

【作者】 秦巧平

【导师】 杨佩芳;

【作者基本信息】 山西农业大学 , 果树学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验采用电镜、生化技术,在扫描电镜和生物显微镜下,分别对红星系、金冠系短枝型苹果品种新红星、金矮生及其对照普通型品种红星和金冠不同枝类次生木质部导管分子的解剖构造进行了研究,并应用原子吸收仪测定分析了休眠期不同枝类枝条七种矿质元素(K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn)的含量。结果表明:(1)无论短枝型或普通型品种,其枝条次生木质部导管分子均为孔纹型管状分子,纹孔具缘,端壁具穿孔,末端具短或长端尾;同种枝类的导管分子,短枝型侧壁纹孔密度均明显小于普通型;品种内不同枝类导管分子大小变化规律大体相同,均以发育枝或徒长枝的导管分子为最长或最宽,果枝和果台枝的导管分子短而窄于发育枝的导管分子;同一品系短枝型与普通型品种同类枝条的导管分子大小有一定差异,发育枝导管分子以短枝型的为短而窄。(2)休眠期不同品种不同枝类矿质元素含量不同。无论短枝型或普通型,品种内果枝和果台枝的K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn含量均高于发育枝,Ca/K比也较高;短枝型品种内多年生枝矿质元素含量也均高于发育枝;同一品系短枝型与普通型比较,同类枝条K含量多数以短枝型较高,其它元素含量无一定规律。(3)供试短枝型和普通型品种内不同枝类导管分子大小与其休眠期枝条K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn七种矿质元素含量(除金矮生Cu元素外)均呈负相关性,即枝条矿质元素含量水平大多随着导管分子长度和直径的增大而减小;短枝型和普通型品种内不同枝类七种矿质元素间(除金矮生Mg与Cu元素外)均呈正相关性。试验结果为研究短枝型苹果的细胞生理和营养生理提供了新的资料。

【Abstract】 Studies on the correlation between the cyto-anatomy structure of the secondary xylem of different branches and their mineral nutrition contents in spur-type apples Abstract The cyto-anatomy structure of the vessel members of the secondary xylem of different branches of two apple strains, Starking and Golden delicious(including spur-type trees Starkrimson and Golden Spur Delicious, standard-type trees Starking and Golden Delicious), were studied with scanning electron microscope and optical microscope ; Moreover, the contents of mineral nutrition (K. Ca-. Mg-. Cu Fe Mn. Zn)of different branches were measured with atomic absorber. The results indicate as follows: (1). The vessel members of all apple varieties are pitted vessel, the pits possess border, and there exists the perforation and the shorter (or longer) tail on the end wall. The density of the pits on the sidewall of vessel members of spur-type apples is obviously smaller than that of the standard-type trees in the same kind of branch. In every variety, the tendency of the dimension of vessel members in different branches is very similar: the mean length and diameter of the vessel members of extending branches or splindling branches are the longest and widest; and the vessel members of fruit branches and fruit-born branches are shorter and narrower than that of the extending branches. (2). The contents of mineral nutrition of different branches in different varieties are different with each other during dormant period. In varieties, the contents of K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn are all higher in fruit branches and fruit-born branches than those of extending branches in spur-type trees or in standard-type trees, the content of K in spur-type trees is higher than that of standard-type trees, but other elements are irregular. (3). There is the negative correlation between the dimension of vessel member and the contents of K, Ca. Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn of different branches in any variety (except the content of Cu in Golden delicious). This means that the level of mineral nutrition content in branches is reduced as the dimension of their vessel member increases. In every variety, there is the positive correlation among the seven mineral elements in different branches except the correlation between Mg and Cu in Golden spur delicious. Those results provided new reference material of cyto-anatomical physiology and nutritional physiology for the further study of spur-type apples.

  • 【分类号】S661.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】330

