

Studies on the Effective Fractions in hangbaiju Root, Stem & leaf --Extraction,Isolation and Application

【作者】 于善凯

【导师】 张英; 吴晓琴;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 食品科学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 杭白菊是我国著名的药用和饮用菊,对其花的有效成分和药理作用已进行了较多研究,结果表明其中存在黄酮、多糖、萜类等化合物并具有广泛的生理活性,而对杭白菊根、茎、叶的相关研究尚属空白。浙江桐乡是“中国杭白菊之乡”,每年有大量杭白菊根茎叶得不到有效利用而废弃。鉴于次生代谢产物在植株中分布的广泛性,本文特对杭白菊根茎叶的有效成分及其生物活性进行相关研究。结果如下: 1.对六种桐乡产菊花的花序(4种杭白菊、1种黄菊和1种野菊)进行热回流提取,并测定其总酚和总黄酮含量及清除自由基活性。结果表明不同品种间含量存在较大差异,异种大白菊的总酚和总黄酮含量(以菊花干基计)最高,分别为9.76%和4.46%;最低的是黄山种野菊,分别为3.21%和1.99%。不同菊花均显示了良好的抗自由基活性,清·OH和O·2-的IC50在0.54~1.98mg/ml和24.2~54.5μg/ml之间。其中清O·2-活性最强是大洋菊,最弱是软梗小洋菊;而清·OH能力最强为早小洋菊,最弱为异种大白菊。 2.通过L9(34)表设计的正交试验得出杭白菊主要品种——小洋菊叶中总黄酮提取的优化工艺参数为:乙醇浓度60%,料液比1:20,提取时间1h。在此基础上,进行了小洋菊花及根茎叶有效成分提取的中试规模试验,分别得到了四种提取物。全样分析显示,各提取物中常规成分含量不存在显著差异,其重金属、农药残留、微生物指标等均符合食用安全要求。 3.进一步研究表明,小洋菊花序及根茎叶的水提物中均存在黄酮、酚酸、萜类及多糖等生物活性成分,其中总酚含量较高,且花序中高于其它部位。分别用两种生物化学和化学发光体系来测定杭白菊提取物的清除自由基活性。结果表明,植株不同部位的提取物均具有一定的清除自由基活性,其清·OH和O·2-的IC50分别在126~206μg/ml和8.25~15.38μg/ml之间,并呈一定的量效关系。 4.安全毒理学评价结果表明,根茎叶提取物的大鼠30天喂养试验无明显毒性反应,大体解剖未见异常病理改变,对大鼠体重、进食量、食物利用率、血象、血生化及脏器无损害性影响,其无作用剂量为 5刀叭g体重;对大、小鼠经口 LDS。,雌雄均大于 20 e体重,属无毒类;对小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验以及Anies试验检测结果均为阴性。 5.通过生物测定分析,进行了小洋菊叶浸提物对桃蚜杀虫活性的时间-剂量.死亡率模型的研究。结果表明,其苯、甲醇、乙醚浸提物对该模型具有良好的适合性。其中,甲醇提取物对桃蚜杀虫活性最强,并具有速效性,但对小菜蛾幼虫仅有微效的毒杀作用。 6.根茎叶提取物作为鳖饲料添加剂的应用研究初步表明,在饲料中添加 0.2%的提取物对稚鳖饲料适口性无影响,可使稚鳖成活率提高2.3%,但对其生长无明显影响。 综上所述,杭白菊根茎叶提取物是一种纯天然、具有一定生物活性、对人体安全无毒的新型植物制剂。通过进一步的深入研究,有望将其应用于食品、保健食品‘、饲料添加剂、生物杀虫剂等领域,对提高杭白菊产业的综合效益将大有稗益。

【Abstract】 The flower of Hangbaiju is a kind of famous chrysanthemum traditionally used as Chinese medicine and tea drink, of which effective components and pharmacological effects have been studied by many researchers. Those results showed that the flower contains many bio-active compounds such as flavonoids, terpenoids and polysaccharids. However, there is still a vacancy in the related research about its root, stem and leaf up to now. Tongxiang city is 搕he kingdom of hangbayu?in China, in which a mass of root, stem and leaf is abandoned annually due to a lack of effective utilization. This paper was located on conducting the bio-active components in the root, stem and leaf of Hangbaiju. Some results are as follows: 1) Six species of chrysanthemum flowers were collected from Tongxiang city, microwave-dried and extracted individually by thermal reflux method with 70% ethanol-water solution. The contents of total phenols (TP) and total flavonoids (TF) of above extracts were measured by spectrophotometry. Obvious difference was found in these chrysanthemums: Yizhongdabayu has the highest contents at 9.76% TP and 4.46 %TF (in dry base of flower), and Yeju is the lowest one at 3.21% TP and 1.99 %TF, respectively. Using the Chemiluminescence method to evaluate the scavenging capacities of six extracts on active oxygen free radical, their IC50 ranges are located in 0.54挆 1.98 mg/mi to 慜H and 24.2---54.5gIml to 2, respectively. Among those chrysanthemums, Dayangju has the strongest scavenging activity to 02, and Ruangengxiaoyang/u is the weakest one; similarly, Zaoxiaoyangju has the strongest scavenging activity to 慜H and Yizhongdabaqu is the weakest one. 2) The extracting technology of total flavonoids from the leaves of Xiaoyangju was optimized by means of a L34 orthogonal test. Ethanol concentration 60%, solid/liquid ratio 1:20 and extracting time lhour were regarded as optimized parameters. A series of large-scale extracting tests were carried out using the flower, root, stem and leaf of Xiaoyangju as raw material and 4 extracts were given out then. Chemical Analysis showed that there is not significant difference of macro- and micro- nutrients among those extracts. And other indexes such as heavy metal, pesticide residue and microorganism are also according to hygienic demand. 3) Further studies revealed that all of the water-distilled extracts of flowers and root-stem-leaf of Xiaoyangju contained?abundant flavonoids, terpenoids and polysaccharide et al. Especially, the content of TP was much high and the TP in flower was higher than in other part. The scavenging capacity of these extracts on free radicals was also measured by two bio- chemiluminescence systems.Their ranges of IC50 against 0H and 02 were in 126---206tgIml and 8.25?15.38j.tglml, respectively. And the scavenging capacity displayed a concentration-dependent relationship. 4) The results of safety evaluation of root-stem-leaf extract conducted by a rat 30-days-feeding test showed that the root-stem-leaf extract of Xiaoyang/u did not present any significant toxic effect. Anatomising examination did not show any abnormal pathologic changes. At the same time, there were no harmful effects on body weight, appetite, feed efficiency, viscera, and blood morphologic and biochemical indexes. So the no-effect dosage was regarded as 5.Og/kg body weight. Acute toxic test showed that the LI)50 both for rat and mice ,as well as male and female, was all above 2OgIkg body weights which meant that t

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】Q949.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】712

