

【作者】 杜英军

【导师】 王世远; 孔凡村;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 海上交通是以航行安全和航行效率为目的的。但要完成这一目的,船舶之间掌握彼此动、静态信息是必不可少的。目前,在海上航行的船舶,广泛地应用雷达作为掌握其它船舶动态、静态信息的手段。使用雷达虽然能够掌握它船的存在和动、静态信息,但不可能识别船名、国籍等信息。在这种情况下,船舶自动识别系统作为一种新型的助航系统,依托当今的通信技术和计算机技术应运而生。自动识别系统可以向装备此设备的岸站、其它船舶和航行器自动提供本船的信息,诸如船舶识别码,船舶类型,位置,航向,速度,航行状态和其它相关的安全信息;并且可以接收到对方发送来的这些信息。同时自动识别系统还可以用来自动地监视和跟踪周围的船舶,这将会有利于海岸和港湾的船舶管理及海上船舶的安全航行和适时避让。 船舶自动识别系统集导航、通信和观测功能于一体,广泛适用于各种类型和大小不同的船舶。因此无论从技术性和经济性两个方面都适合于海上航行的各类船舶,对提高海上船舶的技术装备水平和最终实现驾驶自动化将起到很大作用。 目前,国际上为船舶自动识别系统的实现提出了两种工作方式:甚高频(VHF)/数字选择呼叫(DSC)方式和广播方式。本文主要研究应用前景更为广泛的采用广播方式的船舶自动识别系统。采用广播方式的船舶自动识别系统的实施最关键的问题是如何解决协调通信问题,为此,在深入研究和比较的基础上,选择了自组织时分多址技术。自组织时分多址技术(STDMA)是90年代在时分多址技术(TDMA)基础之上发展起来的一种新型网络通信技术,能够解决船舶自动识别系统的协调通信问题,本文提出了一种基于自组织时分多址技术的协调通信方案。 本文主要进行了以下几个方面的研究:在对船载自动识别系统的结构和功能研究的基础之上,提出了使用自组织时分多址技术来实现自动识别系统的设想,基于自组织时分多址技术建立了一套协调通信制度,并定义了相关参数,通过仿真试验测试,效果良好。按照IMO的规定,对船载自动识别系统传输的数字信令格式进行了初步探讨,据此导出船载自动识别系统关键的性能指标。 本文通过上述理论分析与实验仿真,得出以下结论:(Ⅰ)船载AIS设备可以利用船舶现有设备,花费较少费用进行改造;(Ⅱ)船载AIS设备采用自组织时分多 上海海运学院 硕士学位论文 址技术的广播方式不仅能满足!M 0性能要求,而且具有信息结构易伸缩的特点: (Ill)本文提出的基于自组织时分多址技术的无线数字通信网络的协调通信方案,通 过仿真试验可以看到,能有效的避免因两艘或多艘船的船载AIS设备都处于发射状 态,而造成信道堵塞的问题;(IV)根据采用自组织时分多址技术的船载 AJS网络 系统的特点,定义了一系列的参数,这些参数的定义和分析,对港口如何采用AIS 网络系统进行海上管理和海上航行的船舶如何利用AIS系统进行相互识别起到重要 作用;(V)通过基于自组织时分多址技术的船载 AIS无线数字通信网络的仿真系统 的前台演示和后台的性能分析,可以看到船载AIS系统良好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Traffic at sea must aim at navigational safety and efficiency. In order to achieve it , ship’s dynamic information and static information are necessarily held by other ships. Today, a ship at sea has to master other ships dynamic information and static information by radar. In this case, a ship can not get other ships name, nationality and etc. So automatic identification system (AIS) comes with communication technique and computer level changing quickly. AIS transponders are intended to automatically provide to appropriately equipped shore stations, other ships and aircraft information, including the ship’s identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational status and other safety-related information; to receive such information from similarly fitted ships; and also to monitor and track nearby ships. AIS would work in many aspects such as navigation, communication and observation. It can be able to meet with all types of ships. It also fits most of ships in technique and economy. AIS can make ship technical equipment level and automatic navigation change great. AIS can work by anyone of the two manners that are VHF/DSC and broadcasting. This paper primarily researches the AIS which adopts the broadcasting better applied in future. It is settling harmonious communication among ships equipped AIS that is the key to achieve the AIS adopting broadcasting. In 90s, Self梠rganized Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) would be brought forward according to Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). This paper puts forward a set of harmonious communication way basing on STDMA. This paper mainly deals with the problems as follow: on the basis of studying the configuration and functionality of Automatic Identification System, this paper proposes a technical scheme namely Self-organized Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) to achieve AIS. Based on STDMA, this paper establishes a set of harmonious communications system, and defines corresponding parameters. After emulator testing, the results prove that the harmonious communications system works well. According to the rules of IMO, this paper studies on the format of figure info about ship-dased AIS, and so educe the key capability standards. Based on the analysis of theory and emulator testing, this paper can draw the following conclusions. ( 11 ) It can take not much money to fix the ship-dased AIS by rebuilding current ship navigation equipments; (II) The broadcasting manner adopted by ship-dased AIS can not only meet with the demands of IMO, but have telescopic information structure; (III) By emulator testing, the harmonious communications system based on STDMA can effectively stop not less than two ships transmitting data; (IV) According to the characteristics of the ship-dased AIS based on STDMA, this paper defines corresponding parameters. These parameters will be important to manage the ships within harbor and identify one another among the ships at sea; (V) By the emulator testing of the harmonious communications system based on STDMA and analysis of testing results, it is proved that AIS will have a good development. Du yingjun(Transportation information control and automatization ) Directed by Prof. Wang shiyuan and adjunct Prof. Kong fancun

  • 【分类号】U665.261;TP29
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】356

