

【作者】 郭艳敏

【导师】 李宝奇;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 行政法理论基础问题关系到行政法理论研究发展以及行政法治实践运行方方面面,近年来成为行政法学界讨论的焦点。人们相继提出了管理论、控权论、平衡论主张,但由于它们各种缺陷,这种争论始终未走出“诸说之争”的“乱局”,从而达成共识。本文在反思以往诸论基础上,结合行政法治现实,提出新的理论构想以及制度建构的建议。全文分为三个部分: 第一部分,对现存各论的反思。本章首先评析了管理论,指出其不能作为行政法理论基础来定位。其次,细析了控权论,指出了控权论的片面性。再次,思考了平衡论思想,指出平衡论同样不能以行政法理论基础身份构筑行政法理论体系的原因。最后指出其它主张均可分别归之与以上三论,已有的各种理论主张均不能胜任行政法理论基础这一定位。 第二部分,“控权——平衡——保权”主张的提出和确证。本章首先指出控权是行政法的第一要义和首要本质,平衡应作为行政法理论价值追求目标,权利保障是行政法理论归宿,从而将行政法理论基础总结为:以控权为其理论基调,以平衡为基本目标,以权利保障为其理论归宿。概之以“控权——平衡——保权。”并对三者之间的递进性予以分析,指出这种行政理论基础,内部关系具有递进性。之后对“控权——平衡——保权”论存在价值进行了论证,认为:其自身具有的时空兼容性,使之能对行政法作出全时空的阐释,这种主张的提出适应了中国行政法治现实的客观需要,其存在具有现实必然性。 第三部分,主要行政法律制度的建构。本章首先指出建立在不同理论基础上的行政法律制度具有不同的构筑和运行”D逻辑。以“控权一平衡一保权”三段式主张为理论基础的行政法律制度也必然以这种理论为指导予以构建。其次,作者论述了行政立法制度引进利益平衡机制的必要性,并对这种利益平衡型行政立法制度进行了具体设计。再次,作者提出以程序控制自由裁量权较之实体控制更具有效性,并进而说明了现代行政程序法律制度应具有的主要内容。之后,作者分析了司法审查的必要性及其有限性,指出基于保护相对人权利的需要,我国应借鉴英美司法审查制经验,逐步放宽司法审查范围,真正确定对公民权利的保护体制。

【Abstract】 The theoretical basis of administrative laws questionaffects the development of the administrative law theory andevery aspect of the future enforcement of administrative law.Many theories such as Administration Theory, Power ControlTheory and Balance Theory etc, but because all of them havetheir own shortcoming, the attempts to reconcile these have sofar been unsuccessful. In this article, taking as the basis thepast theories, and taking into account the present situation ofthe administrative law, the author puts forward new theoreticalpropositions, and new legal structure. The article consists ofthree parts:Party 1, Discussion to the present theories:The author analyzes the Administration theory, andconcludes that it can抰 be taken as theoretical basis ofadministrative law. Further, the author analyzes the powercontrol theory, arid points out the one-sideness of the theory.Then, the author discusses at length the balance theory, andshows why the balance theory can抰 be used as theadministrative law抯 basis to build the administrative law抯theoretical system. Finally, the author indicated that the othertheories out of these can be concluded in the three theories, theexisting theory can抰 be used the administrative law抯theoretical basis.Part 2, The proposing and verifying of the Power controltheory桞alance theory梡ower protect theory. The authorsaid the power control theory is the primary essence ofadministrative law, the balance theory should be the goal of thea worthy administrative law抯 theory, the power protect theoryis the theoretical aim of the administrative law. Summarizing,the administrative law basis can be concluded as: Thetheoretical fundamental key is the power control theory, thebasic purpose is the balance, the theoretical destination ispower security, that is: Power controlling Balance ?Powersecurity. The author has made a step by step analysis of thethree elements, and indicated that there is a progressive relationwithin the administratiVe law抯 theoretical basis. After that, theauthor expounded and proved the existence worth of powercontrol ?balance梡ower protect, the author agrees that: Theadministrative law is little effected by time and space, thismakes the author give a whole time and space explanation, theproposing of that theory can meet the objective needs ofChina抯 administrative law抯 present situation, its existence isnecessitted by facts.Part 3, Structuring of the main administrative law system.In this chapter, the author shows that the administrative lawsystems forming the basis of different law systems have theirdiffering structures and operating logic, the administrative lawsystem with the theoretical basis of power control ?balance ?power protecting will also be constructed according to theprinciples of this theory. Then, the author explained thenecessity of benefits balance system in the setting up of theadministrative laws, and its design benefits the adoption ofbalance style administrative law system. Then, the author saysthe procedure control of the judgment will be more effectivefor the entity control of judgment, and explained the maincontents of the modem administrative legal procedure system.Later, the author analyzes the necessity and limitation of thejudicial examination, indicates that, for on the protection ofrelative human rights, our country should draw lessons fromAmerican and British judicial examination system, broaden thearea of judicial examination, to establish a protection systemfor the rights of citizens.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】341

