

Studies on Maturation and Fertilization in Vitro of the Porcine Ovarian Oocytes

【作者】 唐红星

【导师】 薛立群;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究利用屠宰场采集的母猪卵巢,用机械法从卵巢表面直径为3~6mm的卵泡中分离紧密包裹三层以上卵丘细胞的卵丘—卵母细胞复合体(COC),用于猪卵巢卵母钼胞体外成熟、体外受精及早期胚胎(体外受精卵)体外培养的研究。主要结果如下: 1.卵母细胞的体外成熟 采用微滴培养,卵丘—卵母细胞复合体体外培养42~44h后(38.8℃,5%CaO2,100%相对湿度),卵丘细胞扩展,部分卵母细胞排出第一极体。mTCM199+15%NCS(v/v)和NCSU23+10%PFF(v/v)为基础培养液用于卵母细胞体外成熟培养,在添加15iu/ml的PMSG和HCG时,卵母细胞体外培养成熟率分别为41.2±3.98%和38.28±4.02%;在添加20iu/mlPMSG和HCG时,卵母细胞体外培养成熟率为44.8±5.34%和39.12±1.25%,在添加相同浓度的激素时mTCM199+5%NCS(v/v)和NCSU23+10%PFF(v/v)对卵母细胞成熟率的影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。mTCM199+15iu/ml PMSG—15iu/ml HCG添加浓度为0,10%,15%,20%的血清(NCS)体外培养卵母细胞,卵母细胞成熟率分别为0,37.78±1.92%,43.33±2.72%,43.33±3.85%,添加组与不添加组之间差异极显著(P<0.01):添加10%与20%组之间差异显著(P<0.05);添加15%与20%组之间差异不显著(P>0.05);添加10%与15%组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。在mTCM199+15%NCS(v/v)中共同添加0iu/ml、10iu/ml、15iu/ml、20iu/ml的相同剂量PMSG和HCG进行体外培养时,卵母细胞的成熟率分别为0,35.56±1.92%,41.2±3.98%,46.27±7.36%,添加组与未添加组之间差异极显著(P<0.01),添加15iu/ml组与20iu/ml组之间的差异不显著(P>0.05),添加15iu/ml组与添加10iu/ml组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),添加20iu/ml组与添加10iu/ml组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。添加一定浓度的血清、激素有利于提高卵母细胞体外成熟率。 2.体外受精 将鲜精(或常温保存精液)在mTBM+100ug/ml肝素中运用“上游法”获能40~60min,然后将获能看的精子与成熟卵母细胞在mTBM-50 u g/。1肝素中共孵育6h (3.4aC,5%CO。,100%相对湿度)。受精后 24~28h有部 分受精卵排出第二极体,部分受精卵发生卵裂,总卵裂率为盯.9弧(“~50h观 察统计)。 3.早期胚胎的体外培养 体外受精后,三种培养体系被用于受精卵 的体外培养:1.TCM199+15%NCS,11.输卵管上皮细胞+TCM199+15%NCS共培养系 统,fll.颗粒/卵丘细胞+TCM199+15%\CS共培养系统,培养条件为38.S”C, 5 % CO。,100%相对湿度。三种培养体系中早期胚胎发育率分别为 38.49士6.59%;37.19IS.19%,37.85土4.25%(48~50h观察统计),三种培养体系 对早期胚胎发育率的影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。在1中,胚胎发育到4细胞后便 不再向前发育,在*和*中,部分胚胎能越过 4细胞期发育到 8~16细胞期及至 桑檀胚期。桑堪胚发育率分别为(,12.84土6.04%,4.76土6.73%),11组与1组 间差异极显著中<O.N),H组与*I组间差异显著沪<O.“),HI组与I组间无显 著差异(P>0.05). 总之,在本实验条件下,猪卵巢卵母细胞在体外条件下能够发育成熟,成熟 卵母细胞与体外获能的精子能进行体外受精发生卵裂,发育成胚胎;通过共培养 体系培养,早期胚胎能突破4细胞发育阻滞,发育到桑堪胚。

【Abstract】 Porcine ovaries were obtained from Changsha Wulipai abattoir.Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) with more than three layer’ s compact cumulu cells were mechanically isolate& from 3~-6 mm sized ovarian surface follicles. The COC were cultured in vitro to study the porcine ovarian oocyte’ s in vitro maturation (IVM), in vitro fertilization (lyE) and in vitro culture (IVC) of the early embryos. The results were presented as follows:1.Oocyte’ s in vitro maturation In the experiment, COCs were cultured in 300 microliters droplets (38. 8~C, 5%C02, 100% humidity). After cultured 42-44h, the cumulu cells expansion, some oocytes extrusion the first polar body (PBI). mTCM199-’-lO%NCS(v/v) and NCSU23-4-l0%PFF(v/v) were used to study their effects on oocyte’ s IVM. The results show that, when supplemented with l5iu/ml PMSG and HCG the maturation rate were 41.2±3.%98 and 38.28±4.02% (P>0.03); When supplemented with 2Oiu/ml PMSG and HCG the maturation rate were 44. 8±5. 34% and 39. 12±l.25%(P>0. 05). When supplemented 0, 10%, 13%, 20%(v/v) NCS(New-born cattle serum) into mTCM199-15iu1"ml PMSG--lSiu ml HCG, the maturation rates were 0,37.78±1.92%, 43. 33±2.72% 43 33±3.85%, maturation rates were remarkbabiy different (P<0.0l) between the groups with lO%-----20%(vlv) serum and the group without supplemented serum, the difference of the maturation rate among 10% and 20% or 15% and 10% were significant (P<0. 05), the difference of the maturation rate among 15% and 20% was not significant (P>0. 05) . When supplemented 0, lOiu/ml, lSiu/ml, 2Oiu/ml PMSG and L-JCG into mTCM199~-l5%NCS, the maturation rates were 0, 35.56±1.92%, 41.2±3.98%, 46.27±7 36% the maturation rates between 0 (group) and l0iui’mb- 20iu11m1 (groups) were remarklablv different (P<0. 01); between l5iu/ml and 2Oiu ml or lSiu,"’mi and lOiu/ml were not significantly differen? (p>O.OS> between 2Oiu"ml (group) and lOiu/ml (group) were3significant different(p<0. 05). The results showed that add serum~ PMSG and HCG can improve oocyte’ s maturation rate in vitro.2.In vitro fertilization Fresh sperm were capacitated in medium mTBM+100 ~ g/ml Heparin with the "swim-up" method. After capacitated 40- 60 mm. the sperm and the maturation oocytes were incubated in mTBM+50 ii g/ml Heparin (39. 40C, 5%C02, 100% humidity) for Gb. After 24’-28h some fertifized eggs extrusion the second polar body (PB II) and some fertilized eggs were clevaged. The clevage rate was 37. 95%(48-50h).3.Early embryo’ s in vitro culture After in vitro fertilization, the fertilized eggs were cultured in three systems. I .TCM199+l5%NCS, II. Porcine oviduct epithelial cell monolayer (POEC)+TCM199-r15%NCS, III. granule/cumulus cell monolayer(G/C>TCM199+l5%NCS. The culture condition was 38. 80C, 5%C02, 100% humidity. Their development rates were 38. 49±6. 59% 37 19±5.19%,37.85±4.25%(48 -~ 50h), there were no significant different (P>0. 05) between them. In group I, the embryos were blocked at 4 cell stage, in group II and Ill some embryos can surmount 4 cell stage block and developed to 8-~l6 cell stage and morula. The morula rates were 0 12 84± 6. 04%, 4. 76 ±6. 73%. The difference of the morula rates among group II and I was remarkably (P<O. 01), among group II and III were significant (P<0.0l), among III and I were not signicficant (P>0.05).In sumftiary, under the present culture conditions, the porcine ovarian oocvtes can matured in vitro, fertilized in vitro and developed to early embryos. When the early embryos co-cultured with monolayer porcine oviduct epithelial cells or granual/cumulus cells some of them can surmount the 4 cell stage block and developed to morula

【关键词】 卵母细胞体外成熟体外受精早期胚胎体外培养共培养
【Key words】 porcineoocyteIVMIVFIVCco-culture
  • 【分类号】S828.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】209

