

【作者】 刘业

【导师】 徐友仁;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文共分两个部分,第一部分为第2、3、4、5章,主要是对以简化TCP/IP网络协议组为基础的单片机上网技术进行研究,在文中提出了两种单片机上网的方案:①基于PPP的拨号上网;②作为一个有单独IP地址的节点直接连入局域网。在方案①中我们已实现了仿真程序的运行,仿真软件只需要3K的ROM即可运行,而且所有传输的数据包都符合TCP/IP规范。在方案②的基础上,针对当前GYC—500的联网方案的不足之处,提出了GYC-500大坝安全监测系统网络的改进方案。第二部分为6、7、8章,从分析本实验室和南理工合作研究的高速公路路面车辙检测系统着手,结合该系统中用线阵CCD高速采集的激光光斑位置图象数据的特点,通过对各种不同噪声滤波方式下处理后图象的比较,最终得出了在我们的路面车辙检测系统中行之有效的滤波方法。对图象数据的处理采用Turbo C++3.0作为编程工具,成功地设计了在强噪声背景下将微弱的有用信号提取出来的滤波程序。

【Abstract】 This paper includes two parts: Part One consists of four chapters. It mainly researches the technology of using MCU to connect to Internet which is based on the simplified Networking-protocols of TCP/IP. It describes two schemes to use MCU to connect to Internet: ialing into the Internet using Point to Point Protocol; (2) Connecting to the LAN directly and the MCU having its own exclusive IP address. In the first scheme, we have implemented the simulation program, and the software needs only 3K ROM. When it runs, the data transmitted in the Networking accords with TCP/IP standards. Based on the second scheme, it describes the improvement of the connecting system of GYC-500. Part Two is composed of three chapters. Firstly, in the thesis, the Highway Surface Track-detecting System being researched by the cooperation of our group with the Nanjing University of Science and Technology has been summed up. Sequentially according with the characteristics of the image data captured by the CCD linear array at a high speed, various noise filtering methods are compared in detail, and the effective methods to filter the data in this system is concluded, the Filtering program to process the image data is written by Turbo C++ 3.0. Eventually, the Filtering program which can successfully take the useful fault signal out from the background with strong noise is designed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP216
  • 【下载频次】132

