

The Research on The Form and The Space of Sloping Site Architecture

【作者】 姜莉

【导师】 雷春浓;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 土地资源危机、生态危机的加剧以及人们对自然的趋向性,促使人们日益重视对坡地环境的开发、利用。一方面,开发坡地可以在不占用良田好土的前提下为人类开拓新的生存空间;另一方面,它为建筑形态的创造和更新以及美好人居环境的建构提供了灵感和契机。 论文从现代人类生存环境依托的土地资源保护、开发和利用的“生态环境可持续发展”观念出发,对国土资源状况、生态环境要素、建筑接地条件、工程技术原则、人流物流通达性、建筑空间组织以及建筑人文艺术特色等方面进行了初步的分析和评价。结合古今中外坡地建筑典例进行论证与充实,论文探讨了在科学、合理地开发坡地的前提下,坡地建筑形态构成和空间建构的新途径、新方法,力争为人们创造一个健康、良好的建筑环境。 正文共分四个部分: (一)坡地是人类可持续发展的宝贵资源。提出了珍惜坡地资源以及发展生态建筑学对建构美好坡地人居环境的意义 (二)坡地环境要素与接地条件解析。阐述了坡地地貌的复杂性、生态系统的脆弱性、场地特性及其对人的心理和行为的影响,以及这些因素对坡地建筑设计的影响。 (三)坡地建筑形态的构成。重点分析了坡地建筑形态构成的具体手法和途径,并对相关影响因素作了分析。 (四)坡地灵气之建筑空间风貌。分析了坡地场地环境中建筑空间的特色以及建筑空间设计对人的关怀和理解。

【Abstract】 While the crisis of land resource and ecological environment becomes increasingly serious and pepole’s inclination to nature, the development of sloping field is attracting more and more attention.The reasons lays in two aspects: first, the development of sloping field wi II enable new forms of I iving space without occuping any arable land or too much of it; second I y, i t w i I I a I so prov i de the creat i on and ref i nement of arch i tectUre form and significance human settltments with new source of inspiration.The thesis prel iminari ly analyze and estimate the factors such as the qualification of country resource, the essential of eco-environments, the quality of human settlements environments , the condition of engineering, the circulation of human and substance, the organization of space and the value of culture. Based on the study of a great number of practical examples, the thesis explores new manifest methods of sloping field architecture form and space, so that to creat a healthy excel lent architecture environment for people.The main body is composed of four major parts:(1 )The value of sloping site. ─This part put forwards the necessity of cherishing sloping land resource and the importance of developing eco-architecture to make up significance human settlements.(2) Essential factors and affecting factors. ─This part expounds in sloping site environment the complexity of landform, the weak of eco I og i ca I -system, the char acter s of and the react i on peop I e to s i te wh i ch will affect the design.(3) Organization and structure of the form.─This part focuses on practical methods of organize sloping site architecture forms, and, at the same time analyzes relating factors.(4) Features of the space.─This part analyzes features of sloping site architecture space and site. It advocates combining care and respect in design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU201
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】1387

