods.It emphasizes on the effects that the socialiat market economy and the modern bourgoeis thoughts bring to the university students’ thinking methods.The third part discusses the importance of the guidance of thinking methods to the students,due to the new situation of social development.Finally,the fourth part points out how to practice the guidance of thinking methods in the ideological and political education of the university students.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】258

