

Systematical Analysis on PE Teaching Evaluation and Design of Intellectual Evaluation System

【作者】 黄大海

【导师】 孙庆祝; 孙晋海;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 体育教学评价论是一门既具有社会科学属性,又具有自然科学属性的边缘学科或交叉学科。它既是教学评价论的一个组成部分又是学校体育学的组成部分,同时还是评价论的一门派生学科。 体育教学评价论的研究对象就其范围而言,有宏观与微观的体育教学评价之分。宏观的体育教学评价是指研究体育活动中所有与教学活动有关的评价问题;微观的体育教学评价则局限于学校内部的体育教学评价问题。我们通常所说的体育教学评价是指微观的体育教学评价。 微观意义上的体育教学评价,其含义又有广义与狭义之分。广义的体育教学评价是指对影响体育教学活动的所有因素的评价。它既包括对体育课的评价,又包括对教师、学生、教材等的评价。而狭义的体育教学评价则一般是指对体育课的评价。 素质教育作为一种教育观念,同样具有明显的价值趋向,它代表了教育改革的方向。而评价是一种价值判断的过程,所以新时期的体育教学评价应根据素质教育的目标、标准,确定科学的评价标准和内容框架。 近几年,由于可持续发展理论研究的不断深入,可持续发展的思想已延伸到教育、体育等领域,体育教学呈现了新的发展态势和特征,所以我们进行体育教学评价时,除了借助已有的评价标准外,还要从可持续发展的高度进行评价,从整体性、素质性、发展性、动态性等素质教育的观念出发,建立整体优化、科学正确的评价体系与评价方法。 现代教学评价的思想传入我国只有二十多年的历史,所以体育教学评价的发展只是处于萌发阶段。由于各方面的原因,目前的研究主要存在以下问题:①研究中对课堂教学质量和教师与学生的评价居多,并有重复研究现象,对体育教学评价系统中其他要素的评价涉及较少。②评价方法的选用上,缺少对各种方法的理解和合理的组合。③理论性研究较多,可操作性研究较少。④注重对体育教学评价系统各部分的研究,缺乏整体性研究。 体育教学评价系统是一个多因素、多层次的复杂系统,必须采用系统科学中最奏效的系统分析的理论和方法对其进行全面的、整体的、全方位的分析和研究,才能科学与深刻地认识它的运作规律。 曲阜师范大学硕士学位论文 按照系统论的观点,系统是由多种要素相互联系、相互作用而形成的有机 整体。体育教学评价不是单因素、单方面的,而是一个系统,是一个由体育教 学评价对象、评价指标体系、评价机构与人员、评价法规制度等要素或子系统 相互联系、相互作用而形成的复杂系统。体育教学评价对象包括体育教师、学 生、体育课、教材、课程等。评价指标体系是一个较为复杂的子系统,由指标“项目、权重集合和评价方法三个要素构成。它是体育教学评价系统中构成最复 杂、内容最丰富的子系统,是体育教学评价系统的中。。环节,是实现体育教学 评价系统功能的主要方面。评价指标体系质量的高低,最终体现在为获得评价 结果而提供的信息上,体现在其自身为评价使用者提供的效用上,最根本的标 准是评价信息是否为评价对象做出价值判断提供了克分的依据,评价是否对评 价对象起到了切实的椎动作用。固此考察评价指标的质量应从其可靠性、有效 性和应用性程度的好坏来衡量。可靠性反映了评价结论与评价对象真实情况之 间的一致性程度。有效性反映了评价结论能够准确表达它所要评价的体育教学 活动的程度.应用性是指某一指标体系建立之后,它是如何得到评价者或被评,价对象使用的,其使用效果达到何种程度。体育教学评价机构和人员包脐价 的组织管理机构、业务机构和人员。评价业务机构和人员可以是专职的,也可 是兼职的,可以是官方教育行政机构组织的,也可以是民间组织。体育教学评 价法规制度包括与之相关的法律、条例和制度等。 体育教学评价的程序按照:明确体育教学评价系统目标一分析体育教学评 价系统要素一确定评价指标项目一评价结构、评价准则一评价方法的确定一综 合评价进行。 体育教学评价受体育教学评价系统内部和外部环境的影响。这些影响因素 包括主评者的顺汕C理等、被评者的紧张焦虑和自我防卫及国家的教育法判U丈,策、价时间、地点等。 体育教学评价是一项复杂的系统工程,需要耗费大量的人力、物力和财力。 因此必须借助计算机技术和人工智能技术,实现评价的计算机化和智能化。根 据前人的研究可以证明,以决策支持系统为基础,与专家系统相结合,并在知 识库中嵌套人工神经网络设计的体育教学智能评价系统是可行的和必要的。 展望体育教学评价的发展,我们相信:体育教学评价的发展要走人机结合 的道路;自我评价将成为被评价者的一种主动的、经常性活动;体?

【Abstract】 PE Teaching Evaluation (PETE) theory is a frontier and overlapping discipline, belonging to social science and natural science as well. It is a part of teaching evaluation theory, school PE study and a derivative discipline of evaluation theory.In terms of its scope of study, PETE can split into two types: macro-PETE and micro-PETE. The former includes all the evaluation activities concerning PE teaching; the latter, as we usually refer to, is confined to those activities within schools.Micro-PETE can also be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. The broad sense means to evaluate all the factors that effect PE teaching activities, like PE classes, teachers, students, course-books, etc. And the narrow, sense generally means to evaluate PE classes.As an educational idea, Quality Education has the obvious value tendency as well. It stands for the direction of the educational reform. Because the evaluation is a process of the value determination, the up-to-date PETE should define the scientific evaluating criteria and content frame, according to the target and criterion of Quality Education.Recent years, owing to (he deep study, the theory of the sustainable development has extended into the fields of Education, PE, etc. PE Teaching assumes a new developing state and feature. When carrying on PETE, we should draw the support from the criteria which we have had. In addition, we should evaluate from the height of the sustainable development. At the same time, we will form an integrated and scientific evaluating system and means, considering Quality Education view, such as integration, quality, development, dynamic and so on.Modern teaching evaluation theory has been introduced to China for only 20 years. So during this germinating period, this theory exhibits several problems to solve: (1) The evaluation pays too much attention to class teaching quality and class participants, neglecting the other aspects; (2) For the aspect of method option, appropriate understanding and combination of differing methods is not enough; (3) The theoretical research exceeds practical studies; (4) A research on an overall scale need to be given more emphasis. PETE is a complicated, multi-leveled system , the most efficient system evaluation theory is needed in order to explore its patterns scientifically.According to the point of view of systemic theory, a system is an organism with many factors intersecting and influencing each other. PETE is also a system consisting of many interactive sub-systems or factors such as evaluationobjects, evaluation organization and personnel, evaluation criteria, and so on. The objects of evaluation are composed of PE class teachers, students, classes, course-books, etc. Evaluation criteria system is a rather complex subsystem made up of three factors: criteria items, weight sets and evaluation method. It is a key component on PETE, and plays an important role in the realization of PETE functions. The quality of Evaluating Target System is finally embodied on the information which is for the evaluating results. It is also embodied on the effect which is provided by itself. The most basic criterion is whether the evaluating information offers adequate evidences for the evaluating object to make the value decision, and whether the evaluation takes effect on the evaluating object. The quality of evaluation criteria, as a result, depends on its reliability, validity and application. Reliability shows the consistence between evaluation result and evaluation objects; Validity reflects the extent how evaluation result can give an accurate expression of the PE teaching activities; Application means the application of a criteria system by evaluators and evaluation objects. The organization and the staff of PETE include the evaluating organized administration, the professional organization and the staff. Evaluation organization and personnel can be fulltime or part-time, governmental or non-governmental.The procedure of PETE is as follows: classification of the goal of PETES?analysis of

  • 【分类号】G807.0
  • 【被引频次】11
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