

【作者】 李玉平

【导师】 慕小倩;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 菊科(Compositae)是被子植物中最大的一个科,也是化学成分最多、最复杂的,最进化的科之一,约有1000属,25000—30000种,我国约有200余属,产于全国各地。国内外主要对它们的杀虫活性物质进行了研究或对其化学成分进行研究。但迄今为止,对菊科植物杀菌活性的研究仅见零星报道。鉴于此,笔者于1999年7月至2001年6月亲自采集鉴定,并选取了菊科植物15属25种植物进行了杀菌活性的系统筛选的初步研究。论文采用离体生测、活体生测及组织生测相结合的筛选方法,用农业中危害性大且具代表性的番茄灰霉(Botrytis cirerea Pers. et Tris)、小麦赤霉(Gibberella zeae(schw) Petch )、玉米大斑(Exserohilum turcicum leonard)、辣椒疫霉(Phytophtora capsici Leon)、苹果炭疽(Glomerella cingulata Schr)、黄瓜霜霉(Pseudoperonospora cubensis( Berk.et Curt.) Bostr)、小麦白粉(Erysiphe graminis DC.f.sp.tritici E.Marshal)七种病原真菌为供试菌种,对菊科植物15属25种植物样品的丙酮提取液进行了杀菌活性的系统筛选研究 。结果如下:①所选菊科植物样品的丙酮提取液基本上至少对一种供试病原菌有抑制作用,天明精属、旋覆花属、蒿属等较其它属植物样品表现了更强的活性;② 选取了在离体和活体及组织生测筛选中对供试病原菌都有很强抑制作用的大花金挖耳(C. macrocephalum Franeh. et Sav.)和蓼子朴(I. sal solodeb(Turcz) Ostenf)的全株分部位用溶剂提取并做生测,结果发现,大花金挖耳主要活性成分集中在花中,其次是叶、茎和根中;蓼子朴的主要活性成分集中在花和叶中;③ 大花金挖耳花中的活性成分在丙酮和乙醇溶剂中溶解性都很好,故选这两种溶剂做为大量提取所用的溶剂;④在实验中,发现大花金挖耳花活性成分的热提液(80℃)较冷提液(室温)生测结果略好,故本实验在大量提取中创新采用了热提和冷提相结合的循环提取法,节约了提取时间和溶剂;⑤大花金挖耳花的丙酮提取液对小麦赤霉、苹果炭疽、玉米大斑、辣椒疫霉、番茄灰霉等5种供试病原真菌的EC50,分别是3280.34μg/ml、3932.28μg/ml、100.97μg/ml、1278.49μg/ml、5259.20μg/ml。另外,采用试管预试法和薄板层析预试法,对顺序提取中有活性的部分进行成分预试,结果表明,大花金挖耳花中含有黄酮类、内酯和香豆素类、植物甾醇及萜类、糖类等化合物。本研究在菊科植物资源杀菌剂开发与利用方面,为今后的研究提供了可借鉴的基本依据和思路。同时,也为直接利用植物材料配制农药和创造我国自己的新型农药“模板”提供理论和实践依据。

【Abstract】 Compositae is the biggest family of angiospermae,the most complex in components and of the most evolutional family. It is included in 1000 genera, 25000-30000 species. There are about 200 genera distributed in all over the country of China. More attentions are being paid to its insectical components. While little is Known about its fungicidical consitituents. From the July of 1999 to the June of 2001, antifungal activity of the 15 genera 25 species Compositae Plants were collected and studied by writer.The plants acetone extracts was tested by seven fungus, Those are commonly representative and harmful in farming. Such as Botrytis cirerea Pers. et Tris; Gibberella zeae(Schw)Petch; Exserohilum turcicum leonard; Phytophthora capsici leonian; Glomerella cingula Schr; Pseudoperonospora cubensis (Berk.et Curt.)Bostr; Erysiphe graminis DC.f.sp.tritici E.Marshal.The results showed: ①More of the collected plants’ acetone extracts were antifungal to more than one tested fungus;② C. macrocephalum Franch. et Sav, I. salsolo deb (Turcz) Ostenf were tested by every part. The results showed C. macrocephalum Franoh. et Sav’ s antifungal activity extracts concentrated in its flowers, then leaves, stems and roots. I. salsole deb (Turcz) Ostenf’s antifungal activity compounds concentrated in its flowers and leaves;③The same time, 1t was found that C. macrocephalum Franch. et sav’s antifangal compounds are concentrated in the acetone and alcohol extracts. They can extract the plants’ active components;④The 80℃ was better than the 25℃ when the antifungal activie substances were extracted from the plants, and the tested results are not affected by the temperature. The hot extraction and normal extractive ways both were used by turn;⑤The results showed that the acetone ertract of C.macrocephalum Franch. et sav was the most active one in the tested samples. EC50 were 3280.34μg/ml、3932.28μg/ml、5259.20μg/ml、1278.49μg/ml、100.97μg/ml for inhibiting the growth of the hyphae of Gibberella Zeae(Schw)Petch, Glomerella cingula Schr, Botrytis cirerea Pers, et. Tris, Phyphtora capsici leonian and Exserohilum turcicum leonard.By the bioassay-guided, compounds protested by means of tube-test and TLC. There are flavonids, lactones and coumarin, phytosterols terpenoids, glycosides and so on in the extracts.

  • 【分类号】S482.39
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】722

