

【作者】 王瑜

【导师】 於世成;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 国际法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 世纪之交,海商法在世界领域内进行着变革,并力图在变革中进步。历时五年,十三易稿的海事诉讼法于1999年12月25日由九届人大常委会第13次会议通过,并定于2000年7月1日起实施。这标志着我国的海事立法又向前迈进了一大步,初步形成了比较完整的,具有中国特色的海事司法制度。对于促进海运和对外经贸事业的发展,维护国家利益,体现我国的海洋大国地位,具有十分重要的意义。 海事诉讼法,从中国海事诉讼的特点出发,以民事诉讼法的规定为基本原则,总结了人民法院在海事审判中所积累的宝贵经验,同时借鉴和吸收了有关国际公约、国际惯例和国外一些国家在海事诉讼领域的先进做法。海事诉讼法在保持与中国法律体系、基本法律制度一致的同时,尽可能与国际先进的审理海事案件的程序接轨。无庸置疑,这是一部成功的法律,但也有一些不足之处。 海事诉讼属于民事诉讼的范畴。而作为世纪之交的海事诉讼法无疑体现了了民事诉讼法理论研究发展的最新动态。另一方面,海事诉讼法是审理海事海商案件的程序法,海事海商案件在不少方面不同于一般的民事案件,海事诉讼法借鉴了国际海事审判领域的一些先进制度,对传统的民事诉讼法中的一些制度有重大突破。笔者结合当今民事诉讼法的理论研究成果和国际海事领域的先进做法,对海事诉讼法的一些特点进行了归纳:(1)海事诉讼程序的独立价值;(2)当事人主义的诉讼模式;(3)对物诉讼制度的承认 管辖在诉讼法中具有非常重要的地位。海事诉讼法也专设“管辖”一章,海事诉讼法中的管辖有很多问题值得商榷。海事诉讼法在管辖方面的最大问题就是不成体系,依附于民事诉讼法,认为民事诉讼法中有规定的,就不再规定,结果使该法残缺不全。海事诉讼法明文规定了当事人可以协议选择中国法院管辖,即使案件与中国法院无实际联系。对于这种意图扩大中国法院管辖权的规定,其中利弊很难一言以敝之,有待于司法实践去检验。 海事请求保全是海事诉讼法中最为重要的一章。笔者对海事请求保全的内容和海事请求保全的特点进行了较为详细的阐述。船舶扣押是海事请求保全的最主要、最典型的形式。船舶非因法定海事请求不得扣押。因此海事请求的定义对于船舶扣押而言就显得尤为重要。海事诉讼法参照“1999年扣船公约”的规定采用的是封闭式的定义方式,其具体的海事请求项目也基本上与“1999年扣船公约”的规定一致。可扣押船舶的范围是船舶扣押的核心内容。扣押船舶的范围包括对当事船的扣押和对姐妹船的扣押。海事诉讼法有关扣押当事船的条件,扣押当事船的例外情况和扣押姐妹船的规定见于第23条。重复扣船是指基于同一海事请求两次或两次以上扣押同一船舶,或者被申请人所有或光租的其他船舶。海事诉讼法关于重复扣押的规定见于第24条。“活扣押”,即采取限制船舶所有权或者法律规定的其他方式,限制了船舶所有人对船舶的处分权以及获得保险赔偿的权利,但是保留了占有权或使用 权,船舶所有人可以在船舶被扣押期间继续使用船舶。海事诉讼法第27条对“活扣 押”做了规定。海事诉讼法以“最高院94卖船规定”为基础对拍卖船舶的条件做了 较为严格的规定,还参照拍卖法的规定,对拍卖船舶的程序作了具体规定,体现了拍“卖船舶的公开、公正,并使之规范化。海事诉讼法第一次以立法的形式对船载货物>的扣押和拍卖作了专门规定。 海事诉讼法在总结海事法院的审判经验的基础上,借鉴了英联邦国家的“玛瑞 瓦禁令”制度和大陆法系国家的假处分制度,设立了类似子行为保全性质的海事强 制令制度。 海事诉讼法证据制度包括海事证据保全和举证制度。海事证据保全和举证制度 参照了英国的先进制度,较民事诉讼法有很大的突破。 海事担保包括海事请求保全、海事强制令、海事证据担保等程序中所涉及的担 保。 海事诉讼法针对海事案件涉外因素复杂,船舶流动性大,时间紧迫,航运企业 经营方式灵活隐蔽常常导致诉讼文书的送达特别困难的实际情况,在民事诉讼法规 定的送达方式的基础上,增加了一些合理有效的送达方式。t 海事诉讼法根据民法通则和最高人民法院的有关规定,在总结审判经验的基础,上,参照国际习惯作法,对强制拍卖船舶和海事赔偿责任限制中存在的债权登记和Z 受偿问题以及确权之诉作了规定。 海事诉讼法共有6章、16条涉及仲裁。对海事仲裁裁决的承认和执行,海事仲 裁中的海事请求保全,海事仲裁中的证据保全,海事仲裁中关于海事强制令、设立 海事赔偿责任限制基金程序等问题作了规定。 海事诉讼法作为海事领域的一部特别程序法,体现了民事诉讼理论发展的方向, 总结了海事审判的实践经验,吸收了最新国际公约的有关规?

【Abstract】 The Maritime Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the?MPL? was enacted at the l3 meeting of the Standing Committee of the 9th session of the National People’s Congress of China (NPC. legislator) on 25~ December 1999 and implemented on 1st July 2000. The implementation of the MPL is regarded as a new milestone in the Chinese Maritime Law system. The newly promulgated MPL has created, for all the maritime claimants and their opponents, an efficient mechanism in solving their disputes and keeping a proper way to the rule of law in this field. It is a successful law although some of the provisions are not matured and need to be revised. China plays an important role in upholding an international maritime justice and will be the center of maritime adjudication within the area of Asia and Pacific. Maritime procedure is within the field of the civil procedure. Therefore the provisions of the MPL mirror the new developments of theory researches in the dvii procedure law field. Jurisdiction takes an important role in the civil proceedings. However, the provisions of the MPL in this respect are attached to the Civil Procedure Laws, which makes the concerned provisions incomplete. Preservation of Maritime Claims is no doubt the most important part. The writer elaborates the contents and characters of the preservation of maritime claims. Arrest of ship falls on the main and typical category of the preservation of maritime claims. In the MPL, China has adopted the dosed list of claims in the Arrest Convention 1999. This contrast with uncertainty of the current Arrest Regulations 1994 which provided a generic description of a aritime claim followed by a non xhaustive list of examples. The MPL mirrors the provisions of the Arrest Convention 1999. In most cases, arrest is only possible if, at the time of the arrest, the ship to be arrest is owned or demise chartered by the respondent. The so-called Iiving arrest is recognized by the MPL. After ordering to preserve a ship, the maritime court may, with the consent of the maritime claimant, allow continued operation of the ship by means of restraining disposition or mortgage of the ship. For the first time the MPL provides the specific provisions on the arrest of cargo, bunkers and necessaries carried on a ship in order to obtain security supplement the current general provisions allowing for pre-Iitigation conservatory measures. New powers have been granted to the Courts to make mandatory orders requiring a party to do or to refrain form doing an act, backed up by the sanction of a fine or imprisonment. (Equivalent to the old areva Injunction? now called a reezing Injunction ?in England) The regulations on trial procedures in collision case differ greatly from those in the Civil Procedure Code governing common cases. The MPL adopts much of the common law system with respect to trial procedures governing collision cases. Compared with previous laws and judicial practice, some changes with respect of the service can be easily noted in the MPL, and these changes are mainly concerned with the qualification of the recipients of the service. The MPL introduces a procedure to alert the buyer of a ship to the exercise of maritime liens attached to it. Following an application for the notification of maritime liens, the Court will publicly invite claimants to register their liens. 16 articles from 6 chapters of the MPL are in connection with the maritime arbitration.

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