

Design and Implementation of Public Transport Administration System

【作者】 雷莹

【导师】 张辉;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文提出了一种基于先进的CDMA数字移动通信技术及开放式信息处理技术,对公交车辆运行状况进行实时监控和管理的新型公交运营管理系统。跟现今市场上的普遍产品相比,该系统具有组网灵活、实现简单、低成本等特点。本文详细介绍了该系统的基本工作原理和具体实现方案,并完成了系统测试。 通过实地测试,我们不仅验证了系统设计方案的可行性,同时还针对其中出现的问题,进行了反复论证并提出了改进方案。该系统即将在不久的将来投入到实际的运作中。

【Abstract】 This paper put forward a new solution to the public transport administration system . which can realize the real-time monitor and control of running bus, and this solution is based on the advanced CDMA communication tech. and open-information management system tech. Compared with the general devices in the current market, the system is characteristic by its flexible network frame, simple realization and low-cost. This paper introduce the base principle and implementary scheme in detail, as well as the testing .for this system.Through the test on the spot, we not- only validate usefulness of this design, but also bring forward ameliorative schemes based on existing problems. The system will be put in use before long.

【关键词】 CDMA软扩频交织CRC校验GOLD码
【Key words】 CDMASoft Spread SpectrumInterweaveCRCGOLD code
  • 【分类号】TP315

