

【作者】 朱华吉

【导师】 岳建平;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 工程测量, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文基于“一机四库”的设计思想,充分利用当前计算机开发技术、网络技术、软件工程、数据库技术,并结合大坝安全监控的先进技术,就大坝安全监控系统开发中的几个关键问题做了较深入的研究。其主要内容如下:(1)根据系统开发的总目标和当前的技术基础,对大坝安全监控系统进行了总体设计,研究并提出了三层C/S模式的大坝安全监控系统构想,并对三层结构中的应用层的实现方法作了较深入的探讨。(2)对数据库管理系统的开发做了详细的设计,部分实体和概念建立了传统的E-R数据模型,并据此设计了监控系统的数据库的数据模型。针对监测系统数据库使用效率不高的缺点,本文提出了整编数据库、时段索引表等优化方案。(3)利用面向对象的程序设计思想,初步设计了监控系统的面向对象的信息模型。(4)模型是系统中的重要资源,本文探讨了基于DBMS-DLL/文件式的多层次存储格式。(5)为了便于系统对多种图形资料进行管理,并且方便监控管理人员利用图形分析观测数据,利用VC作为开发平台,设计并开发了安全监控系统通用图形软件包适用版。

【Abstract】 Based on the design thought of "one engineering and four-base system" and getting full use of technologies of programming, network, software and the dam safety monitoring theory, the master dissertation embedded studies several important problems of the development of Dam Safety Monitoring and Controlling. The primary contents as follows:1. According to the development objective and basement of technology, the globe structure of the system is designed and the suppose of the dam safety monitoring system based on three Client/Server mode is advanced and deeply discusses the realizing way of application layer.2. Detailedly design the development of Database Management subsystem and build traditional E-R data model fro entries and concepts. In view of the inefficiency of querying database , put forward several optimum schemes, for instance, Index Table of Period of time.3. Utilizing the object-oriented idea, the object-oriented information model of the Monitoring and Controlling System.4. Model is the important resources of the Monitoring and Controlling System in this paper, discuss the storage format based on DBMS-DLL/files.5. In order to be convenient to manage all kinds of pictures and analyze the observing data by using pictures, based on the VC, develop the general picture software pack.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP277;TV698.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】257

