

【作者】 全健

【导师】 倪志安;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 创新教育的关键就是要以培养创新素质为根本目的改革教育手段;素质教育的根本还在于培养学习者的创新素质。 教育科研及实践在培养创新素质方面的问题主要表现为: (1)科研主要限于心理学的范围,“本土化”程度远远不够; (2)对创新素质的认识局限于某一要素,培养途径缺乏系统性; (3)思想品德教育在创新素质培养过程中未受到足够的重视。 本研究首先分析创新素质概念的界定,以及搞清楚它的构成要素。从整个创新活动过程来看,创新素质是由创造活动过程中表现出来的多项特质整合所构成,它包括创新活动的品德前提、创新意识(动机、兴趣等)、创造性的思维、创造性的学习、创造性的实践五个方面;并在其中分别表现出多项独特且具有现实意义的能力及人格因素。 高中阶段学校教育在培养学生品德方面忽视了学生的心理基础和创新能力培养的需要;同时创新能力需要的品德素质不能等同于传统的道德要求,我们的学生在传统面前缺乏勇敢和自信的心理品质,依赖心理太强,在复杂的创造活动面前,不知道自我鼓励和自我控制;元认知能力极差,而又没有相关的训练。 传统教育十分重视知识的传授,忽略了学生的主体性,而创造性正是主体性的重要特征之一。在高中阶段,教师们受升学压力的影响而不敢也不愿放任学生自由的思维,以免造成考试的失误。再则,传统的教育评价也只看重学生的知识,而忽视学生的创造力。 高中生创新意识、创新思维及创新活动具有自身特点,培养高中生的创新素质应整体构建其培养途径。首先,应创设创造性的校园环境;其次,应加强思想品德 教育促进创新素质的培养。在研究中我们发现,心理健康教育、审美教育、学风教 育、人生观的教育以及劳动教育对高中生的创新素质影响最大;在教育的方法上我 们以心理辅导为契机,对学生进行联系自身实际的品德教育,同时强调学生的主体 性大力推行典型示范、自我批评、情感陶冶等方法,取得了一定成效。 再次,根据高中生的生理和心理的特点还应该从多方面来培养学生的创新素 质: 门)改革课堂教学,开展创新教学: u)改革教育效果的评价方式,包括对学生成绩的评价方式和对教师工作效 果的评价方式等。

【Abstract】 The sticking point of the creative education the reformation from the tradition; the root of the education is about to raise the ability of the students.One of the most important problems of education about the creativity is the result of education is not based on the practicality. Another problem lies in the lack of the systematic approach. The 3rd is that the moral character hasn’t been regarded as a useful thing.The first thing about our research is the element of the idea of the creativity. We think the creativity is made up of many idiosyncrasies in conformity with the logic which include the moral character~ motivation of creation~. study and practice, in which the ability and the personality are included.We used to neglect the need or the basic of psychology of creativity in aspect of training the moral character.Besides the character of the need of the creativity is different from the one of the tradition. Many of our students are lacking in the character of boldness and self-assurance, who don’t know how to self-arouse or self-Icontrol in the presence of difficulty. They are lacking in tnetacognitive, while we have little about the approach of training.The traditional education always thinks much of how to impart the knowledge and neglect the initiative of the students. And the creativity has much about the initiative of the students. Teachers do not want to indulge the students in their freedom thinking for fear lapses in test. In addition, the tradition of estimate has much more in knowledge than in creativity.The high senior students have their specialty in creativity. Thosespecialties are in the person of the development of body and mind. So we think the approach of training must be a system.First, the moral character is very importance to raise creativity. The points of moral character that adapts to the creation are those that mental health, good taste, good style of study, right philosophy and housework are included in. We think they are more infective to creativity. These are very different from the idea of the moral character of the tradition.So we s hou 1 d reform the system of ways of education, especially in the point of the moral character.In the next place, teachers always counterwork in aspect of the creativity of the students because of the ossification in idea of education. So we should innovate the teaching and reform the way of estimate of result in studying and teaching either, in order to form a system of creative education. Besides we think that the most important thing is change in our idea of education.

  • 【分类号】G630
  • 【下载频次】183

