

The Study on The Factors that Influence Students’ Construction of Maths’ Knowledge

【作者】 张家兴

【导师】 裘晓岚;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 建构主义学习理论是当今数学教育界最引以重视的学习理论。本研究旨在探究影响学生建构数学知识的主要因素,并探求教学过程中激发学生主动建构数学知识,提高数学教学质量的对策。 本研究在参阅相关资料,广泛征求数学教师的意见的基础上,编制出调查问卷,在学生中进行大样本的问卷调查再对部分教师进行访谈,发现了影响学生主动建构数学知识的要素有:教师行动理论、课堂教学的形式方法、学生的亲师程度、数学学习动机兴趣、学生的数学价值观、学生原有的认知结构、学生的听觉、视觉、思维时间差异、学生的元认知水平等,并结合建构主义学习理论,提出调控这些要素的方法和策略。 本人于2000至2001学年度期间,在自己任教的福建师范大学第二中学初二(7)班进行试验,发现运用上述研究结果尝试指导教学,教学质量有明显的提高,尤以中等以上学生收效最为显著,进而得出以下结论。 中学数学教学要做到:1.教师要增强终身学习意识;2.优化课堂教学过程;3.通过教学实践,丰富学生数学应用的体验;4.重视数学课外活动;5.以学生学会做人学会学习为目的。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT The theory of Constructionism is paid great attention to in maths education circle today. The aim of this study is to find out the primary factors that influence students to construct maths knowlege and The way to arouse students?enthusiasm for constructing maths knowledge to improve teaching quality. The factors I found that influence students to construct maths knowledge are: the operation of teachers, the form of teaching, the relation between teachers and students, the enthusiam for maths, students?values on maths, students?original understanding of maths construction, the difference of students Audio visual and audale sense and thinking metacognition after consulting the materials correlated with this study, soliciting opinions from many maths teachers and distributing questionnaines among teachers. I have made experiments about this study in class 7 Junior 2 in the Second Middle School Affiliated to Fujiang Teachers? University which i teach from 2000 to 2001 and the teaching quality improved greatly, especially for the students above average level. So I get a conclusion that l.Teachers should increase the awareness of studying for the whole life; 2. Optimize the teaching course; 3. Enrich students?experience of practising maths, 4. Attach importance to extracurricular activities; 5. teach students how to learn and how to be a good man.

【关键词】 中学数学影响主动建构要素
【Key words】 Maths of middle schoolInfluenceConstructFactors
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【下载频次】508

