

【作者】 张绳祖

【导师】 鲍禄;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 建设一个法治国家,已成为当今社会各国人民的共识。而司法独立是建设法治国家的必要条件,没有独立的司法,法治则无法实现。司法独立原则在我国的表现就是独立审判原则。法院独立审判已经得到领导人民制定宪法和法律的中国共产党的重视。中共十五大提出了依法治国的基本方略,要“推进司法改革,从制度上保证司法机关依法独立公正地行使审判权”。几年过去了,司法改革的进展如何?司法改革改什么?怎么改?如何保证人民法院依法独立行使审判权?法院如何实现独立审判?笔者选此课题研究的目的,就是希望通过自己的研究成果,能为推进我国司法改革的进程添一份力量,使人民法院独立审判早日在我国真正实现。本文从笔者在最高法院18年的工作中遇到的实际问题出发,结合所学的法学理论,用比较分析的方法,对人民法院独立审判这一宪法原则进行论述。 本文共分四章。 第一章,就我国宪法关于人民法院独立审判的渊源及含义进行了探讨。本文分析回顾了独立审判原则的渊源及其理论基础。认为独立审判原则就是司法独立原则。作为一项宪法原则,它调整着国家审判机关与立法、行政等其他职能部门的法律关系,确认审判权的专属性和独立行使性。司法独立原则是世界公约认可的基本人权原则和法治原则。我国的人民法院独立审判原则包含审判权的独立、人民法院的地位独立和法官独立三个方面。特别论述了审判权独立和法官独立这两个敏感而又有分歧的问题。 第二章,分析了我国独立审判原则的确立及在实践中的阻力。认为独立审判原则在实践中的阻力主要有三个方面。第一是旧的思想观念方面的阻力。旧的思想观念包括两个方面,即封建传统观念和极左思想。第二是地方化的司法体制方面的阻力。地方人民法院由地方各级人民代表大会产生,地方人民法院的法官由地方任免,经费由同级地方行政机关掌握。这些都直接阻碍着人民法院的独立审判。第三是行政化管理方式和审判委员会制度对独立审判的影响。行政化管理方式致使法院的审判工作形成“审判员审案,领导把关,审理的无权作判决,有权作判决的却又不参加审理”的状况。审判委员会制度则直接阻碍着合议庭和法官独立审判。 第三章,论述了我国实现独立审判的必要性。第一,实现独立审判是建设社会主义法治国家的需要。独立审判是一项重要的国际公认的法治原则,一个国家只要实行法治,就必须采纳这一原则。在新的世纪里,不论是西方自由政体的国家,还是坚持马克思主义的国家,司法独立都将是各国普遍遵循的法治原则。第二,实现独立审判是社会主义市场经济发展的需要。独立、公正的审判是市场经济正常发展的保障。第三,实现独立审判是我国融入世界政治、经济发展潮流的需要。世界政治发展的潮流要求各国以法律来保障独立审判的实现,我国也不能例外。另外,我国要加入WTO,就要遵守WTO的规则,建立高效的司法程序和独立的司法体系,以公平地解决有关争议。 第四章,从保障独立审判原则的实现这一目的出发,着重从法院外部的改革和法院内部的改革两个方面,探讨了我国司法改革的问题。 法院外部的改革主要是改革不适应独立审判的体制和有关制度,为法院独立审判创造一个良好的外部环境。一、改善中国共产党对法院工作的领导。认为党的领导不是对具体案件审判的领导。二、改革法院机构按行政区划设置的模式,将全国划分为六个司法区域,每个区域设一个高级法院,在每个高级法院的辖区内设若干个中级法院,在每个中级法院的辖区内设若干个基层法院,每个基层法院下设若干个派出法庭。法院机构的这种设置,一是使法院可以相对集中,突出法院的独立地位;二是可以使法院摆脱地方的控制,从体制上独立;三是可以维护国家法治的统一;四是可以树立法律和法院的权威。三、人大及其常委会对法院工作的监督要法制化。主张人大及其常委会不应对人民法院审判的个案进行监督。四、建立司法预算制度,使法院独立审判有充足的物质保障。 法院内部的改革主要包括四个方面。一是改革审判工作行政化的管理方式,建立法官独立审判制。主张取消各级人民法院的审判委员会。认为审判委员会讨论诀定案件与公开审判、独立审判的宪法原则相矛盾,不利于合议庭和独任法官对案件的独立审判。二是改革与完善法官制度。主张建立法官选拔制度,改革法官的任命程序,改地方各级法院法官由地方权力机关任免的程序为由全国统一任免。三是提高法官素质,主要是提高法官的职业道德水平和业务素质。四是建立法官责任制。既给法官独立审判的权力,又要求法官对其因故意或过失而办错案件的行为负责,以实现权责的统一。 本文明确了我国人民法院独立审判的含义这一理论问题,并分析了独立审判原则在实践中的阻力以及我国实现独立审判的必要性,提出了我国司法改革的设想。可以使一些读者,特别使一些党政领导干部能对我国人民法院独立审判的宪法原则有一个新的认识,为国家制定司法改革方案提供

【Abstract】 Nowadays, it is commonly accepted that a country should be governed by the law In the construction of a country governed by the law, a very important part is played by judicial independence, without whiclt a legal system can not be built up. In China. judicial independence is specified as independent adjudication. which is stressed hr the Chinese Communist Party, who takes a leading part in the formulation of the constitutional code and laws. The party called up to promote the judicial reform and ensure a justice independent adjudication by the peopl&s court during the I 5~ national congress of the party. Since then, years have passed. But how did the judicial reform progress? What does the judicial reform relate to and hove How can the independent adjudication be ensured? This essay focuses on this topic with an intention to make contributions to an earlier realization of the independent adjudication in our country. Based on the issues encountered during the 18 years of work in the Supreme Court . I make a comparative and analytic discussion on the constitutional principle of independent adjudication by the People抯 Court hr the aid of the theories of historical materialism and dialectical materialism. This essay is composed of 4 chapters. Chapter One discusses the history and concept of the independent adjudication proposed by the constitutional code, and come to the conclusion that independent adjudication is actually judicial independence, which, as a constitutional principle, regulates the relationship between the judiciary.legislature and administration and ensures the adjudication he independently conducted by the court. As accepted by the XVorld Convention to be the principle of human rights and legal system, the concept of independent adjudication consists of the independence of the court, judges and adjudication. The last two concepts are emphasized in this chapter even though they are very sensitive and considered divergently. Chapter Two discusses the difficulties in performing the independent adjudication. The first difficulty comes from the traditional ideologies, feudal or 搖ltra-left? Secondly the independent adjudication is jeopardized hr the fact that the local courts are formed and local judges are appointed b the local People抯 Congress and local judiciar is also financed locally. Thirdly, it is affected b~ the current judicial system. in which the judgement is finally made by the adjudication committee rather than the judges who have participated in the lawsuit. Chapter Three discusses the necessity of realization of independent adjudication. Firstly, it is a component of legal system in a socialist country. A legal system can not be realized without independent adjudication, which is proposed presently in socialist or western countries. It is, secondly needed for the development of socialist market- economy. Thirdly, it is required when our country is getting more and more closed with the world economy. Especially, ive need it to settle disputes according to WTO rules when we become a member of that organization. Chapter Four discusses the justice reforms within and outside the court for the purpose of realization of independent adjudication. Chutside the court, we need to make reforms in the following: 1. The Communist Party shall not interfere with the specific cases. 2. The courts shall not be set up in accordance with the administrative districts. Instead, the country can be divided into 6 judicial districts, in each of which. one superior court supervises several intermediate courts, each

  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】699

