

【作者】 艾大宾

【导师】 王力;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 农村经济是存在于农村区域内的经济综合体,包括农业、农村工业和农村第三产业,是国民经济的重要组成部分。自1978年以来的农村经济改革,促进了农业生产和农村经济的大发展,改变了我国长期存在的农产品短缺、农民收入低下的局面。但是,目前我国农村经济发展中也出现了市场需求不旺、经济效益下降、农民收入增长缓慢等问题。解决这些问题的根本途径在于进一步深化以市场化为基本取向的农村经济改革,以适应建立农村大市场以及我国加入WTO的市场竞争和区域分工的需要。 我国广大贫困地区是以农村经济尤其是农业经济为主的地区,其区位偏僻,封闭性强,经济社会发展相对落后,市场发育很差。在当今我国社会主义市场经济格局已基本形成的情况下,贫困地区在市场竞争和市场分工中处于更加不利的地位,与发达地区经济社会发展的差距日趋加大。因此,在当前的宏观环境下,探讨贫困地区如何快速推进农村经济的市场化进程,具有重要的现实意义。 本文在阐述当前我国农村经济改革和发展的宏观背景与基本取向的基础上,立足于贫困地区农村经济运行的现状,分析了制约贫困地区农村经济市场化的主要因素,初步提出了相应的政策措施和建议。全文共分四个部分: 第一部分:回顾了我国农村经济体制改革的历史进程和当前面临的主要问题,阐明了进一步深化农村经济改革的基本方向。 第二部分:在概述贫困地区总体特点的基础上,重点分析了农村经济的运行现状与问题,认为在市场经济条件下,贫困地区必须努力推进农村经济的市场化进程,彻底改变封闭、自给性生产为主的经济发展格局,实现与外部市场经济的大融合。 第三部分:根据我国贫困地区农村社会经济的发展现状,依照实现经济市场化所需的条件,分析了当前贫困地区农村经济市场化进程中所面临的诸多障碍因素。 第四部分:根据前述障碍因素,提出了相应的对策措施。

【Abstract】 Rural economy that includes agriculture, rural industry and rural tertiary industry is an economic complex that exists in rural areas and serves as an important part in national economy. The rural economic reform since 1978 promoted the growth of agriculture and rural economy and changed the situation where there was a shortage of agricultural products and a low level of farmers income. However, now there arise some problems such as less market demand, decrease of economic benefit, lagging of income promotion, and so on. The solution to the above problems should resort to the widening of rural economic reform that adopts market orientation in order to adapt to the demand of the socialist market economy and joining the WTO.The distressed areas in China are usually related to rural economy, specially the agricultural economy. In such remote and isolated areas, economy development is comparatively less development and there is a rather large gap behind the comparatively developed areas, and under the condition where the structure of socialist market economy is basically formed, the gap may be widened because of the late and slow promotion of market economy in such areas. So it is significant at present to explore the ways by which the distressed areas can employ their current basis to advance the market orientation, and to restructure the system of rural economy that fits with market economy.Based on the analysis of the macrolevel background and the main direction of current rural economy reform and development, this thesis examines the rural economic operation in distressed areas, expounds the main elements that restrain rural marketU onentatlon In the areas,and proposes some preliminary countermeasures,This thesis Is divided into four p狈s: Part one reviews the historical development of*thepment reform ofrural economic system, analyses the main problems In the current dev咖Opient of ural economy,and reveals the dlrectlonto urtherdeepenthe rural economic reform. P阶仰0!sbsed on the 5wWy of the gm歇al oNw钻In dm比5能d盯e眠md p叨IClllatly sfl&lySCS thC OpCfatloll ld pYOblCffiS Offllf&l CCOfloiny.ThC SWOfthi冰S,ill market economy,the market orientation of rural economy In distressed areas should be promotedZ the situation oflsolated development should be coMletely changed;the Integration Into external毗eteconomy shouldbe reallied. P咖 tkee:Accordingic the present situation ofrural economy In distressed areas andthe necessary conditions to realize m毗et orlen阶ion,this p明 discusses the obstruCtlve elements Inthe implementation ofm毗et onen谢ion ofrural economy In distressed areas. P咖 four consequelltly proposes the co咖ermeasuresto solve theproblems Inthe marketorlentatlon ofrural economy In distressed areas.

【关键词】 贫困地区农村经济市场化
【Key words】 Distressed areasRural economyMWet orlelltatlon
  • 【分类号】F323.7;F723.82
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】240

