

【作者】 钱敏华

【导师】 朱泽山;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济的全球化,国际贸易出现了惊人的增长。二十世纪九十年代末,国际贸易的增长速度超过了世界经济的发展速度,而国际资本的流动速度比国际贸易的增长速度还要快。经济的全球化极大地推进了中国外经贸的发展,中国的世界贸易总额已经从二十年前的第32位上升到1999年的第10位。 中国即将加入世界贸易组织,我国的银行业面临着更为繁荣的外汇业务市场,但也面临着更为残酷的同业竞争。只有迎接挑战,积极开办外汇业务,银行才能在竞争中生存和壮大。然而,外汇业务在为商业银行带来了丰厚利润的同时,却又使商业银行面临巨大的风险。这些风险包括:1、国际结算风险,主要指开立信用证风险、修改信用证风险、拒付风险、欺诈风险、政策风险等;2、外汇交易风险,主要是汇率波动使商业银行在持有或运用外汇资产过程中所面临的风险;3、外汇融资风险,主要有打包贷款风险、出口押汇风险、外汇贷款风险等;4、外汇业务管理风险。 由于外汇业务涉及跨国交易,并且以外币计价,这就使得外汇风险更加复杂、更加隐蔽。本文就我国商业银行现有的外汇业务中存在的风险进行分析,提出防范措施。这些措施包括积极培养国际金融人才、银行各项业务操作制度化、程序化、树立分析意识、重视资信调查、加强外汇资金业务的事前、事后管理、将外汇融资业务纳入统一信贷管理等。 本文共分成四章。第一章是世界经济一体化和我国商业银行外汇业务的发展和前景。这一章分成四节:第一节是全球经济一体化的现状;第二节介绍我国外经贸的发展;由此引出第三、四节我国商业银行外汇业务的发展和前景。第二章国际结算风险和防范,分成三节:第一节是金融市场开放对银行国际结算业务的影响;第二节是本章的重点,详细阐述国际结算业务的风险;第三节则提出这些风险的防范措施。第三章是外汇资企业务风险和防范,本章第一节说明我国是一个外汇管制的国家,第二节阐述汇率风险及其成因;第三节提出汇率风险的防范措施。第四章是外汇信贷业务的风险和防范,共分三节:第一节简单介绍了四种外汇信贷业务;第二节分析了这四种信贷业务的风险;第三节提出了防范措施。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of globalization of world economy, international trade is surprisingly increasing. At the end of 1990抯, the growth of international capital抯 circulation has greatly overstepped that of world trade which also has surpassed the growth of world economy. The globalization of economy has greatly driven the development of foreign economy and trade in China with the result that the position of China according to the amount of world trade has been removed to No.10 in 1999 compared to No.32 twenty years ago.Because China is about to join the World Trade Organization, banks in our country are facing a more prosperous foreign market and a more cruel competition of the same trade. Only to meet the challenge and redouble their efforts on foreign businesses, can banks in China survive and strengthen by themselves. However, just like other things, foreign businesses have two.side effects, that is, when it brings commercial banks rich profits, it also raises risks which include, 1~ risks of international settlement, mainly referring to risk of issuing letter of credit, risk of amending letter of credit, risk of advanced payment by banks, risk of refusing payment, risk of being cheated, risk of policies, etc; 2 risks of foreign exchar~ge transaction; 3 risks of foreign loans, mainly referring to risk of loan for purchasing raw materials under letter of credit, risk of purchasing bills under letter of credit, risks of RMB loan under the guarantee of foreign exchange ,etc.Because foreign businesses involve transnational settlements and have the feature of valuing in foreign currencies, it makes the risks more complex and more concealing. This article puts forward measures of how to prevent the risks that exist in present foreign businesses in our commercial banks. These measures mainly include how to foster talented persons in international businesses and improve their totalabilities in business together with the intention of preventing risks, how tor give full play to credit department抯 professional knowledge and skill bybringing international business into commercial bank抯 unification of credit line and authorization, how to change our commercial bank抯 concept and make our operation the same with that of foreign banks.This article can be divided into four chapters. The first chapter is 搕he globalization of world economy and the bright future of foreign businesses in our commercial banks?which is divided into four sections. The first section is the status quo of globalization of world economy; the second section introduces the developing situation of Chinese foreigneconomy and trade influenced by globalization of world economy; the third section reviews the beginning and development of foreign businesses in our commercial banks; the fourth section, the emphasis of this chapter, introduces the bright future and necessity of developing foreign businesses. The second chapter is 搕he risks of international settlement and how to prevent?which is divided into three sections. The first section is the influence to bank抯 international settlement by the opening of financial market; the second section is 搕he risk of international settlement?which introduces twelve kinds of possible risks existing in the links in international businesses; the third section puts forward measures of how to prevent the above risks. The third chapter is 搕he risks of foreign exchange transaction and how to prevent? The first section of this chapter introduces why banks in china facing more transaction risks. The second and third sections analysis where the risks come from and tell measurements how to reduce such risks. The forth chapter is 搕he risks of foreign loan and how to prevent?which is also divided into three sections. The first section briefly introduces four kinds of foreign loan; the second section analysis the possible risks of these four kinds of foreign loan; the third section puts forward measures of how to prevent these risks.

  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】650

