

The Analysis and Strategic Study of the Restricting Factors of Sustainable Development in Our Country’s Competitive Sports

【作者】 薛明陆

【导师】 刘一民; 孙庆祝;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 可持续发展思想的产生,是人们长期以来对地球资源和环境遭受严重破坏和掠夺问题的反思基础上产生的。近年来,人们从经济、社会、生态、科技等各方面对于可持续发展进行研究,但对于体育尤其是竞技体育的可持续发展却鲜有人探讨。我国竞技体育经历了半个世纪的风雨洗礼,在“奥运争光”战略的指导下,我国的竞技体育经过十年动乱的彷徨,汉城奥运会的失落,终于铸就了巴塞罗纳、亚特兰大的辉煌。当“奥运争光”计划伴随着2000年悉尼奥运会的闭幕而告一段落时,我国的竞技体育也成功的冲进了第一集团,取得了举世瞩目的成就。这无疑应归功于长期以来竞技体育的举国体制和二十年来改革开放的巨大成功。但同时也面临着诸多问题和隐患,如竞技体育与群众体育发展的失调、投资结构的不合理、阶梯队伍建设落后、竞技异化现象、人力资源的浪费等等,所有这些问题都制约着我国竞技体育的可持续发展。本文针对这些问题,采用文献资料法、专家调查法、系统分析法、数理统计法等研究方法,对我国竞技体育的可持续发展的进行了较为宏观的综合性研究。首先对竞技体育可持续发展的概念进行了界定,进而对可持续发展的制约因素及这些因素产生的原因进行调查分析,根据调查结果和理论分析,在经济、管理、训练、法制、教育、科技、环境7个方面确定了22个制约我国竞技体育可持续发展的因素,并分别对这22个因素产生的原因进行了确定和重要性排序,总结出我国竞技体育之所以面临诸多问题,受到各种不利因素的制约,主要是因为我国竞技体育可持续发展所应具备的能力体系不健全,更进一步讲,是我国竞技体育可持续发展的能力培养体系一一支撑体系不健全。为此,本文根据对我国竞技体育可持续发展制约因素的调查和对这些因素成因的分析,认为:我国竞技体育要走可持续发展的道路,必须具备经费投入、管理、法制、竞技教育、科技和公众参与等能力。这些能力也就构成了我国竞技体育可持续发展的支撑体系。 我国竞技体育可持续发展6大支撑体系之间具有互相渗透、互相兼容, 相辅相成的密切联系,由此构成我国竞技体育可持续发展各种能力滋生的母 体,支撑着我国竞技体育健康持续地向前发展。具体说来,它们之间的关系 可以作如下表述:经费投入体系是我国竟枝体育可持续发展的必要条件,一切 竞技体育活动的开展和其它支撑体系的建立都必须有充足的经费役入作保证; 管理体系是实现我国竞技体育可持续发展的必要条件,其它支撑体系功能的克 分发挥需要科学的管理体系作保证;法制体系的建立是我国竞技体育可持续发龟 展战略具体化、法制化的途径,而法制的实施是实现我国竟技体育资源合理利 用,抑制竞技体育发展所带来的社会负面效应如异化现象等,引导我国竞技体 育可持续发展的重要基石,其它支撑体系的构建和运作需要法制体系提供保障; 竞技教育体系是我国竞技体育可持续发展的前提,竞枝教育体系包括训练体系, 竞技体育的主体是人,竞枝体育的可持续发展应以人为中。。,因此建立竞技体 育可持续发展的竞技教育体系,培养竟枝体育人可持续发展的观念、意识和素 质能力,为其它支撑体系培养运作人才是非常重要的;科技体系是实现我国竞 技体育可持续发展的途径和手段,竟技体育科技体系的建立,为我国竞技体育 可持续发展创造了所需的知识和能力,为其它支撑体系的构建提供了科学化的 方法;公众参与体系是我国竟技体育可持续发展的人才源泉,人既是可持续发 展的决策主体,又是可持续发展的行为主体,人的思想和行为贯穿于竞枝体育一 可持续发展的全过程,人不仅要有横向上(空间)的参与,还要有纵向上(时 间)的参与;公众参与体系为我国竞技体育的可持续发展提供了意识和环境, 困此建立具有可持续发展观念的公众参与体系是必要的。由此可得出如下结论: l 随着竞枝体育职业化、商业化的出现,我国竞技体育逐渐暴露出系统内部紊 乱,外部与环境发展失调的问题,像社会中许多领域中一样,我国竞技体育 也面临着可持续发展的问题; 2 我国竞技体育要制定和实施可持续发展战略,必须加深对可持续发展思想的 起源、本质的充分认识和理解; 3 我国竞技体育要实现可持续发展,必须处理好最高目标和终极目标的关系. 我国竞技体育发展的最高目标是实现“奥运争光战略‘’,夺取奥运奖牌,而 其终极目标则是实现竞技体育以及竞枝体育人的可持续发展; 一 我国竞技体育的发展中之所以存在一些不利的制约因素,究其原困是由于我 国竞技体育可持续发展的能力体系不健金造成的,为此,必须从培养我国竞 技体育可持续发展的能力的角度出发去研究对策。基于这一认识,本文构建 了我国竞技体育可持续发展支撑体系的理论模型,包括经费投入体系、管理

【Abstract】 The idea of sustainable development (SD) results from the reconsideration of harsh destruction and plundering of resources and environment. Although sustainable development is studied from several perspectives (e.g. economics, society, ecology and science) in recent years, the research of sustainable development on sports, especially competitive sports (CS) rarely falls into our sight. After the development of competitive sports for half a century and under the guidance of the principle of Olympics honor-winning (OHW), CS went through wandering in a 10-year disturbance, the falling in seoul, and yielded the great achievement in Barcelona and Atlanta. With the closing of the Olympics in Sydney, our CS has succeeded in entering the first group and drawn the attention of the whole world, which is attributable to the system of CS and success of the opening-up policy. Also there exists some problems, e.g. the disagreement between CS and mass sports, unreasonable investment, lagging-behind of ladder group, competitive variation, human power resource waste, al1 of which hinder the SD of CS. To settle these issues, the paper makes a comprehensive and global analysis by adopting such methods as references, specialist-visiting, systematic analysis, mathematical statistics. To begin, SD and CS are defined, and the hindering factors, including, their causes, of SD are investigated. According to the result, and theoretical analysis, this paper puts forward 22 restricting elements of the SD in our CS from 7 aspects, namely economics, management, training, legal system, education, science and technology, and environment, and re-orders these elements in termsof importance, thus summarizing the current problems in CS. These problems are mainly due to the insufficient power system in SD of CS. To put it accurately, the supporting system-the power-training system in the SD of CS is insufficient. Thus we come to the conclusion that the powers, such as investment, management, legal system, sports pedagogical system, science and technology and public participation, all these make up the supporting system.The 6 supporting systems are closely interconnected and constitute the mother’s body of the various powers of SD of CS. Concretely speaking, the relation can be described as follows: investment system in a necessary condition and guarantees the development of CS and establishment of other supporting systems; management system is another essential condition, on which other supporting systems rely on; legal system determines the realization and legality of the SD of CS, and the implementation is an important corner stone on which the sports resources can be reasonably used, and social negative effects (e. g. alienation) from CS can be constrained, thus presenting legal guarantee for the construction and work of other supporting systems; Sports pedagogical system acts as the presupposition and includes training system, The main body of CS is human and the focus of SD of CS should be focused on human. Thus establishing the sports pedagogical system, training required concepts, ideas and qualities and training personals for other supporting systems are vital. Scientific and technical system functions as the method and tool for the SD of CS, The establishment of such a system offers the necessary knowledge and abilities and scientific methods for the construction of other supporting system; Public participation is personal resource. Human is both the main decision-making body and the main action body of SD, Human ideas and actions function throughout the process of SD of CS. Human participates horizontally (space) and vertically (time). Such a system offers the ideology and circumstances and its establishment is unavoidable. For these reasons we conclude:1.With the coming of specialization and commercialization, CS gradually reveals the problems If internal systematic disorder and disagreement with external circumstances. Like other social fields, it also faces SD.2. To setup and implement SD strategy, CS must strengthen its

  • 【分类号】G812.6
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】1397

