

【作者】 宋慧琦

【导师】 董大海;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 细川集团是总部设在日本的从事粉体设备制造和销售的跨国集团,生产的设备主要包括粉碎、分级、混合、造粒、干燥等与粉体加工有关的设备,在日本、德国、美国、荷兰等地都有自己的工厂,在世界粉体行业处于领先地位。 尽管设备精良,工艺先进,然而细川集团设备近年来,尤其是自1998年以来在中国的销售业绩很不理想。因此,很有必要深入研究业绩不佳背后的原因,制定相应的策略。本文从粉体设备中国市场宏观环境、市场容量分析与预测、用户购买行为和方式以及竞争情况和竞争能力四个方面进行了中国粉体设备市场与竞争的分析,进而通过市场细分以及对各细分市场进行评估后确定了细川集团在中国的目标市场并作出了目标市场定位决策。在此基础上,制定出了细川集团粉体设备中国市场开发策略,即建立完善的市场信息和用户信息管理系统;有效地利用广告达到开发市场的目的;从加强销售人员培训,丰富销售辅助手段,提高销售过程有效性,把握谈判策略,加强关系管理和销售管理等方面促进人员推销;加强跨国技术服务与支持。 本文参考了市场营销有关理论,特别是工业品及经营者市场营销有关理论的书籍,并结合粉体设备自身的特点,力求理论联系实际,具有一定的可操作性,对公司的市场开发起到一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Hosokawa Corporation is a multinational corporation which produces and sales the powder equipment with its headquarters in Japan. The equipment includes pulverizing, classifying, mixing, granulating, dying and others relevant to the powder processing. It has its plant in Japan, Germany, America, Holland, etc. and maintains the leadership in powder industry in the world.In spite of the excellent equipment and superior technology, the sales performance in China is not so good in recent years, especially from 1998. In this case, it is necessary to find the reason and make correspondence strategy. This paper analyzes the market and competition of Chinese powder equipment from four aspects: macro environment of powder equipment in China; analysis and forecast of market potential, concepts and models of organizational buyinq behavior; competition situation and ability. Then fix the target market in China of Hosokawa Corp. through market segmentation and evaluation and make the market targeting strategy. Based on above analysis, this paper works out a complete strategy for the market development of Hosokawa Corp. In China, i.e. set up perfect information management system of market and customers; make fub use of advertisement to develop the market; promote the personal selling and sale management; strength the multinational technical service and support.The paper refers to the theory of marketing, especiall?some relevant books of industrial and organizationat marketing and combines the characteristics of powder equipment, in order to integrate the theory with practice and have some uses for reference in the marketing development of Hosokawa Corporation.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【下载频次】111

