

On the Main Features of "New College English

【作者】 江元

【导师】 李国芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 多年来,人们已普遍认为外语教学的最终目标是使学生获得外语交际能力;并一直在寻求一套行之有效的教学方法来培养学生的交际能力。然而,以语言知识传授,以教师为中心的传统教学模式过分强调语言知识的掌握而忽略了语言交际能力的培养,而交际能力的培养则正是外语教学的最终目标。显而易见,强调以语法为中心的教学大纲将交际能力的培养作为副产品。教材在很大程度上决定着大学英语的教学方法模式。以语言知识传授为中心的结构主义教材势必造成满堂灌的教学模式。因此,要改革教学方法必须是先要改革教材体系。 自20世纪40年代以来,国内外关于如何实施有效外语教学的理论层出不穷,大学英语教学的理论与实践取得了长足的进步。近十几年来,大学英语教学的中心由以教师为中心、语言知识传授为中心的教学模式转向以学生为中心、交际为核心的教学模式的声浪日高,然而以语言知识为中心的结构主义教材很难改变灌输式课堂教学模式。因此,当务之急是改革现有的大学英语教材及其体例。改革应以交际法为基本进路,以培养学生的交际能力为中心。从而满足信息社会、高科技时代以及21世纪社会对专业人才外语的需求。大学英语教师应摒弃传统的教学模式,更新教学观点,转变职能,最大限度地调动学生的积极性及潜能,使他们既掌握语言知识又具有在社会环境中运用语言交流信息的能力。教学应坚持以学生为中心的双向多维交流的教学模式。 本文依据当代外语教学的相关理论,探讨浙江大学编写的《新编大学英语》的主要特点。《新编大学英语》主要特点之一是体现了以学生为中心的教学理念。外语学习的首要任务是学生的“学”而不是教师的“教”,是教师适应学生而不是学生适应教师。以学生为中心意味着学生应当为自己的学习负责,但学生的兴趣和需求,无论是知识上的还是能力上的,智力上的还是情感上的,都应当得到尊重和满足。惟有如此,外语学习的积极性和主动性才能得以持久,较高外语水平的学业才可能获得。 《新编大学英语》的第二特点是教材素材的选择和教学内容的组织。该教材精心选取了与学生真实生活息息相关的主题,富有趣味性,知识性、时代性。该教材采用单元制,每一单元以一个主题为中心设计教学内容,无论听力材料还是阅读材料,无论课内的还是课外的都围绕同一主题。这种围绕同一主题开展多种活动的巧妙设计,有利于学生多种语言技能的培养和获得。 《新编大学英语》的第三个特点是注重听说读写四项技能的综合培养。注重两项或两项以上技能的结合训练,使语言活动尽可能接近真实生活中的语言运用,有利于语言能力和交际能力的培养和提高。大量多样的语言活动也有利于语言知识由短期记忆到长期记忆的转移。 第四个特点是教师作用的改变。以学生为中心绝不意味着对教师作用的抹杀或贬低,相反,教师的作用更重要了。教师要适应学生的需求和不断变化的课堂环境,要调动学生的积极性,要有效地组织课堂活动,及时发现学生的困难,为他们排忧解难。教师起着组织者、管理者、鼓励者、合作者、解惑者的作用。 总之,以学生为中心的主题教学模式的英语教学路子诞生了一套生动有趣,注重学生需求的好教材,同时产生了用以齐头并进地培养学生的语言能力和交际能力的教学方法。

【Abstract】 For many years, we have reached a consensus that the ultimate goal for English language teaching is to train the student to obtain the communicative competence. A good and effective method of teaching has always been pursued by foreign language teachers. However, the language-based, and teacher-centered traditional teaching pattern pays more attention to the development of the linguistic competence which is not the ultimate goal of language teaching. That is to say, the traditional teaching pattern overemphasized the language form and accuracy with little concern about the communicative functions. Obviously, the object in a grammatical syllabus is to cover the syllabus with communication as a by-product. The textbook determines to a great degree the teaching methods and class models of college English. The language-based structural textbooks will absolutely result in the "cramming" pattern of teaching. Therefore, the reform in the teaching method is mainly dependent on the innovation in teaching materials.Since 1940s, theories on how to approach effective language teaching have emerged one after another both at home and aboard. Tremendous progress has been made both in the theories and practice in college English teaching (GET). In the recent ten years, the focus that tends to be changed from form-based and teacher-centered teaching pattern to communication-based and student-centered teaching mode has become popular and welcomed. However, it will unavoidably result in the "cramming" method of teaching if we continue to employ the traditional structure-based teaching material. Therefore, it is necessary for us to reconstruct the college English textbook series and develop a new format. The reconstruction should take for its basic line of inquiry the fundamental concepts and principles of communicative competence in the student. This has become an urgent and ultimate goal for both college English teachers and the non-English majors in order to meet the needs of professionals with high proficiency in the 21st century. Furthermore, college English teachers have to reject the traditional roles in the classroom. We, college English teachers, therefore, will do everything possible to dig out the potentials of the students, to arouse their interests and to equip them not only with linguistic competence but also with the communicativecompetence both in the classroom and social environment. What’s more, our teaching objectives and goals are realized through a two-way multidimensional communicative mode of teaching initiated by the student-centered principle.In this paper, the author tries to explore some effective ways to help non-English majors to learn English effectively in GET classroom on the basis of relevant theories on foreign language learning and teaching by analyzing the major features of New College English compiled by Zhejiang University. The paper discusses some principles of the Learner-Centered Topic-Based Mode, a brand-new classroom teaching model. The first one of the main features New College English embodies is the concept of student-centeredness that the first important task of foreign language learning is that teachers can help, advise and teach, but only students can learn. This indicates that, on the one hand, students have to take responsibility for their own learning through a lengthy and effortful process, and that, on the other hand, their needs and interests in language knowledge and use, in their personal emotion and intelligence have to be fully concerned about, so that the motivation to learn can be strengthened, and thus a high degree of success in foreign language learning is likely to be achieved.The second one is the selection and organization of the instructional materials. New College English, a series of textbooks, including four student books used in the classroom and four books of listening practice for autonomous learning after class. New College English includes a variety of well-chosen topics which are closely bound up with the real life of the students. Each unit

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】198

