

【作者】 刘宝才

【导师】 冯俭;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在世纪之交的关键时期,随着经济全球化趋势的日益加强和科学技术的迅猛发展,包括昆明船舶设备集团有限公司在内的国有大中型企业如何认真分析企业所处的市场环境,制定正确的企业发展战略,充分利用企业拥有的各种资源,抓住企业面临的机遇和挑战,从而提高企业的核心能力和竞争优势,使企业得以持续稳定的快速发展,已经成为我国广大从事企业管理实践和企业管理理论研究的同志所共同关注的热点问题。 昆船是我国国有大中型企业尤其是军工企业的发展和改革实践中具有典型意义的案例。本文以昆船为研究对象,通过对其进行认真细致的调查和分析,分析和判断企业所面临的机遇和挑战,最终提出了结合昆船实际的企业发展战略的基本思路。并针对对我国国企改革中具有普篇性的热点和难点问题做出了较为全面的分析和研究。论文首先介绍了昆船的历史和现状,在分析了其发展目标和存在的问题的基础上,阐述了研究和制定昆船发展战略的意义。其次,以昆船产品结构中最具影响力的烟机产品为对象,对烟草和烟机行业的市场状况和产业结构进行了分析研究,从多个方面对昆船发展的外部环境和内部条件做了分析。接下来, 从实施企业业务流程再造培育竞争优势、实施组织创新和体制创新增强企业核心能力、实施“营销工程”拓展 市场空间、实施“创新工程”增强昆船持续发展能力等方面提出了昆船发展战略的内容。最后,从加强企业内部管理推动实施提质降耗、加大人力资源开发力度推进企业整体素质的提高和深化改革转换机制为企业发展创造制度基础等角度提出了为昆船持续发展提供保证的措施。

【Abstract】 As the globalization develops deeply and the technology advances rapidly at the turning of the century, it has been become a common interests of managers and scholars of business that how large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in China, such as Kunming Shipbuilding Equipment Co., Ltd. Group (briefly as KSEC), analyze the business environment in which they operate, make correct corporate strategies, exploit various kinds of corporate resources, face business challenges and take business opportunities, improve corporate core competence and build corporate competitive advantages, and make themselves grow continually, steadily and fast. KSEC is the development of a state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise of our country, especially military enterprise and reform the case with typical significance in practice﹒This text regards KSEC as the research object,through carrying on serious and careful investigation and analysis to it﹒To analyse and judge the opportunity and challenge that enterprise faces,this paper has proposed combining KSEC the basic train of thought of the real enterprise development strategy finally,and is directed against making comparatively overall analysis and studies to the focus with general pieces of quality and difficult question in the state-owned enterprise reform in our country.History and current situation that the thesis has introduced the KSEC at first, on the basis of analysing its developing goal and question existing, it has explained and studied how to make KSEC mean developing strategically﹒Secondly , the products of tobacco machine has a strongest influence on KSEC product structure as target , this paper has analysed tobacco industry of China and industrial structures at machine the market states of Industry of tobacco mechine, it has analysed business environment and inside condition of KSEC’s development from a lot of <WP=4>respects . Thirdly, through implementing Business Process Reengineering(BPR)give a new lease of competitive advantage , through implementing organization innovate to strengthen core competence , by implementing "MARKETING" to expand market space, by implementing "INNOVATION" to strengthen the ability of continually and steadily growing,these are the content of KSEC’s developping strategy﹒ Finally, the measure of waiting for the angle to be put forward and given security for KSEC’s lasting development﹒

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】89

