

【作者】 李俊平

【导师】 王俊东;

【作者基本信息】 山西农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 360只1日龄健康艾维茵(Avian)肉雏鸡随机分为6组,每组60只,分别为对照组和第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ试验组,试验期7周。第Ⅰ~Ⅴ组分别于不同时期添加同一剂量的甜菜碱(1000mg/kg,0.1%),添加时间依次为1~7周,2~4周,3~5周,4~6周,5~7周。结果表明:不同时期添加甜菜碱均促进了肉鸡体增重,降低了肉鸡腹脂率,与对照组相比,第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ组7周末体重分别高出8.01%(p<0.01),5.01%(p<0.05),4.47%(p<0.05),2.24%(p>0.05)和2.09%(p>0.05);腹脂率分别降低了19.56%(p<0.01),6.09%(p<0.05),13.48%(p<0.01),15.65%(p<0.01)和12.17%(p<0.05);第Ⅱ组体重曾在第3、4周末超过第Ⅰ组,从6周龄开始,各组间体重差异在逐渐缩小;添加甜菜碱组皮脂厚度,胸、腿肌中甘油三酯含量较对照组不同程度增加(厚),但肝脏中甘油三酯含量各实验组均低于对照组;血清多个生化指标各次采样测定值,组间变化复杂,但其动态变化呈现一定的规律性;其中,血清总蛋白含量较稳定,总氨基酸含量随周龄逐渐升高,甘油三酯5~6周高于1~3周,游离脂肪酸含量随周龄呈下降趋势,血清尿酸呈现缓U型变化曲线。结论:①不同时期添加0.1%甜菜碱可促进肉鸡体增重,降低腹胀率,引起体内脂肪重新分配;前期添加甜菜碱对肉鸡增重效果明显,而后期添加降腹脂作用显著;②甜菜碱具有明显抗脂肪肝作用;③血清部分生化指标的动态变化证明了肉鸡前期生长发育旺盛,后期脂肪沉积较多;④甜菜碱对肉鸡的增重效果短期内明显,最终肉鸡体重差异各组间逐渐变小。

【Abstract】 Effect of Betai on Broiler Product Performance and Fat Metabolism in Different Stage Abstract 360 broilers, aged 1 day, were allotted to 6 groups randomly and each group included 60 broiler respectively.All groups received the same basal diet. I - V group is the test groups(supplemented with 1000mg/kg betaine respectively in different stage just as F?wk, 2?wk, 3~5wk, 4?wk, 5-?wk),and another group is the control group. The result indicated that betaine groups increased body weight by 8.Ol%(p<O.Ol), 5.01 %(p<O.O5), 4.47%(p<O.05), 2.24%(p>O.OS) and 2.O9%(p>O.O5) respectively while these groups decreased the rate of abdominal fat by 19.5 6%(p<O.0 1 ),6.O9%(p<O.O5), 1 3.48%(p<O.O 1), 1 5.65%(p<O.Ol) and 12.17% (p<O.O5) contrasted with the control group by the end of the experiment. The body weight of group II was once higher than group I at the end of 3wk and 4wk.After 6wk, the difference of body weight between each group decreased gradually with the growth of age; The content of tricylglycerol in muscle of chest and leg in test groups had a rise but it decreased in liver; The change of serum biochemical indexes was regular relatively during the experiment though it was complicated between different groups. These results suggested that: ?Betaine increases the body weight gained but decrease the abdominal fat of broiler, results in the re-allocation of body fat;Jbetaine prevents from the fat liver;etaine increases weight gained significantly by betaine in early period.

【关键词】 甜菜碱肉鸡脂肪代谢生产性能
【Key words】 betainebroilerfat metablismproduct perfermamce
  • 【分类号】S831.5;S816.7
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】307

