

The Preliminary Study in Internet-based Machine Design Course Computer Aided Instruction

【作者】 王全波

【导师】 常连生;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机辅助教学(Computer Aided Instruction,简称为CAI)是现代教育技术中最先进的手段之一。本论文主要对计算机网络技术在机械设计课程辅助教学中的应用进行了初步研究。在机械设计课程辅助教学中引入计算机辅助教学中先进的网络技术,是我校面向二十一世纪教学体系改革的一项重要内容。 在基于Internet的机械设计CAI系统中,学习部分主要采用超文本标示语言HTML组成静态Web页面,供学生学习基础知识时使用。在动态测试部分,系统采用基于项目反应理论IRT的Web方式自适应测试,学生可在学习完相关内容后进行测试,加深对所学内容的理解。 针对机械设计课程中大量的计算和分析型主观题目的特点,论文以螺栓校核类题目为切入点,运用模糊数学中的综合评价模型和满意度理论,对计算型题目的计算机判别模式进行了初步研究,较好地解决了对螺栓校核类题目的判别问题。 为便于学生和教师针对教学和学习中的具体问题进行探讨,系统的实时交流模块提供了公告板、聊天室、Web方式电子邮件三种方式,使师生间的交流变得更加容易和方便。

【Abstract】 AbstractComPuter Aided InstrUction (CAI) is one of the most advanced.ways in modern education technology This paPer mainly discusses theaPplying of comPuter network technology research in machine designcourse insmiction. To introduce the adVanced netWork technology inCAI into machine design course insmiction is one of the imPortantreforms of our university in the 2l st centuryIn the intemet-based machine design course CAI, the leaming pallof the system mainly uses HTML static web pages for students’primarily leaming stage, and the practicing part uses web-basedcomPuterized adaPtive test, which is based on Item Response Theory fOrdynaAnc tests, through which students will effectively deepen theirimPressions on what they have leamed.Because machine design course always have a 1arge quantity ofsubjective questions with calculations and analyses, this paPer uses thebolt-verification problem as examPle and makes primary researches inthe distingUishing model of subective questions with the fuzzycomPrehensive aPpraisal theory and the concept of satisfaction degree infuzzy mathematics. It’s satisfying in settling the bo1t-verificationproblem.In convenience to the discussion between students and teachers, thereal-time comrnnication module in the system provides BBS,Chartroom and web-based Email, which makes the communication more easily.

【关键词】 机械设计CAI、Internet
【Key words】 Machine DesignCAlInternet
  • 【分类号】TP391.72;TH122-4
  • 【下载频次】158

