

【作者】 郭修全

【导师】 周燕飞;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 企业要在日益激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,采用ERP/MRPII是必然趋势。物料需求计划(Material Requirement Planning,简称MRP)系统就是这样一种以计算机为基础的现代化的生产管理手段一个重要组成部分。从MRP管理思想诞生至今已经有许多的MRP软件系统问世,这其中既有国外也有国内的。随着企业竞争环境和生产模式的变化,要求MRP软件系统要有良好的可维护性、开放性、可伸缩性、通用性和快速的响应能力。MRP系统可维护性要求当需求变动时MRP系统能以最低的代价满足需求的变化:MRP系统的开放性和可伸缩性要求MRP系统客户端的维护和服务器端的维护非常方便并能满足异构系统的集成;MRP系统的通用性要求MRP系统能做到对多种常见生产方式的控制。本文的研究内容是使MRP系统满足上述要求的实现技术及原型系统的实现。 本文从MRP系统的建模、MRP系统的体系结构和MRP系统的实现三个方面来讨论如何使MPR系统满足上述要求。在系统建模方面,系统采用UML对MRP系统进行面向对象的建模,将信息和处理信息的功能组合起来,将其封装成对象,系统中的任何改变都可以在这些对象中完成,使系统有良好的可维护性;在系统体系结构方面,MRP系统采用三层C/S结构和多层B/S结构的分布式计算模式,将应用的逻辑放在中间层的应用服务器上避免了客户端和数据库之间的大量的数据交互,使系统有快速的响应能力、开放性和满足集团化企业的要求;在系统实现方面,MRP系统中引入了组件技术,使系统功能封装到组件中且组件的粒度大小适中,这样就可以根据企业的需要卸载或者分发组件到应用服务器上,使MRP系统有良好的柔性和可重构性。另外MRP系统在保留传统生产控制方法(加工单和日产量)的同时吸收了JIT生产哲理的精华,引入了JIT/KANBAN生产控制方法,做到了对多种生产控制方法的支持。 通过研究,本文提出了有效且可行的技术,解决现有MRP系统不足,利用这些技术开发的MRP系统具有良好的可维护性、开放性、可伸缩性和快速的响应能力并能做到对企业中常见生产方式的控制。

【Abstract】 To win in intense competition for enterprise, using ERP/MRPII is a necessary trend. Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is such kind of product management method based on computer technology. From the birth of MRP idea to now, many MRP systems have been developed, including abroad and domestic. But with the change of competition environment and development of production method, MRP system is required to have good maintenance.openness.scalable.currency and rapid response. Maintenance is required to meet the change with minimum expense. Openness is required MRP system to integrate with other MRP system easily. Currency is required MRP system to support all kinds of production methods. This paper researches this technology, which makes MRP system to meet all above requirements.This paper discusses how to meet above requirements from three aspects : modeling of MRP system,architecture of MRP system and development of MRP system. This MRP system is modeled with UML (Unified Modeling Language), in which the information and function is packed in objects. Because this MRP system can be modified rapidly in objects, it has good maintenance. This MRP system also uses distributed architecture. The logic part of program is deployed in the application server, which makes the MRP system have rapid response.openness and meet the requirement of group corporation. In the development of MRP system, the component technology is used. Because the function part is packed in components, which can be uninstalled or given away on basis of the requirement of corporation, this MRP system have good configuration. In addition, this MRP system absorbs the idea of JIT (Just In Time) and uses the JIT/KANBAN production method to support repetitive manufacturing.Through research, this paper puts forward valid technology to solve the problems of MRP system, and makes the new system to meet those requirements: good maintenance,openness,scalable.rapid response and the support of all kinds of production method.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】396

