

【作者】 魏宏聚

【导师】 周鸿;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 初中生正处于十一、二岁到十四、五岁的少年期。这是人生发展的重要阶段,也是人一生身心变化最为显著的时期。随着时代的发展,竞争的激烈,学习压力的增大,初中生面临着许多困扰,其中同伴交往障碍问题是困扰初中生身心健康发展的突出问题之一。 本文在广泛调查的基础上,结合文献法、访谈法,通过对目前初中生同伴交往现状的分析,发现初中生同伴交往障碍的现状比较严峻。在把握现状的基础上,归纳出目前初中生同伴交往障碍的基本特征为:初中生异性同伴交往障碍问题突出;初中生同伴交往障碍存在年级和性别差异;初中生同伴交往障碍与学习成绩呈正相关;发生同伴交往障碍的初中生自我认知存在严重偏差;发生同伴交往障碍的初中生具有较强的交友动机,但交往比较被动。 本文分析了造成初中生同伴交往障碍的主、客观原因。在客观方面主要是:独生子女增多,不良家庭因素的影响;不良伙伴群体的影响;对新学习环境中人际交往的不适应。在主观方面主要是:初中生身心发展的不成熟;不良的个性心理品质;不良的交往意识。 本文针对以上特征及原因,并根据目前初中教育的实际情况,提出以下七个方面的教育对策,即加强青春期教育,慎重对待异性“同伴”;对交往障碍学生进行自我认知教育;对学生进行正确的友谊观教育;对学生进行因人制宜的交往辅导,使学生撑握一定的交往艺术;利用班内良好的“伙伴群”,加强对交往不良学生的群体影响;开展丰富多彩的课外活动,提供良好的交友机会和氛围;创设健康的交往环境,形成家校教育合力。

【Abstract】 The pupils in middle school are in adolescence. It抯 an important stage in life as well as a changing physically and mentally period in life. With the development of times, more competition and pressure of study, they face a lot of puzzling problems. And the obstacles of communication among classmates in one of the main problems in the pupils? physical and mental development. On the base of large investigation and with the combination of reading materials, visiting and talking, It is found that the obstacles of communications among classmates are serious. The author sums up the features of the above obstacles as following: the obstacles of communication between boys and girls are serious; there are some differences in grades and sex for the pupils?obstacles of communication; the obstacles of communication have close relation with the pupils learning outcomes; the self-recognition of those who have above obstacles exits serious problems; their communication is often passive. This article analyzes the subjective and objective reasons for those obstacles. The objective factors are: one-child family and the negative influence of the family; negative influence of companion; couldn抰 suit the personal communication in new environment. The subjective factors are: the physical and mental development of middle school students is still not mature; negative psychological personality; unproper communication consciousness. According to the above features and reasons, according to the reality of current situation in middle schools, the article puts forward seven educational suggestions: strengthen adolescent education, be careful when communicate with girls; provide correct friendship education; provide self梤ecognition to the students who have the obstacles of communication; give guidance to pupils communication individually, by using the good companion-group in class, give much more influence to those who have obstacles in communication; develop plentiful out-of-class activities, providing good opportunities to make friends; provide a good communication environment, trying to get the support from the family.

  • 【分类号】G444;G635.5
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1098

