

【作者】 贺晓兰

【导师】 王本朝;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 中国现代文学从思想、内容到形式都迥异于传统文学。中国现代文学产生的原因错综复杂,域外思想的冲击、中国的政治社会改革无疑是现代文学形成的主因。但是,近现代报刊为现代文学形成创造了重要的条件。近现代报刊为中国现代文学新思想和新内容的结合提供了现成的媒介,为中国现代文学提供了文学运动和论争的阵地,为中国现代文学提供了新的表现方式和新的实践。本文从三个方面分析近现代报刊与中国现代文学的关系。 首先,近现代报刊为中国现代文学观念的形成提供了传播的渠道。 中国现代文学观念是在历次文学运动和文学论争中形成的,无论是文学运动还是文学论争都在报刊上开展。革命者认识到革命成功全赖民众的参与,报刊的大众化提供了民众参与的渠道。因此,催生了现代文学的新文学运动,在倡导者的主持下创办了大量的报刊,通过报刊的刊行将自己的主张普及到社会中。为维护现代文学的发展,新文学运动的倡导者和参与者通过报刊与保守势力做了针锋相对的斗争。为使自己的宣传更好地发挥作用,新文学运动者借用报刊开辟了和民众直接交流的渠道。通过论争,新文学运动者澄清了保守势力在民众中造成的消极影响,推动现代文学向前发展。针对革命阵营内部的一些模糊认识,革命者自身也通过报刊进行了广泛的讨论,如关于“革命文学”、关于“革命文学作者”。在文学运动和论争中,现代文学观念逐渐清晰,确立了现代文学“为人生”、“为社会”、“为革命”的目标。 其次,近现代报刊为中国现代文学提供了新的实践。 报刊是中国现代文学主要阵地,现代文学作品主要在报刊上发表。报刊印刷技术的迅速改进缩短了现代文学作品与读者见面的时间间隔,也使现代文学作品的发表变得容易。报刊促成了职业作家的产生,改变了传统文学的写作方式。现代文学作品发表方式的变化,改变了作品的阅读环境,作品的接受变得个人化、私人化,作家不再是为听众讲故事,而是在为孤立的读者写作,因此现代文学作品的叙述变得朴实,比较注重心理刻画。报刊的生存方式和现代文学的大众化特征都要求他们必须有自己的消费群体,因此现代文学和报刊一道致力于培养自己的读者。他们从寻找题材、建立新文学形式、采用白话进行创作到开辟读者专栏,使出浑身解数吸引民众的注意力,拉近了民众与现代文学的距离,现代文学从此拥有了自己的读者群。 第三,近现代报刊改变了中国传统文学文体形式 为适应中国现代文学政治性的要求,小说被提升到了至高的地位,促使小说从传统文学的边缘向中心移动。报刊及时出版的特点,带给小说创新的条件,产生了新的小说形式,如政治小说、黑幕小说、讽刺幽默小说、新闻小说。由于报刊的版面有限,长篇小说不能一次刊载完,现代文学发展了传统文学的章回体,创造了适应报刊发表的连载方式,由最初的小说后来扩展到随笔、传记等,一些适应报刊的新文体——杂文和报告文学逐渐成熟。报刊的大众化带动了现代文学的大众化,开创了以白话为正宗的新文学时代。现代文学的参与者在以文学和报刊对大众进行思想启蒙时,翻译刊行了大量的发达国家著作,大量的新词被引进到汉语中,通过翻译著作的刊行,为社会所消化吸收,成为汉语的组成部分,丰富了汉语词汇。翻译作品的引进,导致中国传统文学的编排方式、句读的变化,产生了新式标点,并沿用至今。 从以上三方面,本文认为在中国现代文学的进程中,近现代报刊所起的作用异常重要,对近现代报刊作用的分析,是现代文学现有研究的一个极为的重要补充。

【Abstract】 Chinese modem literature is completely different from the traditional literature inidea,content and form.The causes for its coming into being are complicated,in whichthe influence from overseas and the Chinese social and political reform no doubt playsthe main part. However,the modem press creats a very important basis to form themodem literaure.The modem press provides a media for the combination of the newidea and the new content of the Chinese modem literaure,a new expressionmeans,new practice an rich material and spiritual resources for Chinese literature.Thispaper analyzes the relationaship between the Chinese modem press and modemliterature from the following three aspects.First,modem press provides a media to spread the new idea of. the Chineseliterature.The idea of the modem literature forms through the past literature movementsand argument that are set off in the press.The revolutionary have realized that thesuccess of the idea revolution completely depends on the people.So the participater ofthe modem literature set up a lot of newspapers and periodicals whose popularizationprovides a way for the people to participate in this movement .The proposition of themodem literature is popularized in the society through the publication and distributionof the newspapers and periodicals.To maintain the development of modemliterature,the advocater and participater fight tit for tat against all kinds of oppositepowers.To better encourage the people to take part in it,the advocaters make use of thepress to directly communicate v~ith the people.Through the argument ,they graduallyget rid of the negative influence of the rival power among the people and pushforward the development of literature in the right direction.To counter someambiguous idea inside the revolutionary camp,the revolutionary make use of the pressto discuss and argue extensively such as about “the revolutionary literature” and “therevolutionary literature writer”During this movement and argument,the idea of themodem literature is becoming clear and the modem literature aims at seving “forlife”“for society”nd “for revolutionary”.Second,the modem press provides new practice for the Chinese modemlitertaure.The press is the main base for the modem literature.The works of modemliterature are mainly published on them.The improvement of the printing technologyresults in the advanced printing and publishing way,which shortens the term of thepublication .The writers can publish their works with low cost and short time,thushelp to bring about the rising of the professional writers.The change of the publicationof the works makes the reading more personal.The writer is no longer telling a storyto the listeners but writing for an individual reader .The narration of the modem worksbecomes plain and focuses on the psychological description.The existing way of thenewspaper and periodicals and public characteristic of the modem literature requirethem to own their consuming group.So the modem literature and the modem presswork together to aim at collecting their own readers.They try great efforts in searchingfor the subject,establish new literature form,write in Baihua to draw the publicattention shorten the distance between the public and modem literature and form areaders group of modem literature.Third, the modem press change the tradional style of the Chinese literature.To meet the demand of the political characteristic of the Chinese literature,thenovel is enhanced to the highest position,which impels the novel to move from thefrontier of the traditional literature to the center.The timely publishing of thenewspapers and periodicals brings forth new idea abd new style for the literature,suchas sarcastic and humourous novel,news novel,informed essay and sketch.Because thelayout of the press is limited,the novel can not be fully published in one issue.Themodem literature establishes the way for t

  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】375

