

【作者】 李琳

【导师】 田土诚;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 经济法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,国内新闻官司不断升温,已成为社会各界关注的热点。因此,研究、探讨新闻侵权方面的文章、著作、研讨会日益多起来。但这方面的研究仍处于起始阶段,许多问题还没有取得统一的认识,司法机关在处理新闻侵权官司时适用的标准也不一致。为推动我国新闻侵权法的研究,笔者选取《新闻侵权责任》一文作为学位论文题目,主要从新闻侵权责任的构成要件、主体、方式、抗辩事由几个方面作一些偿试性探讨。 笔者认为,新闻是指通过大众传播媒介,如报纸、杂志、通讯社、广播、电视等对新近发生的事实的报道行为。新闻侵权就是指新闻单位或个人利用大众传播媒介,以故意捏造事实或过失报道等形式向公众传播内容不当或法律禁止的内容,从而侵害公民和法人的人格权的行为。新闻侵权具有以下几个特点:从主体上看,新闻侵权的行为人主要是合法成立的新闻机构,另外,还有新闻工作者和提供新闻源的单位、个人;从内容上看,新闻侵权是指新闻机构和公民在从事新闻活动时侵害他人人格权并造成他人损害;从行为特征上看,新闻侵权的主要特征在于通过大众传媒公开发表新闻作品;从侵害对象上看,新闻馒权的足梵对象是人格权。根据馒权发生的原因,新闻侵权可分为内容失实,评论不当,思恿隐私和故怠殴损名誉等几种类型。笔者认为,新闻枉权不周于新闻犯昂,二者分属民法和刑法两部门,在主观要件.损害后果.责任主体方面各不相周。( 新闻侵权费任应实行过错归资原则,根据归责原则决定费任构忒要件的理论,新闻侵权的费任构戌要件应包括述法行为、损害亨实、淹法行为与扳害事实的因果关系和过错四方面。违法行为是指行为在客观上与法律规定相’④,主要我现为违反了法律的强制性规定和禁止性规定。颁害指蔡人因一定的行为或亨件懊其权利和利毡迫受某种不利的彤响。在便权行为法上,因果关系是指仅权行为与损害窜实之间存在着原因与给果的关系,馒权行为是因,损害亨实是果。关于因呆关系的确定,学木界有两种主张:一种是相当因果关系说,另一种是必然因果关系说。比较上述两种学说,笔者更赞同相当因果关系说,因为条件和结呆虽然是外在的非本质的偶然联系,但偶然的联系仍然是因果联系。当然,应有条件地适用相当-因果关系说,以防因果关系的钙条拉得过长,并区别主要原因和次要原因,以工确的决定各个行为人的责任范围。过错是新闻侵权贵任要件申的辽终构成要件,包括故足和过失两种形式。认定过错,主要有页种标准:一是主观标准,即通过判定行为人主观心理状忠来确定其有无过 O 错。二是容观标准,即边过某种客观的行为标准来衡量行 为人的行为,进而认定行为人有无过错。笔者认为,主观 标准和客观标准各有冥合理性,又各有不尺,司法实践中 认定过错应主.客观标准相结合。 新闻侵权贵任主体是指实施了新闻侵权行为,应承 担促权贵任的公民或法人。由于新闻行业的特点,实践中 常见的新闻侵权民亨贵任主体有以下几类:发衷侵权作 品的新闻单位.作者,消息来源和转载 转播侵权作品的 新闻单位。 新用侵权是一种特殊类型的民亨侵权,其特殊之处, 在于涉及到页种不同的利笆——个体利毡和社会利岔。 为正确解决个人利益和社会公共利笆之间的冲突,在确 认新闻机构侵权的原则下,有必要免除或限制新闻机构 的某些侵窖行为的贵任,以保障新闻媒介有效的发挥舆 论监督的作用,维护国翼和社会的整体利主。以下几种阶 况可作为新闻侵权压任的抗研窜由:证明传播的内容真 实,权戌的消总来源,公正评论,受窖人同厄。 新闻促权行为造成的损害后果有非财产损害和财产 损失两种浓现形式,相应地,新闻侵权击任方式也分为非 财产性的贵任方式和狈害赂偿两种。可以在新闻促权中 适用的非财产贵任方式主要有三种:停止枉害.恢复名誉 与消除影响、赔札迫歉。损容陪偿是指对新闻侵权导致的 扳害结果给予经济上的补偿,属财产性民事救济方式。损 3 )窖赔偿应贯彻党全赔偿厥则、过失相抵原则和顾及馒害人承受能力的原则。损害赌偿的范围包括财产损失的陪”偿和精神扳窖赔偿。

【Abstract】 Abstract,Home news lawsuits go up increasing1y in recent years andbecome hot news which social all circles pay close attention to’ Sothe articles, works and sympQsiums on studying and exPloringnews tort are becoming more day by day. HOwever, the studiesin this respect are still intiatitive and commn views have notbeen achieved in many questions and the standards which judicial.organs use in dealing with 1awsuits concerning news tortarenidentical. In order to promote the study on the law of newstort, I selectiability fOr news torts my thesis for the Master. Thisthesis makes a few tentative exPlorations in these respects of con-stituted requisites, subjects, ways and Ieasons fOr counterplea ofliability for news tort.I think, news is an rep()rt action concerning late occurringincidents by means of pub1ic spread mediums such as newspapers,...magazines, news agencies, broadcasts and televisions. News tortis an action which news units or individuals propgate contents orcontents prohibited by law tO the public by means of pub1ic spreadmediums in the shape of inventing a story with intention or negli-gent report and thereby infringe on personality right of the citi-zens and legal persons. News tort bears a few distinguished fea-.tures as fOlows’1From view -- point of the subjects, infringers are rnainiy 1egal’ established news organs, journa1ists as we1l as the units or indi-viduals Which supPly source of news’ from view -- point of the.contents, news tOrt is news organs and the citizens encroach on1one personality right and cause injuries to it in undertaking newsactivities. From view -- POint of the act feature, itschief featurelies in publishing news works in public by public spread mediums.from view -- POint of the injured target, itsdirect target is person-aiity right. According to the causes for news tort taking place, itis divided into several typescontents unfounded, cotnment im-proper, disclosing secrets and ruining reputation with intention. Ithink news tort is different from news offence, which belong tocivil 1aw and criminal law respectively and are not identical in therespects of subjective requisites, damaged consequences and sub-J ect.Liability fOr news tort should implement the principle ofttributing a fault to 1iability In the light of the theory in whichthis principle ofttributing a fault to liabilitydetermines the consti-tuted requisites for liabi1ity, the constituted requisites fOr liabi1ityfor news tort inc1ude fOur sidesillega1 acts, daxnaged facts, causal-ity between i1legal acts and darnaged facts and faults. Illegal actsmean that the acts are contrary to the 1aw, maiuly showing in vi-blating compulsive and prohibitive regulat1ons of laws. Injury im-plies that one makes the other rights and benefits suffer adverseeffects because of itsgiven acts or matters. In the law of act of2tort, casualty refers to the relation of cause and effect existing be-tween act of tort and damaged facts, the acts are cause, the dam-aged facts are effect. Academic circle holds two views about dq-..termination of causality, one is suitable causality theory, the oth-..er is certain causa1ity theOry, Compared with two theories, I stiIlendorse the suitable causality theory, condition and effect is anexternal non -- essential casual relation, but the casual relation is arelation of cause and effect too’ Of course, we should use thistheory in a given condition to avoid the chains of causality frombeing strained unduly and make a distinction between the chiefcause and the subordinate cause and correctly determine the actorliability extent. Fault is the final constituted requisite of the req-uisites fOr liability fOr news tort, which inc1udes intentional faultand negligent fau1t. There are two standards in maintainingfaults, one is subjective one, which determines whether the actorhas faults or nor by judging its sube

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【下载频次】446

