

Research on Microorganism Quickly-fermented Technology of Mucor-type Douchi

【作者】 杜木英

【导师】 贺稚非; 王光慈;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 农产品贮藏加工, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 采用菌种分离筛选技术,利用多菌种优化组合发酵生产豆豉,对发酵过程中影响微生物发酵的各因素进行了探索,并研究了豆豉发酵过程中各指标值的动态变化,通过正交试验确定了发酵最佳工艺。研究结果表明: 1、大豆最佳浸泡工艺参数为10~15℃浸泡9~12h,15~20℃浸泡7~9h,20~25℃浸泡5~7h,25~30℃浸泡3~5h,30~35℃浸泡2~3h即可达到45%的含水量。大豆最佳蒸煮工艺参数为加压0.10MPa保持20~30min或常压下蒸煮180min,都能水解生成适宜的氨基酸态氮,对成品豆豉品质有重要影响。 2、从传统豆豉曲中经过纯种分离得到在20~25℃温度条件下生长速度快,菌丝旺盛,孢子量多,适应性强,同时蛋白酶、糖化酶等主要酶系的酶活力较高的豆鼓中温毛霉A菌株。 3、A、B、C、D菌株分别制种曲后以2∶1∶1∶0.5的比例混合接种制豆豉曲,在45℃下后发酵30d,即得低盐速成豆豉。其工艺流程为 A、B、C、D斜面菌种→种曲 ↓大豆→筛选→浸泡→沥水→蒸煮→冷却→接种制豆豉曲→制醅后发酵 ↑ 食盐、白酒、醪糟→检验、包装→杀菌→成品 4、低盐速成豆豉的成分分析符合预定质量指标,卫生安全检验结果为大肠菌群<30个/100g,致病菌未检出。低盐速成豆豉的保质期试验表明,低盐速成豆豉的保质期为八个月。

【Abstract】 It has been studied all kinds of factors which have an effect on microbiology fermentation and development of every values in fermentation of Dou-chi, by means of the sepemter ss technology of microorganism and multiple pure mold. At last, the optimum conditions in fermentation of Dou-chi were determined by orthogonal experiments. The research re.ults were showed as following: I The optimum parameter in the soaking process of soybean: Time forsoakngas 9 -l2h when temperature ranges from lOt to 15t;7 h when l5 2OC; 5 Th when 20 5C; 3-5h when 25 3OC2 -3h when 30 -35 . Ita water amount could be up to 45% (w/w).The optimum parameter in the stcuning process of soybean is O.1OMPa, keeping 2O 3D mm or at ordinary pressure, keeping ISO mia.Undcr all these comditions proper NH4-N which is important to quality of Dou-chi, could be acquired by hydrolytic action. 2. By the separating of pure breed, The moderate temperature Musor.A, which reproduce very fast at the range of 20 5t, has been obtained .The mycelium of this Musor.A is prosperous and spores are very abundant. Enzyme activities of proteinases, carbohydrases and so on , are excellent. 3.A. B.. C.. DinoculumsweremadebyA.. B.. C.. Dmicrobiology respectively, and then they were inoculated at ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. Quickly- fermented low-salt Dou-chi has been produced after 30d fermentation at 450C . The procedure is shown as following: A.. B.. C.. D strains inoculum Soybcan sclect soak-- drain-+steam--cool-+inoculate and incubate further ferment (add salt, spirit etc.)nspect, pack steriuize--+end product 4 .lngrcdients in quickly-fermented low-salt Dou-chi is qualified to the supposed qualities standard. MPN(coliforms group) are not more than 30 per 100g. Pathogenic bacteria was not checked out. Preservation time of quickly-fermented low-salt Dou-chi is up to 8 months.

【关键词】 豆豉多菌种中温毛霉速成发酵
【Key words】 DouchiModeratetemperatureMusor.AMultiplestrainsQuickly-ferment
  • 【分类号】TS201.3
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】523

