

Study on the Quality of Wheat Varieties Grown in the Huang-Huai Winter Wheat Area

【作者】 曹莉

【导师】 王辉;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以黄淮冬麦区小麦品种区域试验设在陕西西农、宝鸡、泾阳三个试点的1998/1999、1999/2000两年度参试品种(品系)为材料,测定了籽粒品质、蛋白质品质、磨粉品质和流变学特性等品质性状,分析了当前该区小麦品种品质状况、遗传改良潜力及环境对品质性状的影响。同时针对西农点的参试品种产量、产量性状、农艺性状及冠层温度等性状与品质性状进行了相关性研究,结果表明: 1.与二十世纪八十年代全国区试和黄淮冬麦区参试品种的品质状况相比,当前黄淮冬麦区小麦品种各品质性状均有不同程度的提高。其中蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀值等性状有较明显的改良。当前黄淮冬麦区小麦品种的干粒重、容重、硬度、蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量总体水平较高,沉淀值多处于中、中低水平;面团流变学特性中,形成时间、稳定时间和评价值多处于中、中低水平,软化度过高。在测试的全部品质性状中,面团稳定时间的品种间变异系数最高,其它依次为软化度、形成时间、灰分、沉淀值、评价值、出粉率、湿面筋、硬度;容重、吸水率、蛋白质含量变异系数较低。从变异系数可以看出,参试品种沉淀值及形成时间、稳定时间、软化度等具有较大的改良潜力,蛋白质含量在当前该区范围内较稳定。 2.方差分析表明,除了形成时间以外,品质性状的地点效应和品种效应均达到极显著或显著水平,其中容重、蛋白质含量、沉淀值、软化度和评价值等性状的地点效应大于品种效应,而硬度、湿面筋含量、出粉率、灰分、吸水率、稳定时间的品种效应大于地点效应。容重、出粉率、蛋白质含量、沉淀值、软化度等性状年份间的差异达到极显著水平,而硬度、湿面筋含量、吸水率、形成时间、稳定时间、评价值等性状年份间的差异不显著。 3.对两年三点区域试验参试品种品质性状基因型值进行相关性分析表明,沉淀值与容重呈显著负相关,与蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量呈极显著和显著正相关;硬度与蛋白质含量和出粉率呈显著和极显著正相关,与灰分含量呈极显著负相关;吸水率与硬度、出粉率、蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量呈极显著或显著正相关,与灰分呈极显著负相关;形成时间与蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量呈显著正相关;稳定时间与沉淀值呈显著正相关;软化度与出粉率呈极显著正相关,与灰分呈显著负相关;评价值与蛋白质含量和沉淀值呈显著和极显著正相关。由此认为,在小麦品质改良过程中,以硬度、蛋白质含量和沉淀值作为选择指标,有利于筛选出高蛋白质和高面筋含量,蛋白质品质优良且磨粉品质好的基因型,同时对提高吸水率、形成时间、稳定时间和评价值等面团流变学特性即面粉加工品质改良是有利的。吸水率与其它粉质参数均无显著相关性;形成时间、稳定时间和评价值相互之间均呈极显著正相关;软化度与稳定时间和评价值之间均呈极显著负相关。粉质参数中各项指标的选择方向是一致的,即形成时间、稳定时间和评价值中任何一个指标较高,其它两个指标一般都较高,而软化度一般都较低。 4.产量与容重、硬度、出粉率和面团流变学特性等品质性状无显著矛盾性,有些还表现出一定的正相关性,因此,高产与上述品质性状可以较容易得到同步改良。另一方面,产量与蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和沉淀值存在着一定的矛盾性,提高产量可能会导致这些品质性状变劣,但在一定地点、一定品种中,它们有可能在一定程度上得以统一。可以通过育种手段、栽培措施及品种的合理区划达到高产、优质的目标。 5.干粒重、穗粒数和穗粒重等产量性状与多数品质性状呈负相关,单株产量和亩穗数与多数品质性状呈正相关或极微弱的负相关。因此,初步认为在高产、优质育种中,侧重于单株产量和亩穗数的选择,有可能会协调高产与优质间的矛盾。面团流变学特性和产量性状间无矛盾性,较易同步改良。 6.多数形态性状与品质性状间无显著相关性。因此认为,在高产、优质育种中,主要从高产的角度来考虑形态指标的选择,不必过多的考虑形态性状对品质性状的影响。但株高与蛋白质含量、沉淀值呈显著正相关,因此在育种中过分强调矮化,可能会影响蛋白质含量、沉淀值的水平。剑叶长、宽、面积、株高及小穗数与容重有显著或极显著负相关,因此在育种后代选择中,选择剑叶窄、短、面积小、小穗数较少的类型对容重的提高有益。穗下颈节长和脖子长与形成时间呈显著负相关,在后代选择中,应注意选择穗下颈节和脖子较短的类型。 7.冠层温度低的品种表现较高的产量,冠层温度与各品质性状无显著相关性,由此认为,在后代选择中,如果以冠层温度作为高产育种的一个选择指标,对品质性状没有显著的影响,尤其对蛋白质含量、沉淀值、形成时间、评价值等重要品质性状没有负向影响。 8.抽穗期与千粒重、容重、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀值和稳定时间等重要品质性状呈负相关,除千粒重外,均未达显著水平。即抽穗期早,千粒重。容重、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀值和稳定时间有增高趋势。成熟期与千粒重、容重、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀值和稳定时间等重要品质性状呈负相 一,

【Abstract】 The study was mainly to analysis wheat quality and genetic potentiality of improving, to characteristics genetic and environmental factors that contribute to variation in wheat quality. Samples from 3 locations of regional trials in huang-huai winter wheat area grown in 1998/1999,1999/2000 were evaluated for grain quality, protein quality, milling quality and farinogram. At the same time, the relationships between quality and yield, field trial, the canopy temperature were studied. The results indicated:1. Compared with 20’80s, All quality characteristics of trial varieties, especially for Protein content, Wet gluten content and Sedimentation value, have been improved. Thousand grain Weight (TGW), Test Weight, Hardness, Protein content and Wet gluten content were higher in general; Most varieties were among the lower or middle Sedimentation Value class; Development time, Stability and Valormeter were lower or middle; Degrees of softening were too high. Development time, Sedimentation value and Valormeter among wheat varieties had large coefficient variance. Therefore, these characteristics could be improved in a great extent. Coefficient of variance of Test weight, Water absorption, and Protein content were lower. They were stable hi this area.2. Variance analysis illustrated: except for Development time, genotype and location influenced significantly in all quality characters. Effects of location were larger on Test weight, Protein content, Sedimentation value, Softening and valormeter. Effects of variety were large in Hardness, Wet gluten, Milling extraction, Ash content, Water absorption and Stability. Effects of year were large on Test weight, Milling extraction, Protein content, Sedimentation value and Degrees of softening.3. Correlation analysis of genotypes testified: Sedimentation value were significantly negatively correlated with Test weight, were significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with Protein content and Wet gluten content; Hardness were significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with Milling extraction and Protein content; Water absorption were significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with Protein content, Wet gluten content, Hardness and Milling extraction; Development time were significantly positively correlated with Protein content and Wet gluten content; Stability were significantly positively correlated with Sedimentation value; Degrees of softening were significantly positively correlated with Milling extraction, were significantly negatively correlated with Ash; Valormeter were significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with Protein content and Sedimentation value. Provided the 3 traits (Hardness, Protein content, Sedimentation value) were used as selection criterions in early generations of breeding, it may be possible to acquire excellent varieties with high quality. There were significantly or extremely significantly positive correlation among the Development time, Stability and Valormeter; Degrees of softening were significantly negatively correlated with Stabilityand Valormeter. This indicated that it was easy to improve these Farinogram characters simultaneously.4. There were no significant contradiction between yield and Test weight, Hardness, and Milling extraction. Therefore, these quality characters could be improved simultaneously with high yield. On the other hand, there usually were significant contradictions between yield and Protein content, Wet gluten and Sedimentation value. Enhancing grain yield often associated with these quality characters becoming poor. But they could be coordinated in some varieties or locations.5. Thousand grain weight, Grain number per spike and Grain weight per spike were negatively correlated with the most quality characters. Yield of individual plant and Spikes per mu usually were positively or no correlated with the most quality characters. Thus, if Yield of individual plant and Spikes per mu were used

  • 【分类号】S512.1
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