


【作者】 李军锋

【导师】 张家骅;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 程序化人工授精技术(Program Artificial Insemination)是商品牛产业化生产中的一项重要技术。本研究在一个处于自然散养状态下的本地黄牛群体当中,比较了发情/排卵同期化并定时人工授精组和仅同期发情处理后适时人工授精组黄牛的繁殖效果。53头健康无病的本地黄牛分为4个组,分别用4种不同的方法进行程序化人工授精处理。试验Ⅰ组(OvSynch组):注射GnRH+PGF+GnRH;试验Ⅱ组:注射GnRH+PGF+EB;试验Ⅲ组:放置PRID+PGF+EB;对照组:注射PGF+PGF。其中,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组分别在处理结束后16-20h、24h、24h进行定时人工授精,对照组在鉴定发情后作适时输精。结果显示:(1)各试验组同期发情率与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05);但试验组的发情同期化程度显著高于对照组,集中在处理结束后28h内出现发情,而对照组出现发情的时间很分散,持续达4d;(2)试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组所有授精牛均分别集中在处理结束后16-23h、24-28h、24-28h内完成人工授精,而对照组在处理结束后30-48h、48-72h、72-96h分别有1头、3头、3头牛进行人工授精;(3)试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的第一情期受胎率分别为60.0%、58.3%、57.1%,与对照组(42.9%)之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。因此,建议在应用OvSynch、GnRH+PGF+EB和PRID+PGF+EB程序时,应分别在处理结束后16-20h、24-30h、24-30h内集中进行人工授精。 试验证明,采用本试验设计的OvSynch、GnRH+PGF+EB和PRID+PGF+EB程序处理本地黄牛,均可以达到定时人工授精且不降低受胎率的目的。尤其是GnRH+PGF+EB程序,成本低、效果好,适宜在生产中推广应用。

【Abstract】 Program Artificial Insemination is an important technique in the industrialized production of yellow cattle. However, previous reports showed that the offioioncy of synchronization would be different due to the situation of the recipients as well as other natural environment The reproductive performance of yellow cattle after estrus ovulation synchronization and fixed-time Al was compared with Al cattle after ostrus synchronization in natural local yellow cattle.53 healthy and illness yellow cattle were assigned randomly to four treatment groups in this experiment. Group I (OvSynch): GnRH+PGF25+GnRH, Group II: GnRH+PGF2€k+EB, Group Ill:PRID+ PGFk+EB, and the control group ~F~+PGF~. After 16?0h 24h 24h fixed-time Al followed the treatments in group L II mid III. The results were as follow.(1)No significant difference was observed between the experiment groups arid the control group for the rate of synchronized estrus(PX).OS). But the rates of ostrus following the treatments in 24h were respectively 85.7%~ 60.0% 85.7% in group I II and III, while estrus in the control group wasnt centralization and lasted for 4days.(2)Al respectively finished after l6?3h~24.-28h24-28h for all the cattle in group Ill and Ill. However Al were made during the time of 30?8h~ 48?2h~ 72?6h after the treatment for I~ 3 and 3 cattle respectively in the control group.(3)The conception rate of group ill and Ill were respectively 60.O%~ 58.3%~ 57.1%. There was no difference(P>O.05) in the conception rate between three experimental treatments and the control trcatmcnts(42.9%).This study demonstrates, that fixed-time Al can get good reproductive performance after the treatment for the local yellow cattle utilizing the program of OvSynch GnRH+PGF2a-i-EB and PRID+PGF~+EB. Especially the program GnRH+PGF2~l-EB was adequate to widely apply for production for its low cost and pretty effect

【关键词】 OvSynch PRID同期发情人工授精程序化技术
【Key words】 OvSynchPRIDSynchronizationAlOvulation
  • 【分类号】S823.813.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】147

