

Studies on the Propelling Force and Heat Exchanging of the Spontaneously Circular Evaporator

【作者】 廖吉林

【导师】 俞秀民;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 化学工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 蒸发器是广泛应用于化工蒸发单元操作的化工设备,耗能巨大。传统蒸发器在运转过程中,加热管原料液侧容易出现析晶污垢,大大降低传热系数。论文首先介绍了污垢类型,结垢机理及影响结垢速度的主要因素,污垢所造成的经济损失及控制,防止和清洗方法。论文从结构上对蒸发器进行改进,改型后可算为一种新型蒸发器。其主要改进包括将加热室从原来的上升管内沸腾段的下方移到了循环管的中下部较好地利用了空间,降低设备高度;加装副加热室增加其汽化量,增大循环推动力;加装助推器以利启动,也是负压效保证循环流速所必需;添加纽带这种除垢防垢和传热强化元件。然后进行了纽带除垢防垢的可行性试验,得出了其在线防垢及强化传热功能能否发挥的关键-流速条件及纽带螺距等结构因素对纽带转动快慢的的影响。运用因次分析方法得出了插有纽带管段阻力计算准数关联式,并通过具体实验求出参数值,得出压力降的具体准数关联式表达式,据此调节阀门开度以模拟热态试验工况条件。冷态试验先假定沸腾段蒸发为平衡蒸发,在此前提下推导了理论循环计算压头公式。然后通过实测数据计算的压头与理论压头比较,得出沸腾段蒸发为不平衡蒸发的结论,且不平衡蒸发程度在35%-50%之间,并通过热态试验加以验证。热态试验中以常压效为例进行了试验,由于这种蒸发器是逆循环,又特别提出了具体操作步骤及注意事项。试验的结果表明不平衡蒸发程度为55%左右,证明了冷态模型确使较好的反映实际情况以及在常压效中纽带在无助推条件下可以平稳转动发挥其在线清洗和强化传热功能。

【Abstract】 As chemical equipments, evaporators are widely used in chemical plants. A large amount of heating energy is cost in it. During the operation of traditional evaporators, however, crystal fouling is often found on the inside of the heating pipes. This paper analyzes the type of the fouling, the fouling mechanism and the main factors that influence the fouling rate. A narration about the economic loss resulting from the fouling has been made. How to control, to prevent and to clean the fouling are introduced.This paper aims at improving the structure of traditional evaporators as followed. Firstly, the heating chamber is employed to circulating pipe from the ascending pipe to make fuller use of the space and to reduce the height of the equipment;secondly, an auxiliary heating chamber is installed to enhance the circular drive;thirdly, a roll booster is used to start the circulation and to guarantee the vacuum unit working safely;fourthly, A type of twisted stripe was introduced which can prevent, clean the fouling and enhance the heating effect. On that base, an experiment is conducted to prove the possibility for the twisted stripe cleanness. A series of data are acquired. The data show the necessary circling velocity is vital for the twisted stripes to work. Through dimension-analyzing method, the relating equation of resisting force that exists in the heating tube with a twisted stripe is achieved. Those unknown coefficients in the equation are attained by another experimentation. Then we can draw the detailed expressing equation. According to<WP=20>the equation, We adjust the opening-degree of the valve to simulate the working condition of an evaporator in the factory.On the assumption that the evaporation is a complete process in the mocking experiment, the theoretical circling prompting-force equation is achieved. By comparing the result from the theoretical equation with the practical, we find there is a great gap between them, and their proportion is largely the same, about 35%-50%. So we can conclude that the evaporating process in the boiling tube in the evaporator is not a hundred-percent one.During the process of the heating trial, some special procedures are mentioned because of the particularity of circulation. The experiment result shows the degree of evaporation is nearly 55%. It also proves the self-rotational twisted stripe can rotate smoothly to full function.

【关键词】 蒸发器自然循环纽带推动力
【Key words】 evaporatorspontaneous cycletwisted stripepropelling force
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TQ051
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】614

