


【作者】 陆红梅

【导师】 郭维明;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在阐述课题研究意义的基础上,首先对国际和中国花卉业的发展现状作了概述,并对江苏花卉业在全国的地位作了评估。接着在实地调研的基础上,对江苏花卉业的发展现状,包括气候、种质资源、基地设施、龙头企业、花卉市场及人才状况、信息、资金和相应的立法等进行了客观分析,从中找出产业的基础薄弱或不足之处,包括资源、市场、科研、设施栽培、病虫害防治及花卉统计等方面的问题。针对上述问题,从产业化的角度出发,以实现江苏“森林式城郊、园林式城市、花园式小区”的城市绿化建设方向,提出了通过结构调整,实现江苏化卉产业化发展的具体措施。突出重在应用科技,提高花卉质量,并重点提出了发掘本土花卉资源,实现花卉目标的科技策略。主要研究内容与结果如下: 1、就世界范围内,包括中国,花卉业正迅速崛起为最具活力与前景的产业之一,并出现了全球性转移和产销分离的趋势。中国花卉面积稳步增长,质量逐步提高,并呈现区域化布局。在流通上,已导入拍卖方式,与国际初步接轨。尽管存在诸如基础薄弱、结构失衡、管理无序等问题,但由于中国具备气候、资源、政策扶持等方面的优势,及全球性生产转移、加入WTO的良好外环境,而被国际社会认为是最具发展潜力的国家之一。江苏作为传统花木大省,以27%的产值年增幅,超过全国平均水平。就各花卉项目的实力综合而言,位居全国第六。但江苏的单产较低,在流通上尚无拍卖方式。 2、江苏花卉已呈六大区域化布局,各产区内均有各自的优势项目。鉴于苗木是江苏的拳头产品,相应地出现了经纪人这一特色销售途径,另有大型集散/综合性批发市场。花卉业投资呈多元化格局,然而各产区的投资回报率差异很大。花卉业人才结构合理,但注重产中、忽略产前和产后,专业素质亟待提高。社会化服务体系不全,政府投入、产业信息、法制法规建设方面多有欠缺。 3、江苏花卉资源并不丰富,且利用率不高,使得花卉种类、品种单一,规格不全。尤其是种子、种苗(球),对外埠、外国依赖较大。科研忽略育种,研究或育成后转化率不高。引进温室效益差,高效设施和作物参数软件栽培技术应用不够。特别是鲜切花、盆花反季节生产应市程度不够,不能满足本省需求。市场建设规模偏小,交易设施和辅助手段简易,仍以对手交易为主。期货 中 文 拍 耍和拍卖等形式少,且结算不及时,信誉度低。花卉出口近年来处于低迷状态。 4、江苏花卉产业化发展包括九大措施:(一)花木区域化分布,建设商品基地;(二)花卉资源的适度开发、利用;(三)科技策略及科研成果转化、推广,以“应用科技、提高质量”为核心,提出了相应的科技策略:l、新品种更新,包括引种、品种改良和育种:2、种子、种苗和种球的工厂化生产体系;3、智能温室及高效设施栽培。4、无土栽培和测土平衡配方施肥。5、标准化、多商品化花卉生产:6、采后保鲜、贮运问题;7、切花、盆花反季节促控栽培,提高周年应市能力;8、病虫害防治;9、提出了保护生态环境,实行可持续发展的理念。(四)培育完善的市场体系,包括市场硬/软件建设和流通方式(经纪人、直销、网络、拍卖)的改进;(五)花卉产业一体化的途径,包括产、供、销的一体化组织形式和花卉生产、科研、教育的一体化:(六)建立快捷、完善的信息管理体系;(七)多方位、多层次的投入机制;(八)政府宏观调控及加强立法;(九)完善社会化服务体系。

【Abstract】 On the basis of clarifying the purpose of this subject, the paper first summarized global and national flower industry situation, also estimated the status of JS(Jiangsu province) flower industry. By on-spot investigation, it analyzed such items as: climate, sources, greenhouses of bases, dragon enterprises, markets, faculty, information system, investment and rules to find the weak parts of JS flower industry, including sources, market, research, protecting culture, diseases and pests precaution and curing, flower statistic etc. In view of industrialization, aiming at constructing 慺orest suburb, landscape city, garden residence? by adjusting structure, the paper came up with 9 pieces of measure to reach flower industrialization, emphasized exploiting homeland flower sources and scientific technique strategies. The main contents and results of this study are as follows: 1. Global flower industry is now becoming one of the most vigorous and prosperous industries, with the trend of production transferring and departure with sales. In China, flower area increases gradually, and districtively spots. Altogether there are two auction markets. Regardless of its problems. China is regarded as one of the most prosperous countries with her superior domestic and international conditions. JS, as a traditional flower province, has an annually increasing rate of 27% of flower product, above the national level. As to the general product strength, she ranks at 6th over the country. But flower average product is low and JS has no auction markets. 2. JS flower has 6 districts, each has its main item. As ornamental plant is the staple product of IS, correctively there is a specific selling way broker, together with large-scale comprehensive wholesale markets. Regardless of multi-phase flower investment, the investment returning rates in different cities differ a lot. Faculty structure is rational, but it ignores pre-and post-product. Their special quality should be improved: 3. JS flower source isn抰 abundant, and hasn抰 been well used. Thus it results in flower species and varieties tedious and specifications incomplete. Especially the 102 seed, seedling (bulb) depend too much on foreign. Breeding research hasn抰 been payed too much attention, and the transferring rate of research achievement is low. The efficiency of imported greenhouses is not high. Protecting and parameter software culturing technique hasn抰 been widely applied. Anti-seasonal production of cut and potted flower can抰 match the need. Most markets are small. Trading equipment and accessory way is simple. Stocking or auction is scarce and the paying is not always in time. Flower exportation isn抰 very optimistic. 4. JS flower industrialization includes 9 pieces of measures: I. Flower spot districtively and construct producing bases; 2.R.easonally exploit and take advantage of flower sources; 3 .Make scientific& technological strategies, transfer and popularize research achievements; 4.Culture complete marketing system; 5.Organizing way of flower industrialization 6.Construct modem information system 7.Multi-phase investments 8.Governinentally plan and control and make corrective rules 9. Construct complete serving system. In the end, this paper analyzed the globally and nationally beneficial conditions, also showed the bright prosperity of JS flower industry.

【关键词】 江苏花卉产业化系统工程
【Key words】 Jiangsu ProvinceFlowerIndustrializationSystematic Engineering
  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】578

