

【作者】 王爵

【导师】 黄山;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 控制理论及控制工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年分布式计算的应用逐渐普遍。但传统的客户机/服务器模型已不能适应现代计算的需要。国际OMG组织颁布了CORBA规范。CORBA规范提供了应用程序间的统一接口,将客户机正式同服务器分离,在传统的客户机与服务器间加入了新的一层一代理器。由此CORBA改进传统的客户机/服务器方式,大大增强了分布式计算。 随着技术的发展,PDA已进入了商业应用。但是PDA在警务工作的使用中,特别是在处理公安系统的各种数据库时,还存在诸多问题。本设计应用CORBA概念,对这些问题中提出一种新的解决方案。作者基于CORBA模型,设计开发了一个警务通服务器软件系统。警务通服务器能够从系统数据库导入数据,将这些数据经过处理后下传到PDA,并接收PDA上传的数据经处理后导出到系统数据库中。警务通服务器软件系统作为PDA与系统数据库间的代理器和它们数据的统一接口,较好地解决方便性、安全性和异构平台操作等问题。本文着重介绍了这个软件系统的设计思想、结构、功能和实现方案。

【Abstract】 The Implement of a Jinwutong Server Software System Based on the Model of CORE AMajor: Control Theory and Control Engineering Graduate: Wang Jue Advisor: Huang SanRecently the application of distributed computing becomes in common use. But the conventional Client/Server model can not meet the need of modern computing. International organization OMG presents the CORBA standard. The CORBA standard provides the interface for the different applications. It divides the Client and Server completely, and adds a new tier-agent between the Client and the Server. Because of these changes CORBA ameliorates the C/S method and improves the distributed computing greatly.With the development of technology, PDA has been put into practice use. But PDA has still some problems when it is used in the police work, especially in operating the heterogeneous database. Using CORBA concepts our scheme presents a new way to solve these problems. We develop a Jingwutong Server software system based on the model of CORBA. The Jingwutong system extracts data from the system database and after handling them it downloads the data into PDA. It also receives the data upload from PDA and put the converted data into the system database. The system is a agent and gives a interface for the data exchanging between the system database and PDA. The scheme can resolve the troubles in convenience, security and the using in heterogeneous environment. This paper introduces the design method, the architecture, the functions and the plan of Implement of this software system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】77

