

The Practice of Control System based on COM

【作者】 聂晓文

【导师】 赵曜;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 控制理论及控制工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 COM组件技术是Windows操作系统下的核心技术,它有许多优点,如进程透明性、语言无关性、分布式计算能力等。控制理论中,基本上所有的控制系统都有类似的结构,它们的系统方框图几乎都是一样的。本文使用COM技术来分解控制系统方框图,将COM技术应用于控制系统。由于采用了COM技术,控制系统的实现非常灵活而方便。 本文的主要目的是以COM组件的形式实现控制理论中的各种控制算法,使得这些算法能够方便而快捷地得到应用。作为一个例子,本文编写了一个包含PID控制和内模控制的组件。内模控制的鲜明特点是,它的反馈量是模型误差,而不是系统响应;另一方面,实际的控制系统一般存在控制量的限幅。这些使得将内模控制得算法直接应用于实际控制存在一些问题。本文在一个实际系统中采用了分段控制的方案,为了保证控制输入能够从其他阶段平滑地切换到内模控制,对内模控制的原算法做了一些改进。改进后的算法被成功地应用于一个电炉温度控制系统中,取得了很好的效果。

【Abstract】 COM (CoInPonent Object Model) is the kernal technology of Wndowssystem, which has many advantages, such as transparency on process,independency of language, and the capability of distributed comPuting. InControl theory, almost all of the control systems have similar structUre andblock diagram. In this paPer, we use COM technology to decomPose the blockdiagram of control system, and apply COM in control system. Because of theintroduction of COM technology, the implementation of the control system isvery flexible and convenient.The main purpose of this paper is to implement various control algorithInswith the method of COM. In this way, the control algorithIns can be veryconvenient for clients to use. As an example, a component including PID andIMC (Internal Model Control) algorithIns was designed. The main featUre ofIMC is that its feedback is not the response of the controlled system but theerror betWeen the model output and the plan output. On the other hand, theamplitude lAnitation on the control input conunonly exsists in the real controlsystems. These two reasons cause some problems when the IMC algorithIn isdirectly applied to real plants. In this paper, a subsection scheme was taken ina real system. To gUarantee the smooth switching of the control inPut fromother sections to IMC control, some improvement was made on the base of theprhe IMC algorithIn. The new algorithm was successfully allied to an electricheater systCm, and get good performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】83

