

Climate Control Device Auto-selected Decision Support System

【作者】 胡伟松

【导师】 何利力; 劳善根;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上设施栽培面积最大的国家,而且近几年的发展速度很快:国产连栋温室每年以新增100-150公顷的面积快速发展。目前,如何引导温室用户根据作物的要求进行环境因子的调节获得作物产量和品质的提高,是温室环境因子调控决策支持系统的主要目标和方向。随着计算机技术的发展、网络的普及、温室栽培面积的扩大,温室用户对环境因子的调控的要求越来越高。 基于网络的温室环境控制设备自动化选配系统是基于网络环境而开发,由七大选配子系统和三个信息模块组成。选配子系统分别是:通风系统、人工补光系统、蒸发降温系统、灌溉系统、采暖系统、湿度控制系统、施肥系统。信息模块分别是:栽培设施及机具、CO2补气参考、帘幕系统参考。系统的最大优点就是把决策支持系统放于四通八达的因特网上,用户可以在线使用该系统,只要输入相应的温室参数和相关数据就可以即刻得出选配结果,具有很强的交互性。因而基于网络的温室环境控制设备自动化选配系统的开发具有十分重要的现实意义和广阔的应用前景。 传统的决策支持系统(Decision Support System 简称DSS)只能单机使用。系统升级后,用户也必须进行升级才能确保运行后得到最新最优化的结果,否则就所得的结果就变成过时信息。系统的维护、更新都十分不便;而且用户如果有一些特殊要求,必须通过特定方式才能反馈。给用户的使用、软件开发者的维护工作带来一定的不便。很难保证信息的时效性和准确性。 对用户要求低、信息可以高度共享。系统一旦更新,用户无需任何升级就在可以直接使用。保证用户能在同一时间得到的最新信息。用户对系 中文摘要 一 统闩’仟何意见或要求可以立刻向网络管理员反应,获得很快的解决。还可 以把分敝的温室用户通过本系统联系在一起,他们可以在本系统的留吉 阶 温室公告牌(BBS) 上自山地进行交流。 本系统有决策支持系统的功能:又具备网络的优点。各用户通过网络 便用同一个系统,实现高度共享。集合了两者的优点,我们称之为基于网 络的 决策支持系统(Webbased Decision Support System)。它的功能有: .整理并提供本系统与决策问题有关的数据,并对用户录入的数据 进行判别。 .本身备有方法库和数据库,提供相应的维护功能。尽可能收集、 存储与本系统相关的数据。 .为用户及时提供各项选配行动的返口信息,为用产决策提供支 持。 .提供方便的人机接日,而且能提供多方面的信息。 .收集用产的各种信息,方便研究所更好地为用户服务。 .包含众多的温室栽培知识,是温室种植者良好的学习园地。 系统界面友好、操作简单,一般用户都可以使用。在网络经济越来越 发达的今天,本系统将为促进我国的农业现代化加砖添瓦!

【Abstract】 The total greenhouses area of china is the largest in the world. Multi-span greenhouse is added at the speed of 100-150 hm2 per year. Now, the total area 2 of china has reached 41 7hm The main aim of this system is how to lead the greenhouse farmer control the environment according the need of the plant so as to augment the yield of the greenhouse plant. With the development of the compute technology and the enlargement of the greenhouse area, control the environment will be much requisite in greenhouse. Therefore, the study of the system is very significant and much good for the peasant. Common Decision Support System can only be used on one computer. If the system is updated, the user has to update too. Otherwise, the result Of the system will be out bf season. So it抯 not easy to maintenance and update the svsten;. If the users have some advice, they only can contact the producer through certain way. It will trouble both users and producers. This system is based on web. It allows people use it on-line easily; everyone can use the information. The main merit is that the DSS is based on web. users can use it through Internet. All the users must do is to input the data of the greenhouse and correlative data, the system will output the result. It is interaction procedure. As long as the system updated, the new system is available to everyone. It makes that the results users get is always timely. If the users have an advice, they can leave word to the web administrator. They also can intercommunicate with each other through the greenhouse bulletin board svstem(BBS). This system has not only the function of DSS but also the benefit of web. Users log in the system through Internet. The system that they used are the Iv Abstract same system, they can share the information freely. The system has the merit of both DSS and web, we call it Web-based Decision Support System (WDSS). Its function is ?it can accept and save the data that is inputted by user, after the availability of the data has been judged. ?It contain repository and database, they can be maintenance easily and can be contained repository and database as much as possible. which is correlative with the WDSS. ?It can response the user抯 request in time, help the user make up their mind about their production. ?It not only has easy interface between system and user, but also can provide full-scale information. ?It can collect the information of the user in order that our institute serve for the greenhouse owners much better. ?It must contain many kind of plant information, so the user can learn it easih. This system is belonging to the agriculture bio-environment institute of zheiiang bniversity. and was make up of seven selection sub-systems and three information modules. The selection sub-systems are: Cooling sub-S vstein. humidity control sub- Systems. ii ghtino sub- ~vstem. neattn c sub- system. Ventilation sub-system. trngati on sub-system, fertilization sub-system. The information modules are: Shade Cloth modular. C02 modular. container flats & pots and machine modular. The WDSS 慡 interface is \慹rv easy, the operation is simple, too. The WDSS will he

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】S625.5;TP29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】269

