

Discussion on training the mathematical quality of students

【作者】 颜星华

【导师】 辛林;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文试对数学素质教育的有关问题进行理论方面的探讨。 就象今天识字、阅读一样,数学成为公民必需的文化素养,我国在儒家文化和考试制度的传统影响下,学生具有较强的记忆能力、计算能力和解题技巧,而联系生活应用数学能力和创新能力较弱。因而在数学素质教育上,就不仅要重视学生数学基本知识和技能的培养,也要培养学生应用数学知识的意识和欲望,激励学生的创新意识,同时,关注每一个学生在情感态度、思维能力等多方面的进步,为学生终身学习和可持续发展提供基础,使数学溶入人的整体素质,成为世界观的一部分。也就是说,按“大众数学”的观点,我们数学素质教育所追求的目标是:让孩子喜欢数学!让不同的孩子学习不同的数学。从而提高全体学生的数学素质,使他们的主体人格得到生动活泼的全面发展,具有强烈创新意识和能力。

【Abstract】 In this article, the author discussed some problems theoretically that relevant to the mathematical quality of students. The math, as well as literacy and reading, is one of the must-have ability for everyone. Effected by the tradition of Confucian culture and exam system, the students in China have great ability of memory, computing and problem-solving. However, they are weak in applying mathematics and innovating in the real life. So, we must lay stress not only on training their basic knowledge and skill of mathematics, but also on training their consciousness and desire to apply mathematical experience. We must encourage their innovating consciousness, concern their improvement on feeling, manner, thought and etc. We must merge mathematics into their integral quality, make it becomes one part of their world outlook, so that the students have better preparation for life-long study and sustainable development. That is to say, from the viewpoint of 損opular mathematics? the target of our math quality education is---let the children love mathematics, learn different mathematics depending on their individual difference. Then the math quality of all students can be improved, their dignity can show vividly and gain overall development, at the same time, their innovating consciousness and ability would be strengthened greatly.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】462

