

【作者】 王健

【导师】 冯家涛;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水利水电工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是关于东庄水利枢纽泥沙问题研究的部分成果,主要是针对东庄水利枢纽的修建,对渭河下游淤积的控制作用进行研究。 泥沙问题是多泥沙河流上修建的水利枢纽工程能否正常运用的关键问题。东庄水库是拟建于多泥沙河流泾河之上的一个水利枢纽工程。泾河是渭河最大的支流,来水来沙条件直接影响着渭河下游的冲淤变化。由于三门峡水库设计和修建对泥沙问题考虑不周,导致淤积加剧,使工程无法发挥应有的效益,被迫进行了二次改建。那么东庄水库的修建和运用,是否会造成渭河下游淤积状况的恶化,进行东庄水利枢纽对渭河下游河道动床物理模型试验研究就显得尤为重要。本论文作为试验研究的一部分,在物理模型试验的基础上,就东庄水库对渭河下游的影响作用进行了研究。 东庄水利枢纽渭河下游河道动床物理模型选定平面比尺为500,垂直比尺为60,变率为8.33,在此模型上进行了水库运用对比试验、长系列运用试验以及典型洪水试验。由对比试验可以看出,东庄水库的调水调沙运用对渭河下游有一定减淤作用;蓄清排浑运用不会恶化渭河下游淤积状态。 本论文重点针对典型洪水试验,应用数理统计方法对典型洪水的来水来沙条件以及典型洪水冲淤结果进行相关分析。结果表明渭河下游淤积比随着泾河张家山站和渭河咸阳站的总水量、总沙量和水流量的提高而降低;渭河下游淤积量随两站来沙量的增加,陈村水位的抬高而增加。另外,通过对泾渭两河上的水文站实测悬移质级配成果进行分析,可以发现,随含沙量增加,粗沙含量增加,挟沙能力增加。结合模型试验及分析结果,提出了东庄水库对渭河下游淤积的控制措施:①东庄水库结合渭河上游来水情况进行调度,充分利用渭河上游来水的挟沙能力。②利用东庄水库调节泾河小流量洪水,进行年内调节,尽可能减少小洪水和非汛期小水对渭河下游的淤积。③东庄水库结合潼关高程(三门峡水库的运行方式)进行调度,减少拦门沙的危害。④利用东庄水库对泾河水沙过程进行调节,使泾河入渭水沙关系比较协调等。通过这些措施可有效控制渭河下游淤积。 本论文作为东庄水利枢纽可行性论证的一部分,分析了东庄水利枢纽工程的合理运用,将会对渭河下游淤积有一定控制作用,可供决策时参考。

【Abstract】 The thesis is the part of research achievements about sediment deposit of Dong Zhuang Water Conservancy hub. The main content is research on control action of sediment deposit along lower Wei-river because of the building of Dong Zhuang reservoir.Sediment problem is the heart of the matter whether a water conservancy hub project which is built on multi-sediment river can utilize normally. Dong Zhuang reservoir is just the one which will be built on Jing-river, which is a multi-sediment river and is the biggest tributary of Wei-river. The condition of water and sediment coming from Jing-river influences directly the variety of erosion or deposit. San Men gorge reservoir was forced to rebuilt to bring into beneficial result because of insufficient of consideration sediment problem in the course of design and building. Thus, whether the building and putting in use of Dong Zhuang reservoir will result in sediment deposits worsen of lower Wei-river ? so it is very important to conduct the movable bed physical model about Dong Zhung water conservancy hub on river bed of lower Wei-river. The thesis is a part of test research on control action of lower Wei-river by Dong Zhuang reservoir.The plane scale of model was 500, vertical scale was 60 and varied ratio was 8:33. The contrast trial.. Utilizing trial of long series and typical flood test have been conducted. From the contrasts test, we can abotain that the sediment deposit water and sediment, and the state of sediment deposit will not deteriorate by storing up clear water and draining muddy water.The emphasis of this thesis applys the way of statistics to analyze the data of typical flood test. We can reach a conclusion, Firstly, the gross water capacity, gross sediment capacity and Zhang Jia Shan station of Jing-river and Xian Yang station of Wei-rever increase but deposit ratio of lower Wei-river decrease. Secondly, the sediment deposit of lower Wei-river increase in pace with the crease in of sediment from the two station and the level rising of Chen Village. We also found that the wide-sediment capacity in water and the ability of holding sediment increase along with increase of sediment in water.The thesis imposed some means to control Sediment despoil of lower Wei-river resulted from Dong Zhuang reservoir in the light of the research results and model-test a) Dong Zhuang reservoir抯 dispatch should be combined with the water coming from thehigher Wei-river, which can utilize fully the ability of holding sediment of water coming from Wei-river. b) Utilizing Dong Zhuang reservoir to adjust during on year. Thus can decrease the sediment deposit of lower Wei-river as result small flood and non-flood season. c)Dong Zhuang reservoir抯 dispatch should be combined with the Tong Guan level, which is the motion means of San Men gorge to decrease the harm of sediment by the door. d) Utilizing Dong Zhuang reservoir to adjust the course of water and sediment of Jing-river so as to coordinate the relation of water and sediment entering Wei-river from Jing-river.The thesis is a proportion of feasible demonstration of Dong Zhuang water conservancy hub. By analyzing and research. We can come to a concollusion that the sediment deposit of lower Wei-river can be controlled: relying in the rational application of Dong Zhuang water conservancy project. It can be regarded as a reference of policy decision.

  • 【分类号】TV147.5
  • 【下载频次】144

