

【作者】 马乐

【导师】 刘锡良;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 经济金融全球化的浪潮使全球金融业步入了高速发展的快车道,在这种环境下,资本市场蓬勃发展,正逐渐取代传统的以银行为主的间接融资市场而成为融通资金的主渠道。资产证券化作为近年来资本市场上的一项重要的金融创新,日益受到全球的关注,它是一种创新的结构型融资工具,是银行与金融市场有效融合的产物。资产证券化最初源于住宅抵押市场对流动性的需要,经过三十年的发展,它已不再仅仅局限于住宅金融领域,而是向着多个方向延伸,拥有了种类繁多的证券化产品,丰富了金融市场工具,也满足了不同市场参与者的投融资需求。资产证券化将是未来金融领域的一种主流融资方式,它将成为全球金融业的一种必然趋势,本文的选题意义就在于探讨金融领域中必将出现的这种资产证券化趋势,以及由此为金融业带来的重大变革和深远影响。二十世纪九十年代,美国“新经济”的出现使经济学家们俞加重视资本市场的作用,而资产证券化正是资本市场上重要的创新金融产品,它对美国资本市场乃至其经济发展的推动作用功不可没。巨大的资产证券化市场一方面满足了市场参与者筹融资的需要,另一方面又把风险分摊到了全球无数投资者身上。在美国受益于资产证券化带来的好处之时,资产证券化在其他国家也得以广泛发展。法国1990年出现个人贷款的证券化;克莱斯勒信用加拿大公司1991年5月在加拿大进行了以汽车贷款为担保的资产担保证券的首次公开发行,发行金额达3.5亿加元。1994年,美林证券参与了香港住宅抵押贷款证券化,首开亚洲资产证券化的先河。资产证券化已成为全球金融业的一个大趋势,我国作为金融全球化浪潮中的重要的新兴市场,也应在资产证券化这一创新金融领域有所发展,大力开发和推行资产证券化,这既有利于我国金融机构的业务拓展,也有利于我国资本市场的完善,更为重要<WP=3>的是可以使我国金融业适应全球金融发展的大趋势,为我国在国际金融市场上争得一席之地。本文的逻辑结构及内容安排如下:第一章论述了资产证券化是金融发展的必然趋势。资产证券化产生于美国的住宅融资市场,最初是为了满足住宅抵押市场的流动性需要。经过三十年的发展,资产证券化已不再局限于住宅金融领域,而是向着多个方向延伸,它既丰富了金融市场工具,又满足了不同市场参与者的投融资需求。如今,资产证券化这一新型融资技术已在全球越来越多的国家得到了运用,它将成为金融业发展的一种必然趋势。首先,资产证券化带来了金融领域的重大变革。第一,资产证券化的发展改变了金融机构在金融市场中的地位。资产证券化的出现正逐渐动摇着商业银行的主体地位,它一方面在借款者与投资者之间开辟了直接融资渠道,相对缩小了商业银行间接融资的业务范围;另一方面通过重新安排现金流量,创造出不同的债券类别,从而取代商业银行的期限中介和资金中介的地位。另外,由于资产证券化过程中一系列业务的需要,使投资公司、资信评级机构在金融市场中的地位更加重要。第二,资产证券化为金融市场各参与者带来了巨大利益。对发起人而言,资产证券化增加了发起人的资产流动性,分离了发起人的资产风险;对投资者而言,资产证券化增加了投资工具,丰富了资本市场上的投资品种;对借款者而言,资产证券化可以降低其筹资成本。其次,资产证券化是创新的融资方式。资产证券化是金融市场上的一种新型融资方式,它既不同于传统的以银行为主的间接融资方式,也不同于单纯的依赖发行公司股票或债券的直接融资方式,它是有效融合了间接融资市场和直接融资市场的创新金融工具。资产证券化有着区别于传统融资方式的独特之处:第一,资产证券化是一种结构型的融资方式。资产证券化是以传统的银行贷款等资产为基础发行资产证券,通过证券化降低银行等金融机构的风险,提高资产流动性。通过对银行功能的分解,资产证券<WP=4>化把传统的由贷款人和借款人组成的单纯的信用关系带入了证券市场。第二,资产证券化是一种收入导向型的融资方式。投资者在决定是否购买资产担保证券时,主要依据的是这些担保资产的质量、未来现金收入流的可靠性和稳定性,而银行本身的资信能力则居于相对次要的地位,这也就使银行信用得以分离。第三,资产证券化是一种表外融资方式。资产证券化融资过程中的基础资产以真实出售方式过户给信托公司,原始权益人因此将证券化资产从资产负债表上剔除并确认损益。第四,资产证券化是一种低成本的融资方式。资产证券化过程中虽然有多项费用支出,如支付给托管机构的托管费用、支付给资产管理公司或原始权益人的费用、支付给证券承销机构的费用等,但它总的融资成本低于传统的融资方式。第五,资产证券化是一种低风险融资方式。资产证券的投资者在证券到期时,所获得的本息偿付的资金来源是担保资产所创造的现金流量,即资产债务人偿还的债务到期本金与利息。如果担保资产违约拒付,资产证券的清偿也仅限于被证券化资产的数额,而该项资产的发起人或购买人无超过该资产限额的清偿义务。再次,资产证券化的发展及其未来展望。自第一批抵押担保证券的发行至今三十年来,资产证券化在美国得到了蓬勃发展,无论是以住宅抵押贷款?

【Abstract】 Securitization of assets is an important financial innovation, which originated in America at the end of the 1960’s. It made the banks and the financial market together. At first, the purpose of the invention of assets securitization was to provide liquidity to the mortgage market. There is a large market for assets securitization today. Assets securitization may be the wave of the future and it may be the trend of financial market in the future. This thesis mainly discusses the trend of the assets securitization.Many economists look on the function of the capital market as the power to America’s New Economy. Securitization of assets is an important innovation in the capital market. As America has benefited from the assets securitization, the practices are already spreading to other countries in the world. For example, securitization of personal loans occurred in France in 1990. The first public asset-backed deal in Canada, issued in May 1991, was for $350 million (Canadian) dollars backed by automobile loans purchased from Chrysler Credit Canada.Assets securitization has become a main trend in the financial market. As a member of the emerging market in the world, China must follow the trend of securitization. It is a milestone showing China’s big step toward the wave of the finance globalization. The thesis consists of three chapters.<WP=8>Chapter Ⅰ: assets securitization is a inevitable trend of the future finance. Securitization of assets was innovated in America mortgage market in order to provide liquidity to the mortgage market. After thirty years’ development, assets securitization has got a wide developing in many deferent markets. It provides some new financial production. Assets securitization has been used in a lot of countries and may be the wave of the financial market in the future.First, assets securitization provides the revolution to the global financial market. At first, securitization of assets has major implications for financial markets as well as the structure of financial institutions. Securitization provides direct financing between borrowers and investors, short-circuiting the traditional intermediaries. The second, securitization of assets provides most benefits to the financial market. The benefits to issues are improving the liquidity of these institutions, to investors are providing more investing chance, and to borrowers are reducing the cost of their financing.Second, assets securitization is a financial innovation. Securitization provides direct financing between borrowers and investors, short-circuiting the traditional intermediaries. Recasting cash flows so as to create different bond classes or tranches provides varying maturities acceptable to a wide range of investors. Thus, securitization serves a role similar to maturity intermediation while shifting its risk to the ultimate lenders. The availability of securities <WP=9>with smaller denominations than the underlying loans accomplishes denomination intermediation. The success of securitization indicates that it is a more efficient method for linking borrowers and investors than traditional financing through financial intermediaries. The true innovations in this market are not really the securities themselves, but rather they are the reduction of risk through pooling of assets and private credit enhancement, and the repackaging of the cash flows from assets in a way that relieves the intermediary of reliance on its own assets to finance the credit. It is also a method of off-balance-sheet financing.Chapter Ⅱ, the environment of the assets securitization market. First, the assets that match the characteristics for securitization must be chosen. Second, many institutions take part in the process of securitization. Finally, there is a suit of operation procedure of assets securitization.Chapter Ⅲ, the practice of developing assets securitization in China. This chapter is the core part of the thesis. It is divided into five parts.Part 1 discusses the necessity of developing assets securitization in China.

  • 【分类号】F832.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】582

