

【作者】 胡亚红

【导师】 陈良益; 邓年茂;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 , 光学工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 自从激光器问世以来,光学谐振腔稳定技术就一直是激光技术研究的一个重要课题。在激光器工作过程中,一些内部和外部因素的影响将会导致激光谐振腔镜空间相对位置发生变化,致使激光束偏离理想状态。最终影响激光束的方向性、光斑模式的均匀性和激光束的强度等。这是在激光器的使用中所不希望发生的现象。所以光学谐振腔稳定技术研究就显得尤为重要。 本文讨论了全自动光学谐振腔稳定调节系统。这项研究涉及光、机、电以及计算机等多个方面。 我们运用光学的有关定律,推导出光学谐振腔镜的倾斜角和光斑偏移量之间的直接函数关系。为了验证这个理论的正确性,设计了光学谐振腔稳定实验装置。用带有椭圆内孔的刮刀镜切取光学谐振腔的输出光束到CCD的接收面上。把CCD接收到的环形光斑输入计算机,进行图象处理与分析,检测出环形光斑的内外圆环边缘,然后用曲线拟合的方法获得内外圆环中心坐标,计算出光斑偏移量。由光斑偏移量反演出谐振腔镜的倾斜角,并把腔镜倾斜角反馈给控制系统。在控制执行机构中,用四个步进电机分别控制两个腔镜的四个失调角度。采用先进的控制算法,通过电机控制器对每个电机的运动速度和位移进行动态控制,将光腔的失调量补偿回来。 实验结果表明,依据这样的理论,建立的稳定调节方法是合理的、切实可行的,对于提高光学谐振腔的稳定性具有显著效果。

【Abstract】 Since the invention of laser, adjustment system for the stability of the resonator has been taken into consideration in research of laser. Some internal and external factors may disalign the mirror and lead to the deviation of output beam from ideal status. So the research on the stability of the resonator is of special importance. In this thesis, we discussed an automatic resonator adjustment system. The research includes several technical fields such as optics, mechanics, automatic control and computer science. We deduced the relation function between the incline angle of the resonator mirrors and the deviation of output pattern position using optics law. According to the relation ,we can obtain the incline angle. In order to validate the theory, we design stable equipment of resonator. The mirror with an elliptic inner hole deflects the output beam of laser to a CCD sensor. The data of the image received by CCD is transformed into a micro-computer and the image is processed and analyzed. Finally we detect the inner and outer edge of the cirque, get the centeral position of the ring by fitting the curve and obtain the deviation of optics maladjustment. We can obtain incline angle according to the deviation of optics maladjustment and transfer the angle into control system. In control system ,four micro-motors control four angles of the two mirrors. Using advanced control technique, motor controller operate speed and displacement of each motor and compensate the maladjustment of resonator. Experiment result has proved that this stable adjustment method is reasonable and can improve stability of resonator.

  • 【分类号】TN243
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】233

