

A Study on the Creative Education in Senior Middle School Physics Classroom Teaching

【作者】 覃卫东

【导师】 钟德卫;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 创新能力的培养是二十一世纪教育的重要课题,创新能力的本质及培养的研究,国外在二十世纪40年代以来从未间断过,著名的有吉尔福特(Gulford),帕内斯(Sparnes)、维廉姆斯(F.E.Williams),斯腾伯格(R.J.Sternberg)的研究。他们的理论各有辉煌,对当今的创新教育有一定的指导意义,但在高中如何培养创新能力,创新意识特别是通过何种方式培养,尚无定论。如专门开设创造学课程,还是通过学科教育进行培养,何者更为有效。对这个问题,国内大多数学者是思辨多于实践。根据国内普教现状,笔者认为结合学科教育史有效,深入研究创新能力的培养,建构有效可行的课觉教学设计。 吉尔福特从严格的因素分析的数学方法分析智力,其智力观是智力包括创新能力,因而发敝思维、辐合思维的训练是创新能力培养的核心。行为主义者的帕内斯则是从创造者行为外显特征。并从阻碍创造的因素分析入手,提出创造教育以消除创造阻碍当成提高创新能力的着眼点,强调创造环境和创造者的心理因素的整合。维廉姆斯从综合认知学派与行为主义观点,提出创造力的“知、情”二因素说,把创造能力和环境含于“知”中。斯腾伯格的创新能力多维结构具强调智力、知以、思维风格、人格、动机、环境六大因素的相互激活,相互作用,特别是认为智力中的自我意识、自我监控、自我调节(无操作成分)与创新能力有关。 建构主义教学观强调学习者自身的主动建构,而非知识的接纳“容器”,教师应了解学习者的“起点”,教师是学生的社会支持者、帮助者、知识背景的组织者。学生主体性、独立性要得到充分体现,从而学生应是创新性的学习者。 本课题根据四种著名创新能力培养中能在高中物理课堂教学中应 用的方法、技能。提出现行高中物理教材中物理规律教学、实验探究及 设计教学更有利于培养学生的创新意识和实践能力。提出“感知现象一 联想与建构一再认识一反思评价”的上张。“整体结构——探究”、“启 发——创新”两种课堂创新教学设计模式。八这两种教学设计小,要强“谰,多让学生提供-定可选择的背景知以或参考书*,设计与现实生活 接近的物理悄景计学生探究士质疑。 高中物理课堂创浙教学设计的川个策略。 ①帅生情感川触。 课堂上要营迫-·个宽松、民上。平等的教学氛懒。教帅创造性去教, 学生创造性去学。 ②学生主体性,参与性 课堂上学生是创新活动的上体、教帅要提供充足的背景知识“感悟” 隐喻知识。 ③学生的活动性 课堂上调强学生的活动性、实践性。学生要和创新客体相互作用, 才能诱发学生创新欲,故课堂教学体现为什放性、探究性、综合性、应 用性。 ④技术和信息性 应用现代信息技术辅助课堂教学。

【Abstract】 This article is trying to understand Gulford. S.Parns F.E. willams and R.J.Sternberg’ research of creative training and integrate new ideas of Constructivism into senior middle physics classroom teaching in order to foster students’ creative ability.We can adopt the ideas from the scholars what have studied that creativity is the result of interaction of multiple components and the students creative ability can be trained. There fore, the writer is trying to take these views as basic ideas when teaching physics in classroom.It’s probable and available that we select physics teaching contents. For example, teaching the law of physics show student some related reference. Instruct the process of discovery of physics law and principles we may come to a conclusion that training student’s creative ability in physics class should be done in the following teaching procedures:(1) Motivating student to construct physics knowledge actively and try to put it into practice by oneself.(2) Selecting content in physics teaching classroom: The law of physics teaching is a rational idea.(3) Presenting students more references about background knowledge not only physics text, student learn to know How to rediscovery of physics law, principles and conception.(4) Teaching and learning styles must be turned into a new ones in classroom. We emphasize student construct rediscovery and physics knowledge actively in other hand teacher should create a physics situation available to creative behavior, instructing-method should be ready-made in order to draw the students’ learning emotion and interest.(5) We stress the importance of physics history education. The process of physics law and principles discovery should be helpful to enlighten student’ creative earning, and to understand tacit-knowledge of physics, because the tacit-knowledge can’t be taught.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】363

