

【作者】 陈蓓

【导师】 尹音频; 何加明;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 企业管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 股份回购最早起源于美国,最近30年在全球范围内迅速普及,从产生至今的70多年间,它不仅在经济和金融市场发达的国家和地区繁荣发展,而且在经济和金融正处于发展中的国家和地区方兴未艾。由于股份回购可以作为反收购的主要工具,可以调整公司的经营策略和建立员工持股计划,可以稳定股价和抑制过度投机,它已成为西方股份公司在不同发展周期和外部环境下经常运用的一种主动的理财工具。迄今为止我国上市公司实施股份回购的案例还不多,但股份回购在解决国家股和法人股的历史遗留问题和加强市场监控方面意义重大;同时它还是贯彻落实国家“有进有退,有所为有所不为”,“适当减持部分国有股”政策的一条重要途径,对于深化我国国有企业改革、优化产业布局、促进产业结构转换和升级以及提高上市公司质量都有十分重要的意义。论文在简要论述股份回购的一般理论和财务运作机制的基础上,根据个案分析的结果,探讨了中西方股份回购在经济、法律环境和财务运作各环节的差异及产生原因。作者根据中国股份回购的特点,设计了静态财务分析模型,从财务角度进一步分析了我国股份回购机制的变化过程及效果。最后,作者提出我国股份回购的基本设想及技术性操作安排,以期有益于上市公司股份回购的实际决策和管理机构的有关政策制定与监管。论文正文部分共分为四章,各章的内容如下:第一章:股份回购的理论与财务运作机制。本章第一节在回顾股份回购发展历程的基础上,论述了股份回购的主要方法、基本模型和基本假说及效应。目前股份回购的方法主要有公开市场法、现金要约回购、可转让出售权、私下协议批量购买、交换要约五种。在西方,弗麦兰等人给出了股份回购的基本模型和假设前提,得出股份回购产生的股东财富效应应在出让股权的股东和未出让股权的股东之间进行分配的结论。在定量分析的基础上,本文归<WP=3>纳了股份回购对公司内部和外部产生的效应,认为主要表现为反收购、公司经营决策、员工持股与激励、稳定股价和合理价值形成几点。在本章第二节,作者从财务角度,按照决策前 决策中 决策后的分析思路,就股份回购的运作机制展开论述。股份回购决策前主要受剩余现金流量的稳定性和持续性、股东的税收偏好、未来投资需要、投资者反应等因素的影响。在决策时,管理层结合本公司实际情况,主要对回购的时机、资金来源、定价、支付方式四大方面进行考虑。由于股份回购具有派现压力小,支付针对性强,灵活性高、提高内部人控制等优点,它逐渐成为现代资本运营的一种主要工具。第二章:中西方股份回购比较研究。从本章开始,作者转入公司股份回购理论的应用研究。在回顾我国近几年来的回购发展的基础上,作者对云天化股份回购案进行了详细分解,发现以云天化公司为代表的国有股份公司回购的主要目的大多是改善股本结构、优化公司财务结构,为公司的资本扩张创造条件。进一步比较中西方股份回购后,作者发现二者的差异主要集中在两方面,一是中西方经济、法律环境,二是财务运作机制。由于目前国内监控条件不完善,国有企业债务问题突出,减资、合并缺乏市场,证券税收制度与法律背景的特殊性等原因,当前的股份回购在回购目的、回购对象、回购价格、资金来源、会计处理、回购方式方面更多的体现出中国特色。第三章:我国股份回购制度的静态模拟财务分析。本章中,作者根据我国股份回购的基本特点,设计了静态财务分析模型,遵循两大股东内部权益变化 总财富变化 定价分析 财务指标分析的思路,对我国股份回购的作用过程、结果、主导因素等进行了分析。作者借用公司待决策的普通股利支付和面向国有股股东的回购两个财务方案的对比来揭示我国股份回购制度的运作特点。通过研究,作者发现,我国股份回购实质上就是回购价格差异Δp和回购比例g%两因素的合力作用,它们将直接决定股份回购<WP=4>后各股东的财富变化和公司的财务指标,在回购方案中具有举足轻重的作用。同时,股份回购的变化过程遵循国有股股东与流通股股东总财富同值反向的变化关系,变化结果使得股东权益总量减少,股本结构改变,两大股东的总财富也发生此消彼涨的变化。股份回购后,公司的几大财务指标都发生了不同程度的好转。此外,由于股份回购涉及我国经济生活的方方面面,因此在财务决策时,必须把握好度的问题,平衡好国有股份公司的后续发展、债权人的利益保障、流通股股东和新进投资者的保护几者间的关系。最后,本文还就债务与股权置换展开简单的扩展分析。第四章:中国股份回购的制度安排。本章总结了中国股份回购对现在和将来的中国经济的积极作用和局限性,提出了作者的基本设想和技术安排。从中国的经济背景看,股份回购将有利于解决国家股和法人股的历史遗留问题,改善不规范的股本结构,加强市场监控,优化资本结构,促进上市公司的资本运营,此外,它还将有利于激励机制与风险退出机制的建立。但是,受中国的现实情况所限,在反并购、公司经营决策和市场影响的作用发挥上受到一定限制。鉴于此,本文提出我国股份回购应坚守公平、稳定和效率三大原则,参照

【Abstract】 This thesis studies the theory of stock repurchase and practice of Chinese listed companies. On the whole, it can be divided into four chapters. Firstly, the author discusses the fundamental theory and financial operational mechanism of stock repurchase. On this basis, the author compares the practical operation of stock repurchase between the Western countries and China. Furthermore, the author designs a static financial analytic model in order to conduct a deeper research on the process and effect of stock repurchase in China. Lastly, the author puts forward her general arrangement for stock repurchase in China, hoping it would be helpful to the practice of Chinese listed companies and to the constitution of related policies and the supervision of relevant administrations.CHAPTER ONE: Theory and Financial Operation Mechanism of Stock Repurchase After reviewing the development of stock repurchase, the first section describes its basic methods, fundamental mathematics model and main effects. At present, there are five methods of stock repurchase: public market method, negotiation repurchase, exchange of offers, cash offer, transferable right of sale. In Western countries, Vermaelen has set up the fundamental analytic mathematics model, drawing the conclusion that the wealth effect caused by stock repurchase should be distributed between the stockholders who accept the repurchase offer and those who refuse it. Moreover, it has been tested that the latter would obtain the bigger part of the increment of wealth, on the whole. And the author sums up the effects of stock repurchase, with the conclusion that the main function of it exhibits in five aspects: anti-purchase, management decision, employee stock ownership and inspiring mechanism in companies, price stabilizing and value forming. <WP=7>In the second section, the author carries out a research into the financial operational mechanism of stock repurchase, following such analytic ways: Judgement before repurchase decision Process of decision Effect after decision. Before a repurchase, generally speaking, the decision is influenced by the factors hereinafter: the stability and durability of cash flow, the taxation preference of stockholders, the potential investment demand and the reflection of investors. In the process of decision, several considerations would influence administers of the company: time selecting, price fixing, source of fund, and ways of payment. With its considerable advantages such as less pressure of cash flow, higher flexibility and better direction of payment, stock repurchase has become more and more popular recently and has played an important role in the modern capital operation.CHAPTER TWO: The Comparative Research on the Difference of Stock Repurchase between the Western Countries and China From this chapter on, the author turns the research into the practice in China. Looking back on the development of stock repurchase in China, she gives a thorough analysis by YUN TIAN HUA repurchase case. She finds that the main difference between the Western countries and China lies in two aspects: one is the difference of economic and juristic environment; the other is the difference of financial operation mechanism. In view of the existent situation, the operation of stock repurchase in China shows its characteristic in six aspects as follows: repurchase purpose, repurchase object, price fixing, source of fund, financial management and repurchase methods.CHAPTER THREE: The Static Financial Analysis of Stock Repurchase in ChinaIn this chapter, the author designs a static financial analytic model <WP=8>aiming to reveal the essence of stock repurchase in China. By comparing the common dispense payment with repurchase only for state-owned equity, the author discloses the characteristic of the operational mechanism of Chinese repurchase. Following such analytic process as the change of equity of both parties the change of overall wealth of both partiespricing analysis financial index analysis, the auth

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