

The Critical Study of English News Text

【作者】 吴梦启

【导师】 柏敬泽;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息社会里,新闻报道是信息传播的重要方式之一。在新闻作为信息的传播过程当中,新闻所承载的文化背景和意识形态以及相应产生的新闻倾向一直是新闻学研究的重要内容。语言作为信息的载体,在表达新闻的内容的同时,也间接地表达出媒体对待新闻事件的态度和媒体在处理其与受众之间的关系时所采取的方式。因此,对新闻语言的研究不仅是传播学研究中不可避免的课题,而且也是语言学所涉及的问题。 从语言的角度对新闻进行批评研究主要针对在新闻报道的过程中新闻语言对受众所产生的积极或消极的影响。新闻报道牵涉到的新闻的可信度和可接受性两个方面。除了新闻事件本身的逻辑性之外,新闻语言直接影响着新闻的可信度和可接受性。语言学研究和传播学研究作为两个有效的分析工具,在上述的两个方面的关系界定上能够确定一个合理的界限,使受众能够自觉地判断两者的关系,从而实现批评地理解新闻报道中的各种倾向和观点。 在语言学方面,由于新闻语言的社会性,批评语言学作为具体的分析工具能够对新闻语言的特点加以解释,并能够阐述这些语言特点在文本中的意义。批评语言学脱胎于韩礼德的功能语。功能语法强调语言与社会环境之间的联系,所以,批评语言学借用了功能语法的一些研究模式用于语言的社会性研究。 功能语法确定了语言与意识形态的转换机制。即语码——词义的选择决定了语域的范围。语域的范围直接对形成功能语法的纯理功能产生作用,从而产生了纯理功能的概念、人际和语篇功能。在这个过程当中,说话者的意识形态和文化特征通过语码直接渗透入语言之中,并通过概念功能和人际功能表达出来。这种表达的形式可以用功能语法的及物性分析和词汇结构加以解释。 及物性分析的主要内容为语言当中的物质体,如参与者、环境和结果等与语言当中的行为表达即语言的谓语形式的相互联系。功能语法将小句的谓语形式划分为三类:过程、行为和状态,而把谓语性质归纳为物质性、言语性和精神性。谓语形式与谓语性质的联系产生了谓语的双重角色。这样的双重角色赋予了参与者等同的两个身份,即参与者在句子当中的句法身份和意义身份,从而将语码的作用体现在句子当中。在句子里,参与者的句法身份可以随句型转换而产生变化,但是,参与者本身的意义身份是不会改变的。及物性分析最终体现在句型的转换之上。这样的句型转换包括被动语态和名词化两种方式。 除了及物性分析之外,话语作用通过词汇结构也可同样表达语言的概念功能。词汇结构也包括两种类型:话语的再定义和话语的多重定义。 人际功能的表达主要体现在情态形式和言语行为。 概念功能和人际功能用于分析和解释新闻文本的一些与其它文体不同的语言特征时所表现的意义在于:无论是被动语态、名词化还是话语定义、情态形式和言语行为,这些纯理功能的表现形式最终用于新闻文本当中时,它们对语言的影响是相对集中和相对一致的。它们对文本与受众的最后影响体现在三个方面:文本的权威化、受众的类别化以及文本与受众相互关系的人际化与非人际化。这是批评语言学凭借功能语法的研究结果总结出的用以分析新闻文本的语言工具。这三个批评语言学语言工具是用于划分新闻文本的可接受性与可信度的衡量标准。 在案例分析当中,所选用的新闻文本来源于中国的《北京周报》和美国的《时代》周刊。之所以选用这两个新闻文本是因为它们代表了不同国家、不同文化背景和不同的意识形态的新闻刊物就中美两国达成加入世界贸易组织协议这一新闻事件所进行的报导。众所周知,《北京周报》和(时代》周刊因为上述的原因,它们的运作方式.报导特点,文体风格以及服务于受众的目的都具有很大的差异。总之,这两种传播媒介对同一事件的报导由于媒介各自具备的差异也形成了相应的差异,所以,这样的报导具有研究的典型意义。而上述的纯理功能表现形式将作为具体的分析手段对这两个文本加以研究,并仔细分析它们在报道中所使用的语言的表达倾向。在具体的分析当中,各种纯逞功能的表现形式在文本中的出现频率作为统计数字,决定着权威化、类别化和人际化在新闻文本表达当中所达到的程度。 同时,新闻事件的参与者作为传播学分析的对象,其角色将在案例分析当中得到考虑。新闻事件的参与者在新闻文本中的话语权力是文本权威化的一个重要内容。新闻事件的参与者在新闻报道中的权力分配与参与者本身的参与程度成正比。它不仅对新闻语言的权威化和人际化产生了影响,而且形成了新闻文本中的权力金字塔。 在传括学方面,新闻报道的可接受性和可信度之间的关系不R得到了语言学方面进行的量化的对比,也得到了从传播学角度进行的考虑。而所应用到的传播学理论,主要集中在媒体与受众的关系这一方面:媒体与受众的互动性关系理论。同时,媒体的说眼作用与受众的接受之间的相互联系理论以及受众的选择性理沦对新闻文本的可接受性和可信度也产生着影响。传播理论的应用主要为了说明并且解释媒体与受众的关系:媒体与不同的受众利益集团必须在“共同理解—?

【Abstract】 In the information society, news report is one of the most important ways for information communication. During the process of communication while news is regarded as a source of information, the cultural background, ideology which are carried in news and the related news inclination are always seen to be important content for the study of journalism. While expressing the content of news, language as the carrier of information indirectly transfers the attitude of media toward the news event and the way that media dealing with its relationship with its audience. Therefore, the research on journalistic language is not only the inevitable task for the study of mass communication, but also the work for the study of linguistics.The critical study of news within the category of linguistics mainly focuses on the active or negative effect which journalistic language brings to the audience during the process of news report. Two characters of news, acceptability and credibility are concerned in news report. Despite the general logic of news event itself, the study of linguistics and mass communication as two efficient research tools can define a reasonable limit in the relationship between the acceptability and credibility, which may lead to the audience’s unpromoted judgment of news acceptability and credibility and finally realized the critical understanding of the opinions and inclinations in news report.In the analysis of linguistics, because of the sociality of language, critical linguistics as a concrete analytic tool can express the characters of new language and interpret the significance of such linguistic characters in texts. Critical linguistics derives from M.A.K Halliday’s functional grammar which stresses me connection between language and social circumstance. Therefore, the critical linguistics borrows some research models of functional grammar for the social study of language.The functional grammar clarifies the transferring mechanism of language and ideology. The code, namely, the choice for the meaning of vocabulary determines the category of register that influences the appearance of metafunctions directly, which leads to the creation of ideational, interpersonal and textual functions of metafunctions. During such a process, the ideology and cultural features of the speakers are imposed into the metafunctions of language with die linguistic code and interpreted with the ideational and interpersonal functions. The style of the interpretation can be described with the transitivity analysis and lexical structure in functional grammar.In transitivity analysis, the relationship between the objective bodies in language (the participant, circumstance and results, etc) and the expression of the action in language (the forms of predicate in a sentence) is the emphasis to be studied. In the theory of functional grammar, the forms of predicate of a sentence are seen as process, action and state. Meanwhile, the nature of predicate can be summed up as material, verbal and mental. The connection of the forms and the nature of predicate creates the dual roles of predicate that endow the participants with two equal identities: the meaning identity and syntactic identity. The choice of meaning, namely, the code is thus expressed in the sentence. In such a sentence, the syntactic identity changes with the syntax transformation, but the meaning identities of the participants always remain stable. Syntax transformation is the finalperformance of transitivity of sentence, which can be described as two forms: passive voice and nominalization.Besides the transitivity analysis, lexicalization can also transfer the ideational function of language through lexical structure involving in two forms: relexicalization and over-lexicalization.Modality and speech acts are two main ways to express the interpersonal function.The ideational and interpersonal functions are used to analyze and express the difference of the linguistic features of news text with the other literal styles, of which the significance ca

【关键词】 可接受性可信度批评理解
【Key words】 acceptabilitycredibilitycritical understanding
  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【下载频次】402

