

Experimental Research on Dynamic Car-weighting System on Freeway

【作者】 胡文彬

【导师】 安连生; 许东来;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 高速公路动态车辆称重系统的研究对于保护公路的正常使用有着重要的经济意义和社会价值。本文的主要研究目的是试图通过实验模型研究车辆的动态称重,以探讨实际测量中出现的一些基本问题。 本文首先对称重本体——汽车的运动状态和动力特性进行了深入的分析与研究,并得出这样一个结论:汽车的振动是影响动态称重效果的关键因素,要想使静态轴载比较准确的反映出来就必须根据振动产生的原因有效的减缓和消除振动。然后以此作为先验知识进行了实验平台的建设,在实验平台的建设中主要解决减缓和消除振动以及提高系统性价比的问题。最后通过实验找出动态称重过程中的规律性,即本课题所需的后验知识,并以此后验知识为基础建立数学模型从而实现了动态补偿算法。动态补偿算法的实现是关键,本文根据后验知识提出了“当量测量值”的概念,并利用回归分析找到了“当量测量值”和静态轴载之间的定量关系从而建立动态补偿算法以实现动态车辆称重。而且通过分析和实验证明该算法在速度较低的情况下可以满足系统的设计精度要求。 除此之外,本文还探讨了动态车辆称重系统的软件编制问题。主要包括利用Ⅵ技术实现硬件功能的软件化,如利用软件实现结果显示、软操作平台、报警显示以及建立系统和数据库的连接。

【Abstract】 Car-weighting-dynamically System on Freeway plays a important role of protecting freeway to use normally. This article studies how to implement car-weighting dynamically in the situation that the sampling-time is short. The method on the base of pre-experiment knowledge is the kernel method in this article.Firstly, studying the movernental and dynamical features that cars behave in the process of Car-weighting-dynamically, and knowing that the vibrations are the main factors impacting the measure precision. So it is concluded that to reduce and avoid the stochastic vibrations is necessary and useful. Secondly, taking this result as the pre-experiment knowledge to guide the construction of the experiment system. Thirdly, finding the post-experiment knowledge well and truly by doing a good many of experiments, and then implementing compensating-arithmetic-dynamically on the basic of the post-experiment knowledge. Finally, putting forward the conception of 揚roportional Maximal Value?PMV), and then seeking after the quantitative relation between PMV and static axle-load.Besides, this article studied how to implement the software system, including result-showing, soft operating flat, soft alarming and database implementing.

  • 【分类号】TH715.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】352

