

【作者】 张玉玲

【导师】 周根然;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文属国防科工委资助的《企业教育与培训管理质量有效性研究》课题的研究成果之一。它力求形成现代企业员工教育与培训开发的指导性的理论研究文本。文章前言部分主要阐明课题的研究背景;主体分为四个主要部分,按照ISO10015的体系要求并结合我国企业的实际详细阐明了“培训需求控制→培训计划制定→培训计划实施和控制→培训效果评估”等现代企业员工教育与培训开发的四个阶段的主要工作,对每一阶段每一步骤的工作都做了详细的、规范性的论述,为向企业界推广ISO10015标准认证做了明确的指导;文章最后结合实际及企业的未来发展趋势,对企业的培训开发工作进行了总结与趋势展望。

【Abstract】 This article is the outcome of the "effectiveness study of enterprise management education and train" program financed by the National Commission of Defensive Science and Technology. It focuses on the forrriation of a theory guidebook on the modem education and train of enterprise staff members. In the preface, the research background was illustrated. According to the ISO 10015 System and our enterprisi current situation, the main work that should be done in the four steps of the modem enterprise staff education and train was discussed in detail, offering clear guidance for the application of ISO 10015 in enterprises. At the end of the article, a summarization and forecast of the enterprise staff train are made in the light of the practice and the developing trend of the enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】640

