

【作者】 宣文

【导师】 曲林迟; 唐力帆;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 该论文集作者10余年从事企业综合计划、管理体系、工作岗位描述和管理规章制度等综合管理工作的实践,以上海动力设备有限公司(简称SPEC)为探讨、研究样本,整合所学MBA理论,在简要分析国内电力工业的竞争环境、SPEC面临的竞争局势及其管理的挑战等之后,从面对挑战SPEC如何继续健康发展的角度,将外部环境及内部管理的影响聚焦缩微成对SPEC组织制度创新与员工激励问题展开深入探讨。 论文采用大量图表、数据和计算分析,辅以适用于SPEC的实用管理工具和模式多方位、全景式剖析SPEC组织结构、制度管理和员工激励等问题,针对性的提出解决办法:利用BPR思想方法、项目管理小组、职工持股的发起人式股份有限公司形式等进行管理职能归并、优化分析、改进SPEC组织结构;结合人本管理和企业文化建设对SPEC管理制度进行SWOT分析和价值增值设计;借鉴资本所有权延伸和共同治理原则,借用“经济人”、按照“社会人”和“文化人”三种人性假设,结合“领导生命周期理论曲线”理论,人性化、多层面地设计激励SPEC员工的实施方案。论文要点:1.从组织增值角度将与SPEC经营战略实施关系不胜密切、现正亏损但有独立核算经验的公司(锻造、动能、旁路阀门等)包装改制为投资主体多元化、职工持股的发起人式股份有限公司。公司设立股东会、董事会和总经理。董事中包含一名职工董事、一名独立董事,独立董事可分别由设备、阀门、锻造行业协会派员担任,等等。2.将分散在SPEC供应处、设备动能处即装备公司、生产处、生活服务公司、总裁办公室和安环处等职能部门的采购业务归入供应部门,成立“采购中心”统一负责公司对外采购业务;制定采购标准,编制标准报价书,采用BPR思想方法整合原采购报价流程,将上述部门的采购列入费用预算,一定程度上可融通使用资金,各部门按规定流程将采购申请提交“采购中心”,由“采购中心”平衡后利用网上询价、集合竟价、承诺定价等方式在部门费用预算范围内统一对外采购。3.从实际出发,以需要为依据。根据SPEC实际需要、业务特点写实性地编制管理制度用于指导工作实践,并兼顾实现预期的增殖效果。4.以人为本管理制度。编制制度应更多地考虑员工素质、工作能力、工作习惯和执行制度的环境、难点和可行性等,创造执行制度的团队氛围,并将人本管理与企业文化结合。通过企业文化建设同化企业员工的价值观念,把员工的价值观念引向与企业价值取向、管理理念、企业精神和文化一致的轨道上来,极大地调动员工工作积极性和创造性,使企业达到让员工自觉按规章制度办事的效果。5.借用“经济人”假设对员工进行有形奖励。将目前SPEC奖金占工资的比重由23%至少提升至40%-45%,使SPEC员工收入中活的部分可比原来提高17%-22%;实行双轨制考核,即经济责任制和“木桶原理”联手、配套考核,SPEC各个部门按照经济责任制和“木桶原理”标准制定相应的员工考核细则,使员 工既约束自我行为,又具有集体主义意识;将总额为100万元,目前仅起“保 健因素”作用的质量、能源、科技、安全和双增双节等五项专项奖组合设计改 为“合理化建议奖”,并制定奖励办法鼓励SPEC员工,特别是质量、能源、科 技、安全和双增双节条线员工多提合理化建议,合理化建议一经采纳即按照奖 励办法兑奖。 重新设计经销、设计、工艺、劳人(教培)和供应等部门奖励办法:如,与承 接合同额挂钩的销售人员的奖励比率应从20%增至60%,3倍于原奖励数,调 动销售人员多接、接好合同的积极性。 6.按“社会人”要求与员工进行感情交流。在SPEC劳人处内设立“员工抱怨 接待室”,排定并公布由企业最高管理层成员值日的接待计划,专门收集、倾听。 传递、记录和评价、处理员工的抱怨和不满,定期反馈并及时处理员工的意见、 建议和要求,给予员工心灵的抚慰,让员工来这里消气,从而消除组织内部隔 阂,化解矛盾,以使工作富有效率和成果。此外,还可通过SPEC企业报或定 期出版的包括质量、安全、合同承接、大事记、员工热点话题(HOt TopiC)和 员工意见反馈等内容的信息简报,充分利用SPEC内部局域网发布信息,与员 工交流沟通。 7.按“文化人”要求鼓励员工“充电”。利用 SPEC班组建设现有网络,以 11.4% 文明班组、先进班组为试点单位,建立学习型小组进行系统地学习和全面质量 的学习:沟通信息,交流经验,学习新知识、新技能,采用“震脑”法提出合 理化建议,实现管理者与员工间互动激励效应,提高管理的质量、学习的质量、 沟通的质量和合作的质量。 8.对低能力但高承诺的员工。SPEC可借鉴朗讯科技(中国)有限公司帮助新 员工制订“职业生涯发展计划”的做法,正确找到自己的“职业锚”。 SPEC应对新进厂大学生员工先培训后上岗。结合产品实例进行

【Abstract】 Backing by author抯 over 10 years working experience integrated with MBA management theory, this paper is focusing on the key aspects/affections of Spec抯 Innovation of Organization System and Employee抯 Incentive, regarding to SPEC competitive market environment both at home and abroad. With the help of management tools such as SWOT Analysis, BPR, Leader抯 Life Cycle, Project Team and Value added Analysis etc., there are more datum, tables and calculation applied to analyze Spec抯 management issues with following conclusions. *Organization Structure a. From a point of value added view SPEC should move out some Units with negative profits such as the Forging Shop, Equipment & Power Department and By-pass Valve Shop etc. Those Units could be reorganized and changed into the Limited Company with an independent Board Director and an employee Board Director available, which the independent Board Director is selected directly from related industry associations. b. A Purchasing Center that will replace the Purchasing Department should be set up so as to combine all purchasing functions together, which is separately located in several departments like the Purchasing Department, Equipment & Power Department, the Production Department, the Logistic Provider and the President Office etc. The Purchasing Center should conduct the international Bidding method including the Bidding documents and control through the Internet online purchasing system. *Management Regulation a. SPEC should rearrange the existing regulation system, work out practical and operation-oriented regulations with value added expectation based on ISO9001 & ISO14001 International Standards and integrated with Spec抯 real situation. b. On the process of regulation innovation activities SPEC should follow the people-oriented thinking and practical theory to establish the linkage between employee抯 value and company抯 value/spirit/culture and create a willingness atmosphere really from employee抯 heart. *EmpIoyee~s Motivation A Focusing on 3 Types of Hypothesis to Motivate a.From the Economic-man hypothesis SPEC should increase employee抯 Bonus of Total Income from 23% to 40-45% with the joint assessment of economic responsible system and 揥ater Bucket Principle? which means employees with poor performance will receive punishment given by SPEC management. b.From the Social-man hypothesis a 揈mployee抯 Compliant Room?joint with 3 SPEC computer抯 LAN system should be set up within H.R. Department to collect, listen, pass, record and review employees complaints and unsatisfied comments with sincerely attitude. SPEC also should provide feedback to the employee raising complaints on the regular basis. c. From the Educated Culture-man hypothesis SPEC should make full use of 11.4% model production teams system to exchange SPEC specific information from top management and information /experience between employees and managers, and communicate with management level for management improvement and contribution. A Focusing on 4 Levels for Incentive a. SPEC should treat employees with low capability and high commitments by a copy/an example of 揅areer Development Plan?from Lucent (China) Co., Ltd., help SPEC new corners conduct the job training before moving to working posts and gradually find their proper career Anchor. b. SPEC should treat employees with medium-high ca

【关键词】 创新项目小组制度价值增值
【Key words】 InnovationProject TeamRegulationValue-added
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【下载频次】206

