

A Study of Corporate Folklore Management and Construction in China

【作者】 刘少和

【导师】 周作明;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 民俗构成了社会的基本内容和民族的基本生活。时空上相沿成习的“风习性”、文化意识(或心理)与社会生活相交融的“二重性”构成了民俗的基本特质。民俗存在人类社会的任何时代、地区与人群(民族、种族、方言),任何形式的社区(村落、城镇、居民小区、机关大院、胡同里弄等)和组织(血缘、亲缘、地缘、年龄、性别、阶层、职业、兴趣、信仰组织等)。“文化是海,企业是舟”。企业无一不在传承着传统文化,吸纳着社会民俗,生成着时代新风,成为社会民俗的一个基本传承单位和发源地。所以,企业也是一类负载着不同民族、地域、行业、职业与阶层民俗的现代“俗民群体”,一个“民俗库”。 影响企业稳定与发展的显性和隐性民俗,可以泛称为“企业民俗”,构成了企业文化渊源、基础和本质部分。运用跨学科方法研究中国企业民俗文化现象,不仅在理论上可以开拓中国民俗学研究的新领域,揭开影响中国企业稳定与发展的深层“文化之谜”,而且在实践中能为建设企业文化和搞好企业管理提供一把新钥匙。 狭义企业民俗,指行业和企业传统在:企业的传承;广义企业民俗,包括民族、地域、行业与企业传统在企业的传承,具体是指与企业管理者和专家顾问所倡导的上层文化(官方文化、专家文化与科技文化)相对而言的,在企业成员长期生产与生活互动过程中形成的,为企业全体或部分成员因袭传承、相沿成习或约定俗成的文化心理或心态、组织与制度、工作和生活方式,乃至物质表现。广义企业民俗,从结构上看,主要由企业的风气风俗、非正式组织制度与关系、语言和行为惯习、具有民族民俗乃至行业企业特色的物质设施及物质产品构成;从内容上看,主要体现在与生产、交易、服务、群体性生活相关的民俗,排除企业物质技术性要素、科学技术性知识、专家官方性意识(下沉为企业习俗的例外)、行政性规章制度和正式性组织群体。所以,宽泛的“企业民俗”是民族、地域、行业与企业传统在企业的传承,为企业中的民间民俗文化。这与日本把企业文化称作为“企业风土”(corporate custom),欧美将企业文化理解为企业的“价值观念、传统和风气、仪式与习俗”等大同小异,体现了企业民俗在企业文化中的活水源头、母体基础与深层本质地位。同校园民俗、机关民俗、军队民俗等组织民俗相较,企业民俗具有经济性、行业性、职业性等基本特征,是企业稳定与发展的内部基因,对企业生存和发展会产生逆向与顺向的作用,为企业文化管理和建设不可忽视的一环。 中国近现代企业是在西方科技文化影响下产生的新式企业,最早出现于19世纪中叶的鸦片战争之后,较西方近乎晚了一个世纪。中国新式企业起步迟,发展慢,一方面在农业文明的基础上,以民族传统手工业(作坊、工场)和商业(店铺)为起点,一方面在西方资本主义的刺激下逐步成长起来。因而,中国新式企业既从封建社会那里承受着沉重的历史包袱,又接受着西方文化的熏染。中华悠久而丰富的农业文化、手工业与商业文化、衙门文化,给近现代企业的发展带来了许多隐性障碍,并通过民俗文化的各种形式传承和存在下来。同时,不断东渐的西方文化也在广泛地作用于近现代企业,并与中国传统的民俗文化相融合,凝结成中国近现代企业的各种民俗形态。 中国近现代的民间与官方企业,长期以来传承有行业文化、家族文化和衙门文化因素。在企业中,不仅存在着现代社会各种非正式组织制度和关系,而且还遗留着传统社会的血缘、亲缘、地缘、业缘性组织制度与关系,讲究家族、亲族、乡土等人情关系,形成了企业内外复杂的关系“网络”,其中相当部分构成了制约中国企业生存和进一步发展的深层文化与制度因素。在全球化与信息化时代,中国企业需要从地域文化、乡村文化、行业文化和衙门文化,特别是家族文化与“关系”文化中走出,同现代企业理念和制度结合,与国际化潮流接轨,在进行技术创新的同时,致力文化创新与制度创新。在现代企业理念的指导下,通过认识、改造与利用企业民俗文化资源,优化企业民俗,实现企业的现代化。 实际上,自有人类社会以来,民俗与管理就存在着互动性关系,上层的管理影响着下层的民俗,下层的民俗制约着上层的管理。这样,民俗能成为管理的对象和手段,管理也刻上了民俗的印痕。因而,对民俗的认识、引导、利用、改造、转化、重塑和培育,就成为实现管理目标的有效手段。中国古代行政管理中对民俗的有效运用(如依俗而治与移风易俗),给当代企业文化管理与建设提供了有益启示。 由于企业民俗处于企业文化的源头、基础与本质地位,所以,在企业文化管理和建设中必须给予重点考虑,重视管理与开发企业民俗文化资源,加强建设企业民俗文化。从企业民俗的一般性特点与规律出发,寻找对企业民俗文化管理和建设的原则与方法。在对企业民俗文化态度、识别和价值判断的基础上,进行引导和利用、改造与转化、重塑及培育,形成企业优良的风气、风俗和传统,达到企业文化管理和建设的最高目标与理想境界。 本文宏观地透视了企业民俗的一般惰况,追溯了中国企业民俗流变的轨迹、规律与特点,?

【Abstract】 Folklore makes up of both the basic content of the society and the life of the nationality. A character of custom and habit followed or transmitted in space and time, the dualism formed in combination of conventional culture consciousness (or culture psychology) and Social life consist of the main characteristic of folklore. Folklore exists in any times, area, people group (nationality, race, dialect), any community (village, town, residential area, office area, bystreet) and organization (consanguinity, cognation, regional relationship, age, gender, class, occupation, interest, religion, etc). "Culture is like a sea, and the corporation the boat in it." Every corporation transmits traditional culture, takes in social custom and creates new custom of age as to become the basic transmitting unit and the origin of social custom. Therefore, a corporation is also a modern "folk group" or" folklore storeroom" loaded with different nationalities, regions, trades, classes and occupations.The covert and overt folklore that influence corporate stability and development can be defined as "corporate folklore", which forms the origin, foundation and essential part of the corporate culture. Studying Chinese corporate folklore via transdiscipline method not only helps exploit new areas for Chinese folklore, but also helps discover the deep "culture mystery" that governs the stability and development of Chinese corporation. Furthermore, the study can also offer a new key to corporate culture management and construction.Corporate folklore for narrow sense is transmission about trades and corporate tradition in the corporation, and in broad sense it includes transmission about nationality, region, trades and corporate tradition in the corporation. It can be defined as culture psychology or culture attitude, organization and system, a model of work and life, physical embodiment. They are followed or transmitted, then become a custom through long time usage. They are also accepted through common practice by all or part of corporate personnel and at last formed in the course of long-term production and life. The corporate folklore in broad sense is relative to upper-class society culture (official culture, expert culture, science and technology culture) advocated by manager and expert of corporation.In structure, corporate folklore in broad sense is made up of corporate custom, informal organization and system and relationship, the habit on words and behaviors, the building and product with nationality, region, trades and corporation characteristics. In content, it embodies in folklore with production, business, service arid community life, excluding material factor, science and technology knowledge, official and expert consciousness (with the exception of that which has become corporate tradition), administration system and formal organization. Therefore, Corporate folklore in broad sense is transmission about nationality, region, trades and corporate tradition in the corporation, that is, the folklore in the corporation. It is largely identical but with minor differences compared with the corporate culture named as corporate custom in Japanese, and ’corporate value, tradition and custom, ritual and convention " in Europe and America, reflecting the original, basic, essential status of corporate folklore in corporate culture. Relative to campus folklore, office folklore and army Colklore, corporate folklore have a characteristic of economy, trades, occupation, etc. It is inner factor to influence stability and development of the-3-corporation with a reverse and obverse function to corporate existence and development. It is an important link in the culture management and construction for the corporation and should not be overlooked.The neoteric and modern corporation of china was a new-style corporation under the influence of western science and technology, which came forth in middle period of 19th and after the Opium War, and about one century later than western corporation. The Chinese new-style corporatio

  • 【分类号】F279.23
  • 【被引频次】1
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