

【作者】 石胜友

【导师】 李旭光;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 生态学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 1.本文对缙云山风灾迹地森林群落在11年恢复过程中的幼苗动态、群落结构、植物物种组成以及物种多样性的变化进行了研究。结果表明:1)在恢复的前2年,马尾松、大头茶的幼苗占绝对优势,其次是川灰木、小叶栲的幼苗,其他树种的幼苗较少;恢复后的第8年,川灰木、小叶栲和其他树种的幼苗增加,马尾松和大头茶的幼苗减少;恢复后的第11年,川灰木、小叶栲和其他常绿阔叶树种的幼苗占优势,林下无马尾松幼苗,大头茶的幼苗也较少。2)群落的垂直结构日益明显,群落的水平结构指标盖度、密度和胸面积都有大幅度增加。3)群落乔木层的物种多样性、均匀度增加,生态优势度降低,群落向着复杂化、多层化的常绿阔叶林方向发展。 2.本文研究了缙云山风灾前与恢复11年后群落结构的比较,结果表明:1)风灾前群落的垂直结构明显,恢复11年后的群落垂直结构不明显。灌木层大致相同草本层和层外植物都较少。2)生活型基本相同,都以常绿高位芽植物为主。3)群落的种类组成大致相同,主要是樟科、山毛榉科、山茶科及松科等。风灾前为针阔混交林,建群种为马尾松。恢复11年后为常绿阔叶林,建群种为小叶栲。 3.采用Hegyi提出的单木竞争指数模型对缙云山风灾迹地生态重建过程中主要优势种四川大头茶、川灰木、小叶栲、马尾松的种内种间竞争强度进行了定量分析。结果表明 1)对象木种内竞争较其伴生树种间的竞争剧烈。2)竞争强度与对象木的胸径呈幂函数关系。3)对象木的生长速度与竞争指数之间有极显著的负相关关系。 4.对缙云山风灾迹地生态恢复过程中的优势种群动态的研究,并对优势种群动态进行了预测。结果表明:在优势种群的竟争中,小叶拷将获胜。群落向常绿阔叶林的顶极群落方向演替,小叶拷将成为顶极群落的建群种。

【Abstract】 1.Studying on the community dynamics during ecological restoration of the wind- damage slash in Jinyun mountain. The seeding dynamic, community structure and species diversities of the wind-damaged slash after 11-year restoration were studied. The results were as followings: 1) Pinus massoniana and Gordonia acuminata seeding were dominated in the first and second years. After 8-year restoration Castanopsis carlessii var. spinulosia, Symplocos satchuenesis and others evergreen broadleaf trees seeding increased, Pinus massoniana and Gordonia acuminata seeding decreased, after 11 years, Castanopsis carlessiivar spinulosia , Symplocos satchuenesis and others evergreen broadleaf trees seeding dominated. There was no Pinus massoniana seeding and Gordonia acuminata seeding was very few. 2)The vertical structure of community tended to be complex, while the horizontal one increased by a wide range.3)The species diversity and evenness of trees layer increased, the ecological dominance decreased. The community becomes more complicated and multiple-layered evergreen broadleaf forest. 2.Compered the structure of the wind-damaged slash in Mt. before wind-damaged with that after 11 years of restoration. The results were as followings: 1) The vertical structure of community before wind-damaged slash was outstanding while not after 11-year restoration.2) The biological spectrum were similarity, both are everygreen phanerophytes. The made of the species of community are almost same, Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae and Pinaceae were the most. There are needle-broad forest before wind-damaged, it edificatory was Pinus massoniana. But 11-year restoration was everygreen broadleaf forest, it edificatory is Castanopsis carlessii var. spinulosia. 3. Studying on the competition in the course of ecological reconstruction of wind-damaged slash in Mt. Jinyun Using Hegyi?single tree competitive index modle, We quantitatively analysed the intraspecific and interspecific competitive intensity of Pmassoniana G.acuminata C.carlessii var spinulosa S.setchunensis.The dominant species ecological reconstruction of the wind-damaged slash. The results are: 1 )The intraspecific of objective species in wind-damaged slash were more intensive than their interspcific competition with other accompanying species. 2).The competitive intensity seemed to be powerful function of DBH. of the objective trees. 3). Growth of the objective tree was negatively correlated to the competitive indices. 4.This paper studied on the dynamics of dominant population during ecological restoration and forecasted the dynamics of the domination species of wind-damaged slash in Jinyun mountain. The study showed that the succession of community is toward the climax community of the evergreen broadleaf, and that the Castanopsis carlessii var.spinulosa will be the edificatory of the climax community.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【下载频次】141

